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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    RIVA: fascinuje mě tahle obcese Putinem. U amíků nebo EU tu fabulujete o NWO, depopulaci a zradě vlastního lidu, z kusu hadru na xichtě se můžete zvencnout jako z genocidy, ale když tenhle diktátor vyhlásí krymnaš nebo hurrdurr na Kyjev, a odsoudí tím x tisíců lidí k smrti, tak mu za to ještě zatleskáte...
    RIVA --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Ruske vrteni psem? Putin uz pred patnacti lety poukazoval na agresivni expanzi NATO smerem k rusku. Prirovnal bych to k navsteve zoo, kde tak dlouho postuchujes medveda destnikem az ti ukousne ruku.

    Jinak "Vrteni Psem" (neboli odvadeni pozornosti od problemu doma) je tradicne angloamericka strategie. Dokonce o tom natocili film, pamatujes?

    'Wars not diminishing': Putin's iconic 2007 Munich speech (FULL VIDEO)
    RIVA --- ---
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: ještě, termín kryptofašismus chápu úplně jinak, než naznačuješ. dneska se používá spíč btc maximalismus.
    a tu linii spochybňování co předvádíš jsem od nich pochytil už před 20 lety, ale tak nějak se ukazuje, že spekulace jedný strany se potvrzujou o dost častěji, než tý druhý strany. a to přitom druhá strana mívá v ohni želízek více... rozklad je konstruktivní jen za specifických podmínek.
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: hele jasný, ja si uvědomuju, že jsem regulérně paranoidní a teoretizuju o GRU i za takovoudle světlanou nebo ottem ferocity ;)))

    Hey! I am russian farm girl.

    jinak teď čtu Vpád, taky zajímavý pohled jak to v rusku funguje..
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    RIVA: geniální ruský video: napadne CCCP mk.II Ukrajinu? A prvních deset minut plky o US military-industrial komplexu... takový krásný vysvětlení ruskýho vrtění psem v kostce.
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: Rusáky tam má :) Jinak kryptofašismus se říkalo už dávno, takže jako když najdeš heh.
    Hele já nemám problém se spekulacema, že to někdo zkomplotoval jako nějaký event pro nějaké nefarious účely.. tady řešíme často spekulace tohodle typu. Ale ten její text není pak o nic menší konspirování než řeči o Sorrosech a spol. Akorát jeden typ konspirační teorie se považuje za seriozní.

    Mě dostává to použití slova mýtus a vymalování úplně jiné obrázku na základě spekulací.
    Jinak kdyby v médiích nebylo pokrytí jen v duchu infotainmentu , tak člověk není odkázaný jen na sociální/alt média.

    Canadians Donated Half of Funds for Trucker Protest, Leaked Data Shows - The New York Times

    The GiveSendGo data leak was announced Sunday evening on a webpage titled “GiveSendGo IS NOW FROZEN,” with a five-minute video in which a manifesto by the anonymous hackers scrolled across the screen. In it, the hackers complained that the trucker protest had “held a city hostage” and warned it “could be cover for a type of Trojan horse attack where extremists and militia groups may arrive in large numbers with weapons.”

    altruističtí hackeři nějak prolomili ten dotační server přes bitcoiny, ale nevím, co nám to vlastně říká, že leaknuli jména donorů?

    zajímavější mi přijde, že GoFundMe jsou pěkné kurvy, co se pokusily jim sebrat ty prachy a rozdat podle vlastního klíče, a až na outcry se rozhodli situaci "simplikovat" a udělat refund prostředků vkladatelům.

    Freedom Convoy: GoFundMe seizes funds of Canada 'occupation' - BBC News

    takže nástup alternativních donačních fondů byl jasný logický krok. to nemá nic společného s bitcoinem.. ale o tom, že tradiční formy jsou poplatné systému. a kdo se znelíbí třeba PayPalu, tak holt mu zmrazí účet.

    ona ten fakt, že jim lidi posílají peníze považuje za důkaz, že to vlastně není nic autentického , a asi nějaká akce Koch brothers. možná je, ale člověk by měl imho svá konspirativní tvrzení dokládat obšírněji, že to celé je vlastně propagandistický cirkus nějakých extrémistických politiků a proruského byznysu

    tohle je asi ten důvod, proč to považovat za konvoj bílých nacionalistů :

    Some trucker convoy organizers have history of white nationalism, racism - National | Globalnews.ca
    MATT --- ---
    GORG: me by spis zajimalo, z ceho si odvodila, ze crypto=fasist, ale jinak ji ten narativ nezazlivam, me tam uz jen chybej rusaci ;)) ale ruskou llinku vidim i za ottou ferocitym, kterej tu trudoa fakuje ;))

    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: ne, je to banda zmatenejch frustrátů, co nśe neumí vyrovnat se složitostí reality, a tak doufaj, že když budou dělat dostatečnej bordel, bude zase jednoduchá. Nebude.
    GORG: Byly vytvořeny takové podmínky, aby přirozená touha po zisku generovala potřebná čísla. ČR nebyla výjimkou. Následující výrok je z období, kdy m0dia řešila přetíženost nemocnic a akutní nedostatek personálu. Byl to čas lockdownů a krachů malých podnikatelů. A proč nebyly lidi? Protože sestry ve skafandrech jely na tři směny u paicentů s rýmou. Což ovšem nemocnicím ale i těm sestrám generovalo nebývalé přijmy.

    20 minut Radiožurnálu, 26. října 2020
    "Ředitel Motola pan Ludvík řekl, že v nemocnici na Motole až 40 % lůžek jsou v podstatě, a to dokonce cituji, pana ministra Prymulu, zdraví lidé, kteří už péči na těch covidových lůžkách nepotřebují, ale protože jsou to vlastně lidé ve velmi vysokém věku, které se domovy seniorů bojí vzít zpátky, tak oni nadále jsou na těch covidových lůžkách."

    Tomio Okamura (SPD): „Ředitel Motola pan Ludvík řekl, že — Demagog.cz
    **ověřeno sluníčky pro sluníčka
    RIVA --- ---
    Continuous Russian "Invasion".
    GORG --- ---
    MATT: Takže to není konvoj náklaďáků a není to o vakcínách. Ok, I stand corrected :) Já už myslel, že vakcinační mandát vyprovokoval tuhle okupaci silnic náklaďáky, ale ve skutečnosti je to o bílém nacionalismu.

    MATT --- ---
    Seven greatest myths around the Canadian Convoy | by Alex Alvarova | Feb, 2022 | Medium
    GORG --- ---
    DeSantis was just proven right two more times

    Two related phenomena continue to develop: (1) more of the credentialed are finally speaking out about the COVID fiasco, and (2) more people are admitting -- without directly saying so -- that you and I have been right.

    Let's start with Stefanos Kales, a professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

    "Public health is a balance," he recently said. "How many businesses closed and did not make it through that first six to twelve months? A lot of these restaurants, their business is still way down. Large companies can survive, but a lot of small businesses have gone under. And that takes a toll on the health of people who work there or own those businesses."

    In other words, "public health" is about more than the monomaniacal fixation on one thing.

    In an appearance on CNBC, Kales said:

    "This whole idea of we just ignore everything else in the economy and health and well-being to try to get to zero COVID cases [was] never a realistic goal and it has failed miserably. We haven’t balanced all these other things. The fentanyl overdoses in the US are at a record high as well as other opioids. Suicidality in young people. It’s a big mistake."


    Even better has been to observe Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida, being vindicated again and again.

    Exhibit A:

    Then, last week:

    Here's another one. The first item is from August 2021, and the second from January 2022:

    Incidentally, if after two years of fact-free insanity there's a more risible phrase than "experts say," I don't know what it is.
    RIVA --- ---
    M&M Clips: Is the spike protein mRNA in Moderna & Pfizer vaccines identical to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA?

    Kevin McKernan talks to Nick about the differences between the mRNA found in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines compared to the mRNA found in the SARS-CoV-2. This particular mRNA sequence encodes the virus spike protein.

    M&M Clips: Genome of Magic Mushrooms (Psilocybe cubensis)

    Kevin McKernan talks to Nick Jikomes about work that biotech company Medicinal Genomics has done to sequence and characterize the genome of Psilocybe cubensis, one of the most common species of psilocybin-containing fungi ("magic mushrooms").
    ARRAKIS --- ---
    Paris 'Freedom Convoy' protest hit with tear gas

    // my do vas tu bezpecnost, zdravi a vax pasy natlucem pendrekama a slzakem.
    RIVA --- ---
    VLADCEPEKEL --- ---
    GORG --- ---
    Comedian Heather McDonald collapses on stage after making fun of the Unvaccinated… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

    Heather McDonald collapses on stage and is taken to a hospital after performing in Arizona | Daily Mail Online

    Clot Shot Carnage: The Evidence Is Everywhere

    Explosive exposé on the devastating effects of mRNA COVID vaccines. From professional athletes around the World suffering heart attacks, Myocarditis and other heart problems, to people suffering severe blood clots and coagulation of the blood.


    // #BelieveScience lidi namitaj, ze nejenze ted neni vic sportovcu odpadavajicich primo behem zapasu, ale ze bychom meli urazet a zesmesnovat, kdo to vubec vyslovi.
    namitaji, ze neni naprosto zadny duvod si to spojovat s pricinou souvislosti predchozi vakcinace.
    + sportovci odpadavali i v minulosti behem zapasu, takze jen hlupaci , ruzni konspiratori neschopni vedeckeho mysleni, neschopnych verit ve vedu, totiz nechapou, ze tohle je statisticky normalni a predchozi vakcinace je skutecne jen shoda okolnosti (to same samozrejme neplati pozitivni test vs pricina umrti, tam nejenze pozitivni test znamena automaticky pricinu umrti, ale dokonce je COVID pricinou umrti i u tech, kteri ani nemeli pozitivni test)

    ale dalo by se teda nejak statisticky vycislit (idealne do grafu), jak moc vic se to deje ted. jestli je tam nejaky rozdil oproti predeslym rokum?

    pravdou je, ze wiki slozka pro nahla umrti pri zapasu ma skutecne za rok 2021 vic lidi nez normalne

    List of association footballers who died while playing - Wikipedia

    takove informace moc nejsou. a zrovna wiki slozka neni nejak extra kvalitni zdroj.. tam zalezi kdo s jakou merou to tam aktualizuje

    FACT CHECKING rika, ze to je kompletni nesmysl a k zadne zmene nedoslo. A tvrdi to Reuters, takze to musi byt pravda. Ostatne jsou financovany tema samyma lidma, kteri vyrabi vakciny, takze tomu musi rozumet :)

    Fact Check-List of ‘108 FIFA soccer players’ is not proof of a common link between COVID-19 vaccines and athlete deaths | Reuters

    nasel jsem tenhle clanek, ktery se vubec nezabyva vakcinami, a je z perspektivy zajmu o zdravi fotbalistu... zajimave, ze v tom clanku vidime potvrzeni dojmu, ze se skutecne v roce 2021 delo neco atypickeho. Neco co dle clanku vedlo FIFA ke zmene fungovani... k doporuceni pred zapasem zkontrolovat stav srdce a mit u vsech zapasu dostupne zdravotni nastroje pro problem zastavy srdce.

    Heart attacks, sudden deaths in football must force authorities to raise safety bar | Arab News

    Four players and a coach died of heart-related incidents in December 2021 alone
    On June 12, 2021, millions of football fans around the world collectively held their breath.

    The match between Denmark and Finland being played on the second day of the delayed Euro 2020 tournament came to a halt in the final minutes of the first half when 29-year-old Christian Eriksen suddenly collapsed with no other player nearby.

    Eriksen’s devastated Danish teammates formed a circle around their talisman while medical staff used a defibrillator to restart his heart and, ultimately, save his life.

    The match resumed after Eriksen was taken to hospital, but Denmark’s 1-0 loss in front of their own fans was the last thing on anyone’s mind.

    Fortunately, the Eriksen incident had a happy ending, with the star making a full recovery, but it is not always like that.

    Footballers suffering heart problems, collapsing, or even dying suddenly, is causing increasing concern and confusion among both players and fans.

    Many major stadiums around the world, let alone sports grounds where millions take part in amateur games, are not even equipped with defibrillators.

    In December alone, four footballers and one coach died as a result of cardiac issues or football-related injuries. Sofiane Lokar, a 30-year-old Algerian defender with second division Mouloudia Saida, was the most recent death.

    Adham El-Selhadar, the former Ismaili star and coach of Egyptian second-tier club Al-Majd Al-Sakandari, died from a heart attack after celebrating a goal. Indonesian third division player Tawfiq Ramzi, 20, died from injuries sustained in a collision with an opposing player, while Makhlid Al-Raqqadi, 29, of Omani club Muscat FC, suffered a fatal heart attack while warming up.

    Croatian footballer Marin Cacic, 23, died three days after being placed in a coma after he collapsed during training with his club NK NeHajj Sinj.

    In the wake of the player deaths, the world governing body FIFA has asked member countries to step up heart examinations of players to ensure their safety and ability to exercise normally.

    It is also considering a proposal to expand medical examination programs to cover all international tournaments.

    Studies into player deaths have intensified. A recent UK study at St. George’s, University of London, warned that the risk of football players dying from cardiac arrest are far greater than many doctors believe.

    At least 108 players and coaches in England faced health problems between February and November, 2021, the study showed.

    Fortunately, some cases are discovered in time, as was recently the case with Barcelona and former Manchester City striker Sergio Aguero, 33, who was forced into retirement after being diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat.

    Prevention is key when it comes to protecting players’ health.

    Experts in sports medicine and cardiovascular disease agree that deaths during games or training, and in sports in general, can be traced to the stress that athletes face, or to common causes of heart attacks, such as coronary artery disease.

    Cardiac control in football and other sports differs from country to country. There is no UEFA or FIFA regulation that requires, for example, that all members follow a cardiac prevention model, as in the case of doping or brain trauma.

    Many countries require players to have a sports medical certificate in order to compete, but they do not specify what tests have to be completed.

    So what tests should be done? This is yet another issue without a worldwide consensus. While some experts say that it is important to have a complete examination that includes an electrocardiogram, exercise stress test and echocardiogram, others argue that a computer tomography and an MRI are sufficient.

    One thing is clear: FIFA needs to quickly establish consistent rules regarding health examinations and not merely limit its response to ensuring that stadiums have defibrillators.

    Protection of athletes’ health is the paramount concern.


    tady je nejaka studie starsiho data, abychom si mohli dat ta cisla aspon trochu do nejake perspektivy

    From 2014 to 2018 cases .... Inclusion criteria were met when sudden death occurred during football-specific activity or up to 1 hour afterwards. Death during other activities was excluded.

    Results A total of 617 players (mean age 34±16 years, 96% men) with sudden death were reported from 67 countries; 142 players (23%) survived. A diagnosis by autopsy or definite medical reports was established in 211 cases (34%). The leading cause in players >35 years was coronary artery disease (76%) and in players ≤35 years was sudden unexplained death (SUD, 22%).

    tedy 617 fotbalistu za 5 let z celeho sveta. To je rekneme 123 za rok.

    jina studie za roky 2007-2013

    Mortality in international professional football (soccer): a descriptive study - PubMed

    A total of 214 deaths were recorded

    (PDF) F-MARC: The FIFA sudden death registry (FIFA-SDR)
    Furthermore, a retrospective survey cover-ing the period from 2002 to 2012 reported107 cases of SCD/SCA and 5 unexplainedfootball-related sudden deaths in 126 of the170 surveys returned from 209 FIFAmember associations.

    5-fold increase in sudden cardiac deaths of FIFA players in 2021

    מגיפת האתלטים: מה גורם להתמוטטותם של אתלטים מקצוענים?

    google translate:


    5 times more FIFA athletes have died this year compared to previous years

    In order to know how many deaths have occurred in reality during the last two decades among FIFA players (2001-2020), we used Wikipedia, roughly " List of association of footballers who died while playing" (List of association footballers who died while playing). And only to those players on the list who were active players, not past players.Also, it is important to emphasize that we only referred to SUD and SCD and not to all the sudden deaths

    The data on Wikipedia shows that between 2001-2020 there were an average of 4.2 deaths per year attributed to sudden cardiac death (SCD) or unexplained sudden death (SUD), with the vast majority being SCD. This figure is confirmed by previous data and longitudinal studies, which also indicate that the risk of sudden cardiac mortality (SCD) and unexplained death (SUD) among FIFA players is about 4-6 cases per year. For example, a study published in 2014 in writing The Physician and Sportsmedicine magazine, 54 deaths of football players registered with FIFA were found as a result of SCD events from 2000 to 2013. In addition, data from FIFA published over the years also strengthen this estimated range. For example, in 2012 it was reported In Haaretz that FIFA has decided to set up a large database to analyze the phenomenon of heart events and player collapses on the pitch. This, in light of the fact that 36 footballers have died on the field over the course of a decade. In the reportThe BBC's 2017 issue of heart attacks among footballers on the pitch and addressed FIFA's intention to train players to deal with these situations using defibrillators, cited data provided to the BBC by Global Sports Statistics, saying 64 players died in the last decade during a game .

    To know how many cases occurred this year - in 2021 (until mid-November 2021), we used the list of players who died during 2021, collected in the "Real Time News" research. This list includes the players listed in Wikipedia this year (in Wikipedia the list is more partial). From these data, 21 cases of SCD / SUD were found among FIFA players.

    Dr. Josh Getzko, a senior lecturer in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology and the Institute of Criminology at the Hebrew University, analyzed the data. That is - about 5 times more than the annual average!

    "This figure is statistically significant. In fact, there is no other year since 2001 where the difference between the number of cases observed of SCD / SUD and the expected number is statistically significant. 2021 is the only one where the difference is very statistically significant, which is unlikely to occur - 2 out of 1,000 "Moreover, even if we take into account the margin of error, and we will only cover 14 cases in 2021 - the difference is still statistically significant


    Does performing strenuous sports activity after mRNA-based vaccines increase the risk of the vaccinated? This question has occupied in recent months the health ministries and experts around the world, especially in the context of myocarditis and cardiac events. This is in light of the ongoing reports flowing in from all over the world about increased side effects, especially among teenagers and young people. In Singapore, for example, as early as September 16, the Ministry of Health issued a statement from an expert committee on the subject, saying "vaccinated people, especially adolescents and young people, should avoid strenuous exercise for two weeks after each dose of mRNA-based Cubid-19 vaccines." During this period, the vaccinated should "seek immediate medical attention if they develop chest pain, shortness of breath or palpitations. Vaccine providers should advise this to the people receiving the vaccine."

    In Israel, on the other hand, the Ministry of Health completely dismisses claims about the increased risk of physical activity. At the beginning of October, it was reported in the various media in the country that the professionals in the Ministry of Health formulate a recommendation according to which vaccinators, including young people under the age of 30, should refrain from strenuous activity and sports training for a week. Following the publication of Dr. Yoav Yehezkeli, an expert in internal medicine and medical administration, a lecturer in the Emergency Management Program at Tel Aviv University and one of the founders of the Epidemic Treatment Team (ZTM) on his Facebook page, where he welcomed this caution, the Ministry of Health chose to publish a crowning post Dr. Yehezkeli's publicity as "Pike", and announced that "experts from the Ministry of Health have overwhelmingly decided that there is no danger in sports after vaccinations ... go get vaccinated. Go out and practic

    // problem samozrejme je i to, ze oni muzou mit zdravotni problemy kvuli covidu a ne vakcine. na druhou stranu zastavy srdce a problemy s ucpanyma tepnama byly i v tech serioznich vedeckych kruzich i mediich oznacovany za problem u covid vakcin.. ale tvrdilo se, ze to vetsinou je bezpecne nakonec zaleceno.
    takze pravdepodobnost, ze tenhle typ zdravotniho problemu s vakcinama souvisi, se celkem nabizi.

    ale chybi mi teda nejaka jasna data o poctu, protoze tady vyse to snad taky sbiraji rucne z medii

    FIFA pred lety rozjeli zjevne nejakou databazi na tyhle pripady,, ktera byla podkladem pro tu studii, ale zjevne neni nikde k dispozici online, takze tam se mrknout nemuzeme.

    ani odbornici nam to neusnadnuji. mnoho protireceni si. nevim proc lidi, co precejen nemaji tu jistotu, ten pocit, ze je vsechno urcite v poradku, musi celit masivnim utokum nenavisti a snah o osobni a profesni likvidaci.

    u toho vrcholoveho sportu je vyssi pravdepodobnost nejakyho zavaznyho problemu dana tim, ze vrcholovy sport jde casto hodne za hranice toho, co je vlastne pro cloveka zdrave. proto zrejme odpadnou casto prave u zapasu

    rozhodne jasny obrazek bezpecnosti neni, i pokud nejsem konspirator nekde na nyxu

    Vakcína AstraZeneca a ucpávání cév spolu souvisí, řekl expert z EMA | TN.cz

    Cévní komplikace po covidu jsou mnohem pravděpodobnější než po očkování, říká lékař | České Budějovice

    Srdeční komplikace po očkování se zveličují, uvedli čeští kardiologové — ČT24 — Česká televize

    Vědci jsou na stopě toho, proč některé vakcíny mohou způsobovat srdeční potíže — ČT24 — Česká televize

    Trýznivé dilema: Stále nevíme, proč některé vakcíny proti covidu způsobují trombózu • RESPEKT

    // celkem me fascinuje odvaha lidi se zarucit, ze jakekoliv podobne negativni mozne ucinky tech vakcin, jsou nesmysl. natolik, ze podnikaji i zesmesnovaci kampane.

    protoze pokud se ukaze, ze skutecne ta vakcina mela zavazne dopady, pak to jde na jejich svedomi.
    lidi co do te vakciny radeji nesli si muzou teoreticky klast za vinu, ze hypoteticky mozna nejak zhorsili sireni nemoci, coz jim ale nikdo neprokaze. doted to nikdo neprokazal. ale pokud se potvrdi pricinna souvislost vakciny na umrti nebo vazne dopady, pak je to kvalitativne neco jineho. (oni "antivaxxeri" nechodi po svete vedome nekomu roznaset COVID, aby mu prokazali, ze je to neskodna rymecka... ale dat si vakcinu je konativni akt.. zcela binarni.. obzlast kdyz se to udelalo povinne)

    ja bych si treba nelajsnul tu vakcinu nekomu vyvracet. ze stejnyho duvodu. a nikdy jsem to nedalal.. a to mi i mama rikala, ze prave nevi, jak se rozhodne s vakcinou, a ze nekde cetla, ze to meni DNA... .. .ja ji nic o zmene DNA nepotvrdil.. jen jsem si to vyslechl.. at si to rozhodne sama. ja tak maximalne rekl, ze ja si ji davat nebudu. ostatne ale nekoho strasit, kdo si to asi pujde stejne pichnout je k nicemu.. ta psychika by jen zvetsovala pravdepodobnost, ze jim ta vakcina ublizi. i kdyby to melo byt nocebo.

    nakonec si oba rodice tu vakcinu dali.. a nemeli pak zadne problemy. akorat mama rikala, ze nejak tyden na to najednou ze videla dvojite.

    rozhodne se neda ale rict, ze by me osobne nekdo vakciny nenutil. naopak skoro vsichni. kamaradi i ti rodice.. nekteri kamaradi me dokonce obvinili, ze kdyz tu vakcinu si nedam, tak kvuli me tu budem lockdownovat a nosit nahubky na veky. kvuli mne? ja jsem proti lockdownum skoro od zacatku. jen na zacatku jsem tomu i veril... a bylo mimochodem celkem uvolnujici ve vsem nevidet konspirace a myslet si, ze je to autenticke sireni viru, ktery se stat snazi zastavit. ale pak kdyz clovek vidi stary znamy smecka, cenzuru, podivnosti zakryvane.. tak si pak googluje na vlastni pest

    [jinak ja tu teda primo nefandim vypisovanim nazoru, ale obcas si nemuzu odpustit tu podhodit svoji syntezu.. ale pokud s tim chce nekdo nejak polemizovat, at to ma alespon informacni charakter.. odkazy na zdroje, takze treba vystrachani te databaze FIFA, kolik to bylo za rok 2021, aze to skutecne nebylo za rok 2021 statisticky o nic vic.. o tom to cele je.... hlavne jakoby zmizela moznost se v necem mylit... vse je hned dezinformace. a zrovna topic tohodle klubu je hodne i sbirani dat a uvazovani hypotez, ktere casem treba skutecne potvrdit cas. jenze dokonce na nyx.cz ani nemuze byt diskuze, kde jde takhle resit covid.. shodou okolnosti tenhle klub world conspiracy uz existuje, tak to tu muzu davat, ale vytvorit zadnou novou diskuzi uz nejde. ja to zkousel i nekteri jini.. zamitnuto]
    CAIDEL --- ---
    GORG: "věřit vědě" :D spíš je imho problém, že tu pobíhaj lidi, kteří věří vědě. tedy jim zjevně chybí vědecké myšlení, kde zrovna slovo "věřit" nemá silné zastoupení. to má u náboženství Tak to jsi zjevně vůbec nepochopil, jak ta "víra ve vědu" funguje.
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