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    ANIMAMVNDIIndie/Lo-fi/IDM/Alternative/Experimental Kalendar+Diskuze
    WA9NO --- ---
    MATHEZZZ --- ---
    ELECTRICFRET --- ---
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    [ The Hacienda (IT) + DJ Ingtzi / koncertconcert / 8.12.2009 / CR - Praha - U Výstavište 1, Holešovice ]


    The Hacienda is a project born in December of 2003 in Florence, Italy. After few months the band recorded their first 5 songs demo called “About This Way”. The sound of the band was mainly influenced by the British pop of band like “The Smiths”, “Elastica”, “Blur”, and also from band with more garage sound like “Black Rebel Motorcycle Club”, “Super Furry Animals” and “Ride”.
    In 2004 the band played few shows around Tuscany to promote “About This Way”. In April 2005 the band won the “Controradio Rockcontest”, a battle of the bands made by the Florentine Radio “Controradio”, that gave them the opportunity to play, in May 2005, at the Volkshaus in Zurich and in the winter of 2006 to play as opening act for Tiromancino and Planet Funk and also to be the headliner at the music festival “Station to station” in Florence.
    In 2007 the band kept play around Italy and kept win big music competitions that gave to them the opportunity to play in big Italian Festivals such as “Italia Wave”, “Arezzo Play”, “Pistoia Blues”, “Metarock” and “Marea” Festival.
    Lots of people started to follow the band like It shows the number of contacts in their MySpace page that has more than 120000 fans!!!
    At the end of 2007 and for the rest of 2008 The Hacienda developed, concert by concert, a better live attitude and shared the stage with band like “Blondelle”, “The Others”, “Kill The Young”, “The Wombats” and “1990s”.
    The Hacienda just finished to record their first album Conversation Less, recorded at “Savonarola 69 studio” and mastered by Shawn Joseph at “Optimum Mastering Studio” in Bristol.
    The record will be released by Black Candy Records in Spring 2009.
    UNDERDOOR --- ---
    trochu off-topic: shanim 2 EP od norske space-rockove skupiny 120 days: Beautiful People a Sedated Times - nemuzu nikde stahnout - nemate nekdo? nebo dobry link, ci upload... diky za pripadnou odpoved..
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    [ A.M. 180 uvadi DISASTERADIO (NZ) @ The Brick Bar / koncertconcert / 4.12.2009 / CR - Praha - Brick Bar, U Výstaviště 1, Praha 7 ]

    A.M.180 uvádí/presents:
    + support
    + afterparty with DJs

    pátek 4.prosince 20:30
    Friday Dec.4th 8:30PM

    Jedna z finálních letošních A.M. akcí je na spadnutí. Zhruba půl roku
    po zastávce na Creepy Teepee festu přijede do Prahy znova
    novozélandskej one-man projekt DISASTERADIO. Jeho muzika je na prvním
    místě zábavná - na podiu nebývale pohyblivej korpulentní týpek Luke se
    svejma mašinkama dokáže roztancovat jako málokdo. Jeho nijak
    komplikovaný, přitom vůbec ne hloupý melodie vyvolávaj už málem
    prachem zasypaný vzpomínky na muziku k videohrám na starých Atari
    kompech, smíchanou s hitovostí Kraftwerk, ke kterejm se DisasterR.
    hlásí jako k jedněm z velkejch vzorů. Fanoušci Dana Deacona nebo třeba
    i Strokes, jejichž vychytanej cover "12:51"má DR v playlistu, mějte se
    na pozoru!

    ELECTRICFRET --- ---
    ANIMAMVNDI --- ---
    Oprava datumu: Timber Rattle je 27.11.2009 (20:00) - 28.11.2009 (3:00)
    TOMAS_WW --- ---
    pridavek k tomu 21.11.

    !!! Podarilo se mi sehnat "kolemprojizdejici" nojsaře, jeden je bulhar a druhej japonec ze Singapuru :) !!! Takze skvelej BONUS !!! vstup: 120 Kc ...

    From the tiny island of Singapore comes Mindfuckingboy who, with his previous speciality in grindcore and punk, now journeys with you into unexplored territories in noise, unleashing harsh ear-penetrating blasts that will conjure and expel any surface and/or hidden emotions. Accompanying Mindfuckingboy on this 2009 European tour is Kismett, equipped with an unorthodox Japanese instrument and a little pen.

    gokkun is one-man guerilla harsh noise project based in Bulgaria. no-input mixing board in its core, run through effect pedals and an atari sound generator, this simple setup is played like a "real" musical instrument - every knob and pedal is a key with which martin (classically trained pianist) plays his feral and fast mixture of harsh noise, melodies, eai and even sometimes beats.
    This is gokkun's third european tour this year, one of the previous ones being with Kylie Minoise, and future plans consist of Southeast Asian tour in March/June 2010, South American tour in September/November 2010

    sry nechtelo se mi to prepisovat
    TOMAS_WW --- ---
    Pozvanka na sobotni noise-core narez (žádný kytárky, pouze syrové elektro šílenství)

    Sobota 21.11. NOISE ATTACK vol. 1

    Be Aching To See + Kotel #26 + No.Pavarotti

    Be Aching To See vzniklo v Plzni spojením projektů k-lxm a Zbyněk Pytelka, protože ve dvou se to lépe táhne. Kotel#26 je industriální sdružení čtyř lidí z Chomutova, tvořících takřka kapelu. No.Pavarotti je zase projekt lidí labelu KLaNGundKRaCH (Kaspar von Urbach, RUiNU). Tento "večírek" bude ve znamení noise-industrialu. Muziky která se v ČB objeví maximálně 2x do roka. Všechny tři projekty patří k vrcholům český scény. Takže, kdo chce mít zážitek na půl roku, do doby, než se uskuteční třetí Noise party, máme pro něj tuhle nabídku.

    Be Aching To See - http://bandzone.cz/beachingtosee
    Kotel #26 - http://bandzone.cz/kotel26
    No.Pavarotti - http://www.klangundkrach.net/no.pavarotti/

    klub Velbloud, start: 21:00, vstup : 100Kc

    Pořádá : noise ASSault agency budweiss
    SORRYLOOKING --- ---

    dné (http://www.myspace.com/dnednedne)
    sundays on clarendon road (http://www.clarendonroad.cz)
    quite quiet (http://www.bandzone.cz/quitequiet)

    3/12/09 20h
    klub Pilot (donská 19, praha 10)
    vstup 80,-
    BIRLIBAN --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam