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    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // new world order ... part 4 :: The War on Error
    MATT --- ---
    nevzpominate si na takovej clanek, kde se autor zabejval tokem penez po WW2? bylo to cesky, ale uz se to snazim snad hodinu dohledat a nic.. :\
    JAXXE --- ---
    David Lynch Goes Public With 9/11 Questions

    Film director is disturbed by unanswered questions

    Steve Watson Infowars.net Wednesday, December 6, 2006

    Film Director and cult icon David Lynch has gone public with concerns he has over the official government story of the September 11 2001 terror attacks. Lynch has stated that he is disturbed by unanswered questions concerning the Pentagon attack, the collapse of the buildings in New York and the strange ending of flight 93 in Pennsylvania.

    Appearing on Dutch Television on VPRO's Wereldgasten, on December 3rd, Lynch discussed and played clips from Dylan Avery's groundbreaking 9/11 documentary Loose Change.

    After playing a four minute segment from the documentary Lynch stated:

    Its not so much what thy say, it's the things that make you look at what you thought you saw in a different light. And Those things for me, that bother me, is the hole in the Pentagon being too small for a plane, the lawn isn't messed up, and the government's not showing the plane hitting when many cameras photographed it.

    At the World Trade Center, three buildings came down, like demolitions, and two of them were hit by a plane, but the third one they said "do you want us to pull it?" and they pulled it and it looked just like the other two. Those things bother me.

    In Pennsylvania, the plane that went down, there was just a hole in the ground, there wasn't any wreckage,there wasn't any skid marks, there wasn't any tear in the earth, and no one has ever really found out about that.

    So every place there's questions, coming from this documentary. You don't have to believe everything in the documentary to still have questions come up... and you look back and you remember what you saw, and what you were told, and now, you have questions.

    It's just an event that has many questions and no answers.

    When asked "What about suggestions the American government was behind it?", Lynch answered:

    "That's too big for people to think about. it's too big. It's like something no one wants to think about."

    Watch the video:

    PETVAL --- ---

    More than 2000 people from all over Britain and across the world gather at London's famous Brixton Academy to witness an extraordinary event.

    David Icke weaves together more than 16 years of painstaking research and determined investigation into the Global Conspiracy and the extraordinary "sting" being perpetrated on an amnesic human race.

    Icke is the Dot Connector and he uses hundreds of illustrations to reveal the hidden story behind apparently unconnected world events.

    * How are we controlled?
    * Who are the controllers?
    * Why do they seek to control us?

    He exposes the real background to 9/11 and the bogus "war on terror", and presents an extraordinary explanation of why "reality" is only an illusion.

    It is a life-changing experience, a truly stunning, high quality production from the world's foremost "conspiracy" writer and researcher of truth.



    JAXXE --- ---
    We Are All Tortures Now!

    The U.S. Government has engaged in "Extraordinary Rendition", an unlawful practice in which numerous persons have been illegally detained and secretly flown to third countries, where they have suffered additional human rights abuses including torture and enforced disappearance.

    These prisoners have been transported through many countries with the knowledge of their governments. By permitting the U.S.to use its territory, these countries are in effect endorsing torture of the most vile nature in what the U.S. call its "war on terror".

    This video provides some evidence of the type of torture engaged in by by our allies. As citizens of the U.S. each of us is responsible for the actions of our government. We are complicit in the torture, distance from the tools used to inflict pain in no way reduces our part in these disgusting acts of barbarity.


    This video contains graphic images and audio of torture and should only be viewed by a mature audience.

    JAXXE --- ---
    Say Hello to the Goodbye Weapon

    Freedom and democracy you can feel!

    JAXXE --- ---
    Richest 2 pct own more than half the world: study

    Tue Dec 5, 2006 8:12 AM EST26

    HELSINKI (Reuters) - Two percent of adults have more than half of the world's wealth, including property and financial assets, according to a study by the U.N. development research institute published on Tuesday.

    While global income is distributed unequally, the spread of wealth is even more skewed, the study by the World Institute for Development Economics Research of the U.N. University said.

    "Wealth is heavily concentrated in North America, Europe and high income Asia-Pacific countries. People in these countries collectively hold almost 90 percent of total world wealth," the survey showed.

    The Helsinki-based institute said its study was the first global research on the topic, for which there is only limited data.

    "We've estimated that the richest 2 percent of adults own more than half of global wealth, while the bottom half own 1 percent," said institute director Anthony Shorrocks.

    He likened the situation to that where, in a group of 10 people, one person has $99, while the remaining nine share $1.


    PETVAL --- ---
    911 Mysteries Slovak Czech

    Dokument sa sústreďuje na analýzu pádu veží WTC a taktiež budovy WTC7. Prezentuje dôkazy o tom, že veže nespadli kvôli nárazu lietadiel, … all » ale ich pád bol kontrolovanou vopred pripravenou demoláciou. Je popretkávaný svedectvami ľudí. Prechádza cez analýzu oficiálneho “mýtu”, a oficiálnu verziu dáva do kontrastu s vedou. Pohľad na 9/11 nie je politický, ale z čistých, prísnych a jednoduchých zákonov fyziky. Ako je možné dosiahnuť “pancake” kolaps 110 poschodovej budovy za 10 sekúnd? A také navštivte http://911.yweb.sk … A stáhnout toto video můžete přes zdejší program Google Video Player a nebo přes http://neuf.neuf.sblog.cz/911/


    + http://911.yweb.sk/
    PHACATS --- ---
    Ciste nahodou nevite nekdo o CZ titulkach k filmu The Illuminati Vol.2 - The Antichrist Conspiracy ? dik
    GORG --- ---
    Weird 'Horns' Statue Dominates Washington Skyline
    JAXXE --- ---
    Arrested American, Europeans in 'terrorist' cell, Egypt says

    Last Updated: Monday, December 4, 2006 | 6:42 PM ET The Associated Press

    Egyptian police have arrested an American, 11 Europeans and several others from Arab countries for allegedly plotting terrorist attacks in Middle Eastern countries, including Iraq, the Interior Ministry said Monday.

    The group was part of an Islamic militant terror cell that had adopted extremist ideas and were living in Egypt under the guise of studying Arabic and Islamic studies, the ministry said in a statement.

    Along with the American, police arrested two Belgians, nine French and several others from Egypt and other Arab countries, including Tunisia and Syria, the statement said.

    The ministry did not provide names or say how many Egyptians and Arabs had been arrested.

    "Investigations have confirmed that those elements are related to some terrorist organizations abroad," the ministry said. "They were seeking to recruit others, teach them destructive beliefs, urging them for jihad, traveling to Iraq to carry out operations via other countries in the region."


    JAXXE --- ---
    Top 10: The best, worst... and craziest uses of RFID

    JAXXE --- ---
    911 And Russian Apartment Bombings - False Flag Parallels

    JAXXE --- ---
    Close-Up of WTC-7 Collapse Footage Shows Unmistakable Demolition Charges

    Liberty Forum | November 28 2004

    The above clip is taken from this longer video of the WTC-7 collapse, which itself is a small segment of the Naudet brothers' documentary "9/11".

    Looking at the upper right-hand corner of the building we see a rapid series of small explosions travelling upward just as the building itself begins to fall. The size, placement and timing of these "puffs" is very consistent with squibs from cutting charges of the type used in professional controlled demolitions, and in fact nothing but small explosive charges could create such an appearance.

    The decreasing volume of the building from the collapse itself could not create enough pressure to cause such localized high-velocity effects, and this early in the collapse would have only created a modest overpressure.

    video 1: http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/november2004/281104unmistakablecharges.htm

    video 2: http://whatreallyhappened.com/IMAGES/wtc7_cutter.wmv
    JAXXE --- ---
    New 9/11 Pentagon video released, shows explosion and no plane

    PETVAL --- ---
    JAXXE: mam to uz delsi dobu, je to celkem fajn.. tady v DVD kvalite, pokud nekdo chcete. bude to tam tak tyden

    JAXXE --- ---
    May I Quote You, Mr. President?

    A selection of 50 quotes from President George W. Bush, for entertainment or meditation

    by Prof. Rodrigue Tremblay

    Global Research, November 19, 2006 Thenewamericanempire.com

    •A man lost in his geography:

    1-"We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe."

    George W. Bush

    2-"It's time for the human race to enter the solar system."

    George W. Bush

    3-"The vast majority of our imports come from outside the country."

    George W. Bush

    •A man lost in his logic:

    4-" It isn't pollution that's harming the environment.

    It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it. "

    George W. Bush

    5-"Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream."

    George W. Bush

    6-"These people are trying to shake the will of the Iraqi citizens, and they want us to leave...I think the world would be better off if we did leave..."

    George W. Bush

    7-"I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family."

    George W. Bush

    8-"If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."

    George W. Bush

    9-"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."

    George W. Bush

    10-Well, I think if you say you're going to do something and don't do it, that's trustworthiness.

    George W. Bush

    •A man lost in space:

    11-"For NASA, space is still a high priority."

    George W. Bush


    12-"I believe God wants me to be president."

    George W. Bush

    13- [I was] "chosen by the grace of God to lead at that moment."

    George W. Bush

    14-"God told me to strike at al-Qaeda and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East."

    George W. Bush

    15-"I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job."

    George W. Bush

    •The man lost in his vocabulary:

    16-" Quite frankly, teachers are the only profession that teach our children."

    George W. Bush

    17-"The problem with the French is that they don't have a word for 'entrepreneur'."

    George W. Bush

    18-"One word sums up probably the responsibility of any Governor, and that one word is, 'to be prepared'."

    George W. Bush

    19-'There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.'

    George W. Bush

    • Thoughts coming straight from George Orwell's '1984':

    20-"Iraq and Afghanistan ...are now democracies and they are allies in the cause of freedom and peace."

    George W. Bush

    21-"Ariel Sharon ... is a man of courage and a man of peace."

    George W. Bush

    22-"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda."

    George W. Bush


    23-"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace."

    George W. Bush

    24-"This notion that the United States is getting ready to attack Iran is simply ridiculous. And having said that, all options are on the table."

    George W. Bush

    25-"Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction."

    George W. Bush

    26- “Governments accountable to the voters focus on building roads and schools—not weapons of mass destruction.” (N.B.: The U.S. has 10,000 nuclear weapons)

    George W. Bush

    •The Theologian:

    27-"Islam, as practiced by the vast majority of people, is a peaceful religion."

    George W. Bush

    28-"The Islam that we know is a faith devoted to the worship of one God, as revealed through The Holy Qur'an. It teaches the value and the importance of charity, mercy, and peace."

    George W. Bush

    •THE Flip-Flopper:

    29-"I favor leaving up to a woman and her doctor the abortion question."

    George W. Bush

    30-"I am pro-life."

    George W. Bush

    31- "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."

    George W. Bush

    32- "I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority."

    George W. Bush

    33-"We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories...for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them."

    George W. Bush

    •The forecaster of things to come:

    34-"Oh, no, we're not going to have any casualties [in Iraq]."

    George W. Bush

    35-"We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur. "

    George W. Bush

    36-"I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."

    George W. Bush

    37-"Many Iraqis can hear me tonight in a translated radio broadcast, and I have a message for them: If we must begin a military campaign, it will be directed against the lawless men who rule your country and not against you."

    George W. Bush, (speech of March 17, 2003)

    38-"To the C students, I say you too can be president of the United States."

    George W. Bush

    •The astute observer:

    39-"A low voter turnout is an indication of fewer people going to the polls."

    George W. Bush

    40-"Brownie (Michael Brown of FEMA), you're doing a heck of a job."

    George W. Bush

    •A man and his environment:

    41-"I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully."

    George W. Bush

    •The double-talker:

    42-"There's a lot of suffering in the Palestinian territory, because militant Hamas is trying to stop the advance of democracy." (N.B.: The Hamas government was elected)

    George W. Bush

    43-"We look forward to analyzing and working with legislation that will make—it would hope—put a free press's mind at ease that you're not being denied information you shouldn't see."

    George W. Bush


    44-"In a time of war, the president must have the power he needs to make the tough decisions, including, if need be, the decision to grant himself even more power."

    George W. Bush

    45-"I'm also not very analytical. You know I don't spend a lot of time thinking about myself, about why I do things."

    George W. Bush

    46-"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

    George W. Bush

    47-"I'm the commander — see, I don't need to explain — I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being president."

    George W. Bush

    48- "I will not withdraw [from Iraq], even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me."

    George W. Bush

    49- "I'm the decider, and I decide what's best."

    George W. Bush

    •And, last but not least, CONSIDERING THE MESS IN IRAQ:

    50-“I don’t have the foggiest idea about what I think about international, foreign policy.”

    George W. Bush

    Rodrigue Tremblay is professor emeritus of economics at the University of Montreal and a frequent contributor to Global Research. He is the author of 'The New American Empire'.

    The above article was first published on Professor Tremblay's blog site at: http://www.thenewamericanempire.com/blog
    JAXXE --- ---
    Lou Dobbs: North American Union Orwellian Brave New World

    After you watch this Lou Dobbs piece, check out the new Visa commercial. People who use cash cause the machine to break down! Trouble makers. Terrorists?


    JAXXE --- ---
    "We already knew the FBI can secretly listen in to car conversations by activating microphones of systems like OnStar. A new Mafia court case suggests that the FBI can do the same thing to cell phones. The judge's opinion and some background information [pdf] are available for reading online. The most disturbing thing? According to the judge, the bug worked even if the phone appeared to be 'powered off.' Anyone up for an open-source handset already?"

    JAXXE --- ---
    In U.S., fear and distrust of Muslims runs deep

    Bernd Debusmann Reuters Friday, December 1, 2006

    WASHINGTON (Reuters)- When radio host Jerry Klein suggested that all Muslims in the United States should be identified with a crescent-shape tattoo or a distinctive arm band, the phone lines jammed instantly.

    The first caller to the station in Washington said that Klein must be "off his rocker." The second congratulated him and added: "Not only do you tattoo them in the middle of their forehead but you ship them out of this country ... they are here to kill us."

    Another said that tattoos, armbands and other identifying markers such as crescent marks on driver's licenses, passports and birth certificates did not go far enough. "What good is identifying them?" he asked. "You have to set up encampments like during World War Two with the Japanese and Germans."

    At the end of the one-hour show, rich with arguments on why visual identification of "the threat in our midst" would alleviate the public's fears, Klein revealed that he had staged a hoax. It drew out reactions that are not uncommon in post-9/11 America.

    "I can't believe any of you are sick enough to have agreed for one second with anything I said," he told his audience on the AM station 630 WMAL (http://www.wmal.com/), which covers Washington, Northern Virginia and Maryland

    "For me to suggest to tattoo marks on people's bodies, have them wear armbands, put a crescent moon on their driver's license on their passport or birth certificate is disgusting. It's beyond disgusting.

    "Because basically what you just did was show me how the German people allowed what happened to the Jews to happen ... We need to separate them, we need to tattoo their arms, we need to make them wear the yellow Star of David, we need to put them in concentration camps, we basically just need to kill them all because they are dangerous."

    The show aired on November 26, the Sunday after the Thanksgiving holiday, and Klein said in an interview afterwards he had been surprised by the response.

    "The switchboard went from empty to totally jammed within minutes," said Klein. "There were plenty of callers angry with me, but there were plenty who agreed."

    JAXXE --- ---
    Endemic: The Move To Label All Civil Disobedience "Terrorism"
    Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act makes peaceful protesters terrorists

    Steve Watson Infowars.net Friday, December 1, 2006

    An endemic crackdown on peaceful protest and dissent has continued with President Bush signing the 'Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act,'. Under the guise of protecting researchers, scientists and their staff who conduct experiments and tests on animals, the latest terror bill seeks to class as "terrorists" those who seek to protest against such activities.

    The bill expands criminal prohibitions against the use of force, violence, and threats involving animal enterprises and increases penalties for violations of these prohibitions. The operative term being "threats", because what an activist may see as protesting may be construed under the law to be threatening.

    The Senate passed the bill by unanimous consent in September, just prior to the Congressional recess. A similar bill, H.R. 4239, was approved by the House of Representatives this month.

    "It's depressing to know that, just because of our beliefs involving animals, we are going to be branded terrorists if we protest," said Lori Nitzel, a Madison attorney and executive director of Alliance for Animals, a statewide group that pledges nonviolence.

    Nitzel wonders if even the kind of leafleting the group did Friday near a Madison fur store could be construed as illegal. The bill can impose punishment if an animal enterprise suffers "economic damage."

    "We are, in fact, hoping to cause economic damage to the store," Nitzel said.

    One report states that backers of the bill say opponents are trying to alarm people with wacky what-ifs. Unfortunately with the government's track record, with any piece of legislation like this you have to ask "what if?".

    Without getting into a debate about animal testing itself, the real issue of concern here is the term "terrorism". The push to merge crime and terrorism laws can be no clearer than in this case.

    What happens if down the line terrorism legislation begins to be combined? Suddenly you end up with a number of animal rights "terrorists" who can be labeled as enemy combatants and detained without trial.

    The more crimes that become "terrorism", the more people you can label as terrorists and treat in the same way. Every time a piece of legislation like this becomes law, the more the Bill of rights is eroded and free speech is restricted.


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