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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    MATHEW --- ---
    to je majc za padesát let no
    JONY --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    tak Skaters bohužel museli zrušit většinu termínů evropského turné
    NOIK --- ---
    ve čtvrtek igorrr! (a další piškuntálie) http://evolutionnights.ciant.cz/evolutionnights/
    JONY --- ---
    BLEESKO --- ---
    axolotl jako support animal coll vystoupi i v praze
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: jinak tenhle živák je fakt famózní, už jsem ani moc nečekal (po několika slabších releasech), že takhle hezky překvapí.)
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    JONY: a v bratislave o den neskor v subclube...(+robim s kamaratom predkapelu;)
    JONY --- ---
    29/10 v crossu BEEHATCH (Mark Spybey, Phillip Western)
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    v piatok v A4 bude axolotl (ako predkapela animal collective)
    JONY --- ---
    8.11. The Skaters + Lambsbread ve skutecnosti (+ asi jeste neco zdejsiho)
    JONY --- ---
    JODIS is the new band between myself, Aaron Turner (ISIS, Old Man Gloom, Lotus Eaters, etc), and Tim Wyskida (ex-Khanate, Blind Idiot God, etc).

    The sound might be described as expansive, tonal, minimal, or all of the above.
    It has been described to me as a more relaxed KHANATE, and a much heavier LOW.
    To the right, an example to which you yourself can be the judge...
    Our debut album will be released early 2009 on Hydra Head records.

    MATHEW --- ---
    Noví Menace Ruine jsou epičtí jak prase!
    JONY --- ---
    A koukejte dorazit. Jednak oba chlapci až tak často nevystupují a jednak tady by ten případný provar byl poněkud dramatičtější :-)
    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    Tak moji mladí přátelé. Konečně s tím můžeme ven. Naše první akce v roce 2009:

    Svarte Greiner & Elegi & Metrom 24.1.2009 v Praze v NoDu


    JONY --- ---
    NOIK: tohle mne hodně sere, že mi to uteklo. navíc to bylo kousek od bydliště... bohužel podlahu za mne ale nikdo neudělá :-(
    JONY --- ---
    Attestupa - Attestupa (Release the Bats, 2008)

    There is a myth that elders in the old Sweden was thrown down from a big mountain or height when they no longer was for any use in the farms and households. This place was called Ättestupa. And that is the name of a new band from Gothenburg. Dealing with an old era of Sweden, this is music that reeks of plague, desolate countrysides, heathen rituals and long, harsh cold winters. The debut album is a journey back to a forgotten world, an anti-urban masterpiece. With members from Leafes and Sewer Election, it would be easy to call Ättestupa off as an mix of those two acts when it comes to the sound, but there is definitely way more to it than that. With traces of dark folkmusic, 70's German prog and even some small black metal hints, this is mean-spirited stuff with an truly unique atmosphere. Slow and monotonous percussion, deeply buried vocals, crude electronics and droning guitars, tortured synths and flutes... Extremely lo-fi and extremely bleak. Two tracks ('Tjälen' and 'Den Stora Sjukdomen') and a playtime of 40 minutes.

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