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    ztracené heslo?
    VIKNová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus
    MARURA --- ---
    joooo!!dik!vedela jsem ze to bylo scrambled neco..ale nedailo se mi to najit! super :-)
    PAPRIKA17 --- ---
    MARURA: mozna by si mohla myslet tohle - SCRAMBLED HACKS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-AeIvynlvGQ
    MARURA --- ---
    Nevite nekdo jak se jmenoval projekt ktery se objevil pred nakymi par lety a vytvarelo to takovy jakoby kolaze z kousky videi? myslim ze si clovek vybral nejaky soundrack a ono ho to jakoby sestavilo znova, ale z ruznych video samplu, kde zvuk nejak odpovidal zvuku v puvodnim vybranem soundtracku ...hodne blbej popis..ale nemuzu si na nic vic vzpomenout....;-)
    MARURA --- ---
    JINDRICH: DIKY! Perfektni odkaz- presne neco takoveho jsem potrebovala! :-)
    JINDRICH --- ---
    MARURA: klábosení?

    jinak převrat - online záznam z diskuse o nových médií:
    Nevládky 2.0 v Hubu – video!
    jde víceméně takové plkání, ale josef mluví docela dobře (přestože je jeho projev postupně čím dál více kolonizován neojazykem marketingu) a brněnskej projekt je zajímavej. ostatní tak plácaj o svejch facebookovejch fanoušcícch a jejich nárůstu, propojování a online/ofline světech...
    MARURA --- ---
    Prosim nenapada Vas nekoho nejaky projekt ktery pracuje s daty ze socialnich siti (facebook, twitter..etc)nebo nejakou jinou formu "social bits" (jako napr. Collective Data Maps(zname z Enter5)-ktere, ale jako priklad pouzit nemuzu)? Trapim se tu s domacim ukolem ;-) a ani za nic si nemuzu na nejaky takovy projekt vzpomenout! DIKY!
    MANCA --- ---
    trochu spamu:


    nabizime 2-3 pracovni mista á 5000Kc/mes. v nasi kancelari ve Snemovni 15, P-1 Mala Strana.
    jednaci mistnost, sdileny pracovni prostor, dilna, koupelna, kuchyn, internet & COLL COLL included.

    vice info a pripadne dohodnuti si navstevy na: md@collcoll.cc
    MARURA --- ---

    Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Artists Residency Prize

    For the first time, Ars Electronica in partnership with CERN announce the Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Artists Residency Prize. This new international competition for digital art awards an artist-in-residence at CERN the world’s largest particle physics laboratory in Geneva and the Ars Electronica Futurelab in Linz. The prize is combined with prize money of €10.000,-. Please find more information here: http://www.aec.at/prix/en/collide/

    Due to the request of artists and submitters the deadline for the online registration is extended until November 10th, 2011.

    If you have any questions or need further support to finalize your online submission, please contact collide@prixars.aec.at

    We very much hope to hear from you. And please don’t hesitate to pass the word on! Thank you.

    Best regards,
    Futurelab Team / Ars Electronica
    Collide@CERN Team / European Centre for Nuclear Research
    FISHEYE_100 --- ---
    Školská 28: Komunikační prostor / Jamie Drouin / Dušan Urbanec
    Srdečně zveme na pondělí...
    Dušan Urbanec přislíbil maping galerie a blíže neurčený analogový sync se zvukem...
    MARURA --- ---
    Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN Artists Residency Prize

    We are very excited that Ars Electronica has teamed up with the world's
    largest particle physics laboratory, CERN in Geneva to create a new
    award in the Prix Ars Electronica. We thought we would let you share in
    our excitement and see if you would like to join us too!

    Prix Ars Electronica Collide@CERN is an open international competition
    for an artist working in the digital domain to win a 3 month funded two
    centre residency to blow your mind and take you into new dimensions.

    The award is designed to bring you right close up and personal for two
    months with the multi-dimensional thinking of particle physicists at the
    home of the world's biggest machine, the Large Hadron Collider, in
    Geneva. At CERN particle physicists from over 100 countries across the
    planet are investigating everything from the structure of the universe
    to the smallest elements known to mankind - as well as pushing gravity
    and light to their limits and unlocking the secrets of clouds - all
    thanks to cutting edge technology, engineering and thinking.

    After two months resident at CERN, the same winning artist is then
    resident for a month at Ars Electronica in Linz with the
    transdisciplinary team Futurelab to develop and produce your ideas
    inspired by your CERN experience. This is all made possible thanks to a
    grant which funds the residencies, subsistence and travel, as well as
    10,000 Euros in prize money on top. We also ought to add that you will
    have two dedicated mentors during your residencies - one from Futurelab
    mentor and a scientist from CERN too.

    More information you can find here www.aec.at/prix/collide and
    www.cern.ch. Or submit online here collide.aec.at.

    We very much hope to hear from you. And please don't hesitate to pass
    the word on! Thank you.

    All good wishes
    Futurelab Team / Ars Electronica
    Collide@CERN Team / European Centre for Nuclear Research
    RADIQAL --- ---
    MARURA --- ---
    Free online course of AI
    Prihlasky do 9.10.2011.

    To register

    More info about the course

    RADIQAL --- ---
    RADIQAL --- ---
    MARURA: wow, to vypada jako zajimava top-down alternace kickstarteru...
    MARURA --- ---
    This is a message from the chairs of the Design Challenge at the TEI 2012 conference in Ontario, Canada on the 19-22. February 2012. The call is out there, and we'd like to ask you to pass it to people you deem potentially interested in the challenge.

    In a Nutshell:

    TEI 12 | Main / Design Entrepreneur Challenge

    The promise of tangible, embedded and embodied interaction is to
    transform the way we interact with technology. This year's design
    challenge aims to push these transformations beyond the conference and
    into the world. The winning work will be WANTED, not just liked, by
    the jury and the audience of the conference. This means that the
    winning project team will have the responsibility to make the design
    happen, to produce it and to deliver it to the participants who vote
    for it – with their wallet.

    Possible results of this challenge could include:
    • a static but intelligent artifact that is the result of computational process
    • an electronic product that can be easily be built with accessible parts and existing platforms
    • a large-scale singular installation or intervention that the
    audience is willing to enable with their financial support

    31. Nov 2011 Entry deadline (a simple email with details about your team and basic concept )
    6. Jan 2012 TEI Early Registration
    19-22. Feb. 2012 Conference

    Three prizes:
    • The most votes from the participants.
    • The most money collected.
    • The judges' award.

    Each category will receive $1000 prize on top of the money the votes
    add up to. This money is to be used to produce and deliver the works
    to the voters.

    The details how to submit, and what we are looking for can be found at:
    TEI 12 | Main / Design Entrepreneur Challenge

    Design Challenge Chairs,
    Jussi Ängeslevä & Kate Hartman
    FISHEYE_100 --- ---
    Školská 28: Komunikační prostor / Výzva pro podání kurátorských projektů pro výstavní program 2012–13 Komunikačního prostoru Školská 28
    ORX_QX --- ---
    Tak tez pripojim pozvanku na Freez / dubstep s velkoprojekci
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam