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    ztracené heslo?
    GORGworld conspiracy // 911 // free world order! ... part 5 ::
    GORG --- ---
    Jaroslav Grűnwald na Zprávách z Galaxie

    v kontextu zprav z galaxie.. osobni zkusenost detske prostituce v Cesku... a jak v tom byli zapojeni i policajti, soudci

    Human trafficking in Kosovo - Wikipedia
    Since the establishment of the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in 1999, it has been known to the international community that Kosovo is a major destination territory for human trafficking, women and young girls trafficked into forced prostitution. According to Amnesty International, most of women are trafficked from Moldova, Romania, Bulgaria and Ukraine.[1]

    In the 2010 Trafficking in Persons Report, Kosovo was identified[2] as transit and destination country for woman and children, victims of the human trafficking, especially the forced prostitution.

    Origins of Demand
    Human trafficking in Kosovo has seen "a steep rise" since NATO troops and UN administrators took over Kosovo. According to Amnesty International, NATO servicemen and UN staff "generate 80% of the income" for pimps and human traffickers. UN Department of peacekeeping claimed that "peacekeepers have come to be seen as part of the problem in trafficking rather than the solution". Amnesty found no evidence of criminal proceedings against NATO military personnel in their home countries.[3]

    Source countries
    Amnesty International reports that, "Some 406 foreign women were assisted by the IOM in Kosovo between December 2000 and December 2003. According to the IOM, 48 per cent of women who have entered its repatriation program - enabling them to return to their home country - originated from Moldova. Of the remainder, 21 per cent came from Romania, 14 per cent from Ukraine, six per cent from Bulgaria, three per cent from Albania and the remainder from Russia and Serbia proper."[3]

    Reluctance of Kosovo administration
    2010 Trafficking in Persons Report said "the Kosovo government did not follow the minimal measures to eliminate for the trafficking elimination". This regards to both forced prostitution, and forced begging.[4]

    Carla Del Ponte, the former chief U.N. war crimes prosecutor, claimed in her memoirs, that at least 300 ethnic Serbs were murdered and their organs stolen by the Kosovo Liberation Army during and after the Kosovo War in 1999.[5] These claims were met with criticism in Albania and abroad.[6]

    In 2009, Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukčević claimed there was significant progress in investigation of the case of the yellow house, located in Northern Albania, where organs were harvested from kidnapped Serbs, non-Albanians from Kosovo, Czech and Russian citizens. Organs were later sold in the black market.[7] The Albanian administration of Kosovo refused to cooperate with Serbian and international investigators on the case, but several arrests of medics practicing illegal surgery were made in Kosovo, allegedly in connection to the case.[8][9]

    In February 2011, the news website France 24 obtained classified documents[10] showing that the UN had heard allegations in 2003 regarding the trafficking of human organs, with some named victims and testimonials from involved Albanians. A 2003 report about this matter describes the criminal involvement of senior commanders of the KLA.[citation needed]
    GORG --- ---
    NATO and the Trafficking of Women | War Resisters' International

    30 SEP 2014
    Article in The Broken Rifle No 81, February 2009 as part of the Shut Down NATO issue.

    Sian Jones

    Women have a multitude of relationships to the military: they command regiments, enlist as soldiers, work in the arms industry, clean the kitchens and toilets of military bases… or oppose the military in protests and peace camps. Some women have little choice about their relationship with the military: they are killed, injured, forced from their homes, and bereaved by armed conflict. Others are recruited, sometimes ‘voluntarily’, but very often forcibly, to provide sexual services to male military personnel. Many of these are women and girls trafficked for the purposes of forced prostitution.

    The conflict in the former Yugoslavia resulted in the presence of around 30,000 NATO personnel in Bosnia Herzegovina in 1995, and a few years later there would be 40,000 in Kosovo. To serve the men, an extensive sex industry based on forcible trafficking was brought into existence in these countries and in Macedonia, the site of NATO’s R&R facility.

    Where there are devastated infrastructures, massive unemployment and barely functioning economies, trafficking provides both organised crime and “entrepreneurial individuals” with an easy way of entering the “free market economy”. NATO creates the demand: it's estimated that members of NATO forces spent over $40 million a month in purchases in the Balkans between 24 March and 10 June 1999 alone. Post-communist countries of nearby eastern Europe experiencing economic hardship, such as Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia, Romania and Moldova, provided the commodity – the women and girls.

    Some were only too willing to travel to the “west”, promised good job prospects as waitresses, bar staff or dancers, at wages they could only dream of at home. While some understood that they had to be illegally smuggled into the Balkans, none was prepared for the violence and sexual exploitation that awaited them there. During the trafficking process women are coerced, threatened, beaten and raped by their traffickers, to keep them compliant. Their documents are taken away, their movement is controlled, they are often imprisoned. The promised wages often never materialise. They are withheld by the traffickers supposedly to repay the woman's “debt” (for clothes and make-up, for instance) or simply to prevent them from escaping.

    In both Bosnia and Kosovo some individual soldiers, along with NATO contractors and UN police, were actively involved in the trafficking process, receiving trafficked women and girls at borders, smuggling them into military bases and acting as pimps. For years NATO ignored what was going on, suggesting the wrongdoers were merely a few “bad apples”. This complicity extended in 2002 to shutting down an investigation in Kosovo by NATO personnel into the abuse of Ukrainian and Russian women by Russian soldiers, who were also suspected of being involved in trafficking. The investigation stopped so as not to threaten NATO's relationship with Russia.

    Perhaps because of their record of sexual exploitation elsewhere, the US attempted to prevent the involvement of their forces in trafficking and exploitation of trafficked women and girls in Bosnia and Kosovo. Their personnel were prohibited from going off-base except on official duty. However, this didn’t stop women being smuggled into bases, nor the development of a sex industry based on trafficking in the Kosovo town of Ferizaj, just down the road from Bondsteel, then the largest US base in eastern Europe.

    At the 2004 Istanbul Summit, NATO adopted a Policy Against Human Trafficking, which described human trafficking as a crime, a violation of human rights and a "modern day slave trade that fuels corruption and organised crime". However for NATO trafficking is mainly a security issue. Thus the policy went on to suggest that it has the potential to "destabilise fragile governments". So, while the policy recognises that NATO forces are part of the problem, and provides for “securing standards of individual behaviour”, it does not explicitly prohibit NATO forces from engaging in or facilitating trafficking, or from having sex with trafficked women. Private contractors employed by NATO can be penalised for involvement in trafficking - but in the few instances reported they have merely been repatriated.

    In theory all NATO forces receive awareness training on “the problem of trafficking and how this modern day slave trade impacts on human rights, stability and security”. They are given guidelines that prohibit involvement in trafficking, and in Kosovo they were prohibited visiting clubs and bars where trafficked women worked. In practice, however, the policy has failed because each NATO member state is free to decide how to interpret it. While one or two NATO have disciplined soldiers involved in trafficking, immunity from prosecution afforded to NATO forces means that no suspected NATO traffickers have ever been prosecuted.

    For feminist anti-militarists, opposition to NATO includes proposing alternatives to military security. Real security means that women and girls may live without violence, without coercion, and free of the poverty that drives them into the hands of traffickers. NATO should start taking its anti-trafficking policy seriously and start acting to provide women with real security.

    Sian Jones is a member of Women in Black London
    GORG --- ---
    BUMBAR: Já jedinej? A oni tu nehlásí názory? :-) Tahle psychóza je úplně úžasná.. Jo jasně OMNIHASH píše fakta, takže sice žádné reference a nic, ale nejsou to názory ,)

    Já tu píšu sice taky nějaký syntézy .. referencí, které tu ale dokládám, abych ušetřil čas čtenáři. Píšu jen to, co tam čtu, plus příhodím i nějaký názor. (Ten bývá ohraničen slovy jako "já si myslím".. tyhle slova nemůžete znát, protože ty a OMNIHASH patříte mezi ty, kteří mají rádi fatalistická vyjádření jako "JE", "JSI")
    Samozřejmě můžou postnout něco to vyvracející patřičně s rerencemi. To se dosud nestalo
    (kupříkladu rozsah s jakým se podařilo pachatele těch znásilnění ve válečných misích hnát k trestní odpovědnosti, pokud jde o tu otázku beztrestnosti)

    Jinak to obvinění, že si pletu OSN a NATO... to je tak směšné, že to ani nepoctím jinou reakcí než RO pro BUMBAR.

    Příspěvky jako ten tvůj piš do pošty nebo někam jinam, ale ne do klubu, kde si chceme udržet kompilace různých referencí hlavně na různá fakta.. co kdo řekl.. na data. Ban je pro udržení kvality klubu.

    Ostatně píšou mi i lidi, že je sere, že ten klub přestává být jako dřív, kdy tu byly jen ty reference.
    JAXXE by to tu už dávno promazal, ale já jsem takový ještě moc liberální.. a není mi blízký nějakoho blokovat, ale tohle fakt nejde, a budu muset být tvrdší.

    A prosím i ostatní, ať nepíšou nějaké krátké svoje poznatky k něčemu, ale držet se externích zdrojů. Nemám problém, když u toho něco vlastního, sám to dělám, protože jinde na nyxu psát volně nemohu.
    GORG --- ---
    OMNIHASH: Kdyby sis to precetl, ttak tam máš

    1) Týká se to i explicitně NATO
    2) Viníci nebyli skoro nikdy potrestáni a vedení reportované případy přehlíželo.. takříkajíc zapadávaly za stůl... nebo jak říkáš "zametali pod koberec". V lepším případě dostali vyhazov z armády.
    3) Rozdíl? I pokud by to Západ nnějak extensivně stíhal, tak je to úplně to samé. Co nám to možná říká o vojácích obecně?

    To nejsou jen případy znásilnění namátkové ale i provozování únosů, mučení, dětských sítí prostituce.. to není nahodilé. Nijak se to neliší od těch allegations o Rusku teď.

    Ale je hezké, jak se to snažíš obhajovat. Jo je tam naše vlaječka a pojďme řešit něco jiného..Já si tohle ani nevzpomínám, že by někdy bylo v českých zprávách.

    Schválně namátkově

    ČESKÁ TELEVIZE - Vyhledávání


    Na tom je nejlepší, že se to ani neřeší , a z té statistiky TheConversation.com to vypadá, že se to dělo i v roce 2022.

    UN peacekeeper-perpetrated sexual exploitation and abuse allegations in DRC, compared with the rest of the world.

    Ne nutně jen ty extrémní případy.. jsou tam i případy prostě sexu s místními , který byl třeba "jen" výměnou za jídlo, ale dle článku stále i ty extrémnosti

    Pokud jde specificky o NATO, tak
    1) Nevím, proč jako řešíš "Aááh , OSN není NATO". No OSN a NATO jsou spojenci, druhak proč zrovna NATO... protože generál Pavel Pavel? Prostě Západ hele. Ti hodní demokrati
    2) NATO se to týká specificky taky. Takže si napsal konspirační dezinformaci. NATO se týká taky. Ostatně v tom už postovaném to tu bylo.

    Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade' | World news | The Guardian
    Western troops, policemen, and civilians are largely to blame for the rapid growth of the sex slavery industry in Kosovo over the past five years, a mushrooming trade in which hundreds of women, many of them under-age girls, are tortured, raped, abused and then criminalised, Amnesty International said yesterday.

    In a report on the Mb, Amnesty said Nato soldiers, UN police, and western aid workers operated with near impunity in exploiting the victims of the sex traffickers.

    As a result of the influx of thousands of Nato-led peacekeepers, "Kosovo soon became a major destination country for women trafficked into forced prostitution. A small-scale local market for prostitution was transformed into a large-scale industry based on trafficking, predominantly run by criminal networks."

    The international presence in Kosovo continues to generate 80% of the income for the pimps, brothel-owners, and mafiosi who abduct local girls or traffic women mainly from Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, and Russia to Kosovo via Serbia, the report said, although the international "client base" for the sex trade has fallen to 20% last year from 80% four years ago.

    Up to 2,000 women are estimated to have been coerced into sex slavery in Kosovo, which had seen "an unprecedented escalation in trafficking" in recent years. The number of premises in Kosovo listed by a special UN police unit as being involved in the rackets has swollen from 18 in 1999 to 200 this year.

    A few weeks ago the UN's department of peacekeeping in New York acknowledged that "peacekeepers have come to be seen as part of the problem in trafficking rather than the solution".

    The sex slavery in Kosovo parallels similar phenomena next door in Bosnia, where the arrival of thousands of Nato peacekeepers in 1995 fuelled a thriving forced prostitution industry.

    International personnel in Kosovo enjoy immunity from prosecution unless this is waived by the UN in New York for UN employees or by national military chiefs for Nato-led troops.

    One police officer last year and another the year before had their immunity waived, enabling criminal prosecutions.

    "Amnesty International has been unable to find any evidence of any criminal proceedings related to trafficking against any military personnel in their home countries," the 80-page report said.

    The report said that US, French, German and Italian soldiers were known to have been involved in the rackets.

    Criticism of the international troops in Kosovo follows a recent broader indictment of the Kosovo mission by the International Crisis Group thinktank, which called for the mission to be overhauled.

    Women were bought and sold for up to £2,000 and then kept in appalling conditions as slaves by their "owners", Amnesty said. They were routinely raped "as a means of control and coercion", beaten, held at gunpoint, robbed, and kept in darkened rooms unable to go out.

    Apart from women trafficked into Kosovo, there is a worsening problem with girls abducted locally. A Kosovo support group working with victims reported that a third of these locals were under 14, and 80% were under 18.

    The UN admission in March that its peacekeepers were part of the problem was welcome, said Amnesty.

    "US, French, German and Italian soldiers"

    "NATO" :) tyve.. kde je najednou ta generalizace Americanu, Francouzu, Nemcu, Italu?? Nebo Pakistancu? V nekterych pripadech slo o Pakistance.
    Kam se podela ta zdrava generalizace celyho statu na zaklade cinu nejakych jednotlivcu?

    UN peacekeepers in Congo hold record for rape, sex abuse | AP News
    September 23, 2017
    BUNIA, Congo (AP) — She had been orphaned by a brutal conflict, but the 14-year-old Congolese girl found refuge in a camp protected by United Nations peacekeepers.

    The camp should have been safe the day she was raped. A delegation from the U.N. was paying a visit, and her grandmother had left her in charge of her siblings. That was the day, the girl says, that a Pakistani peacekeeper slipped inside their home and assaulted her in front of the other children.

    But that was not the end of her story. Even though she reported the rape, the girl never got any help from the U.N. She did become pregnant, however, and had a baby.


    The raped teenager’s experience is grimly emblematic of the underbelly of U.N. peacekeeping, and the organization as a whole. During a yearlong investigation, the AP found that despite promising reform for more than a decade, the U.N. failed to meet many of its pledges to stop the abuse or help victims, some of whom have been lost to a sprawling bureaucracy. Cases have disappeared or been handed off to the peacekeepers’ home countries — which often do nothing with them.

    The attack on the 14-year-old was so brazen it still haunts the U.N.’s top human rights official more than a decade after hearing the girl’s story.

    “What on earth would it take for this soldier not to do it — to have all the heads of the U.N. together, and he still does it?” asked Zeid Ra’ad al Hussein, a member of the delegation that heard the girl’s testimony in 2004. One year later, he helped write a landmark report intended to curb sexual abuse and exploitation within the U.N. system.

    With rare exceptions, victims interviewed by the AP received no help. Instead, many were banished from their families for having mixed-race children, who also are shunned, becoming a second generation of victims.

    The AP even found a girl who was raped by two peacekeepers; she gave birth to two babies by the time she was 14.

    To this day, the sexual violence by U.N. peacekeepers and personnel continues: Congo already accounts for nearly one-third of the 43 allegations made worldwide in 2017.

    William L. Swing was in charge of the Congo mission between May 2003 and January 2008, a period when abuse allegations swelled in a country that has been torn by dictatorship, civil war and unrest for the last half-century.

    “I take full responsibility for what happened,” Swing told the AP. “I knew at the time the buck stopped with me.”

    Swing said the U.N. at times made it clear he should be relieved of his duties. Instead, he was named the head of the U.N.’s International Organization for Migration. Now, he sits on a new task force appointed to tackle the problem yet again. Swing insists the mistakes made during the early years of the Congo mission provided lessons that could shape new reforms.


    Ja si teda osobne myslim, ze potrestany viniku padalo na tom, ze hodne vysoce postavenych lidi se takovych cinnosti ucastni. Ale to jsou komprimacni teorie ok.. Ale ciste pro relativitu.. Tahle obvineni ze sexualniho nasili neni ojedinela pro snad vsechny vojenske konflikty. ... Ramovat to jako nejake ruske specifikum pro ucely rinceni valecnych zbrani, se jevi byt jako cista propaganda.

    Fakta rikaji neco jineho ... a ten nezajem o to tema z nasi zapadni strany vcetne Tebe je vsevypovidajici.
    Ja ani nemam cas a chut to cele vsechno procitat. Zdroju je mraky.. sic ne vetsinou v mediich.
    A ano tady na Zapade umime dobre vytvaret dojem, ze se neco resi.

    NATO Tells Troops to Stay Away from Sex Traffickers - 2004-07-08

    Z ruznych zdroju se muzes docist, ze pokracuje do dnesniho dne.

    Tedy zapadni humanitarni vojaci ted prave ted zrejme nekde drzi v nejaky kleci nebo nnejaky studeny kopce nejaky deti a znasilnuji je tam. Nejen ti vojaci a pak uz j sou nekde na trhu site detske prostituce.
    Women were bought and sold for up to £2,000 and then kept in appalling conditions as slaves by their "owners", Amnesty said. They were routinely raped "as a means of control and coercion", beaten, held at gunpoint, robbed, and kept in darkened rooms unable to go out.

    Budeme se tomu furt smat.. nebo dal delat, ze nas to nezajima? Jak to vyzniva v kontextu pohorseni nad Ruskem? Mirne receno.. pokrytecky.

    Přitom další stránkou věci jsou ty pak narozené děti... které jsou často chudé, aby se staraly o sebe natož o dítě.. Ani žádná finanční pomoc nenásleduje. Jen čístý fuck off .. zachraňujeme svět, tak si můžeme dělat, co chceme. Tvářit se, že to řešíme, aby to nadále přitom p o kračovalo.

    Kdyby sis to přečetl, tam bys měl i jak je to těžké mít v takovém prostředí bílé dítě, takže oni tu holku pak i pokud není přímo unesená do otroctví, tak ji stejně místní vyštvou z komunity. I když jen bílý může být prý rasista?

    Misto toho se resi nejakej Dominik Feri a #MeToo

    No nic .. rant off
    GORG --- ---
    Nato sex ring | The Independent | The Independent

    Nato force 'feeds Kosovo sex trade' | World news | The Guardian
    The sex slavery in Kosovo parallels similar phenomena next door in Bosnia, where the arrival of thousands of Nato peacekeepers in 1995 fuelled a thriving forced prostitution industry.

    Peace at What Price?: U.N. Sex Crimes in Congo - ABC News

    UN peacekeepers in Congo hold record for rape, sex abuse | AP News

    Here's why sexual violence by humanitarians and peacekeepers keeps happening

    Sexual Abuse in UN Peacekeeping: The Problem of Viewing Women as a ‘Quick Fix’
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG: ten rozdíl je celkem jednoduchej, OSN tyhle excesy vyšetřuje a odsuzuje a jejich pachatele posílá za mříže, Rusko přehlíží a zametá pod koberec a jejich pachatele posílá na Ukrajinu... nehledě na to, že UN není NATO.
    GORG --- ---
    Kolem Ukrajiny se hodne resilo, ze Rusko je teroristicky stat kvuli vecem jako znasilnovani deti ruskymi vojaky.
    Tyto pripady , ktere ani nebyly ijak dolozeny, jen jako takove ty jimave titulky, ze to nekdo tvrdi.
    Ale budiz.. tohle uz jak zname treba ve valce ve Vietnamu asi tak nejak jde ruku v ruce s valkou a vojaky jako takovymi.
    A at uz se to stalo ted na Ukrajine nebo ne, nijak nevybocuje ani od toho, co se doted resp. jeste i v nedavne dobe deje jinde na svete. Ruzne krutosti a valecne zlociny.

    Tedy oznacit Rusko jako "tereoristicky stat" resp. vv horsim pripade jako novodobe nacisty, za me jen eskaluje konflikt, ktery neni mozny vyhrat... bez masivnich ztrat na zivotech na obou stranach.. takze jestli je k tomu nejaky duvod, mozna dobre si ho skutecne jasne popsat.. Ne jen dramaticky znejicimi titulky masmedii. Nebo narativy typu "Jo to je v ruskych genech", protoze to jen moralne povysena xenofobie.
    Dehumanizuje Rusko, abychom se mohli radovat nad zabijenim Rusu. Kteri v tom konfliktu jsou asi tak stejne z vlastni vule jako ukrajinsti vojaci.

    Kazdopadne jsem si nedavno vybavil obdobne, co je docela v tichosti opomijeno ze strany Zapadu..
    co uz ted zminovat je vnimano jako podpora Ruska
    ale za me je to snaha o objektivni vnimani situace

    jestli je tedy kvuli tomuhle Rusko "teroristicky stat", pak bychom stejne hodnoceni meli aplikovat i na sebe. Na NATO, "mirove jednotky" OSN, nebo USA.

    NATO kritizuji pry j en dezolati.

    Tak dobra lesni seznamka o zneuzivani deti nasimi mirotvuci... 9 letych deti i mladsich.

    Vim, ze relattivizace je dnes uz skoro trestna, ale dobry si uvedomit, co my tu naopak vubec neresime.. a evidentne se to z dostupnych innformaci deje do dnesniho dne..

    A takze ze tato znasilneni nebyl nikdo ani potrestan. Akorat dostali "vypoved".. proste je zbavili sluzby.

    Child sexual abuse by UN peacekeepers - Wikipedia
    An Associated Press (AP) investigation revealed in 2017 that more than 100 United Nations (UN) peacekeepers ran a child sex ring in Haiti over a 10-year period and none were ever jailed. The report further found that over the previous 12 years, there had been almost 2,000 allegations of sexual abuse and exploitation by peacekeepers and other UN personnel around the world. AP found the abuse to be much greater than originally thought. After the AP report, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, urged all countries to hold UN peacekeepers accountable for any sexual abuse and exploitation. As early as 2004, Amnesty International reported that underage girls were being kidnapped, tortured and forced into prostitution in Kosovo with UN and NATO personnel being the customers driving the demand for the sex slaves. The UN's department of peacekeeping in New York acknowledged at that time that "peacekeepers have come to be seen as part of the problem in trafficking rather than the solution"

    Sexual exploitation by UN peacekeepers in DRC: fatherless children speak for first time about the pain of being abandoned

    tady je statistika sexualniho zneuzivani deti mirovymi jednotkami OSN, kde vidime i rok 2022
    nutno dodat, ze je zdokumentovane (viz linky nize), ze interne reportorvane zneuzivani deti bylo v rade pripadu ignorovano.. hlaseni zapadala takrikajic "pod stul".

    The presence of peacekeepers has repeatedly been associated with a rapid increase in sex trafficking and brothels near military bases, child prostitution, the exchange of sex for goods or food, the creation and distribution of pornographic films, growing harassment and catcalling in the streets, and the spread of sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV.

    There needs to be a systematic change. I want to see prosecutions by police and the current wilful blind eye become an illegal act of aiding and abetting by negligence

    Professor Andrew MacLeod

    UN officials 'force children to perform oral sex for food' in warzones | World | News | Express.co.uk

    Victims U.N. fails to stem rapes by peacekeepers in Central African Republic

    U.N. peacekeepers who commit these crimes are seldom held accountable.

    A farmer and mother of seven in the Central African Republic said it better than I can when she told a reporter, “We were told that the peacekeepers came to protect us. Instead, we see that it is the peacekeepers who cause the rapes. It makes me sick.”

    Aneb co nas strasne humanisticke demokraticke vubec ale absolutne vubec nezajima do dnesniho dne.
    Uplne ta sama vec - znasilnovani, unaseni deti za hranice do siti detske prostituce.
    To se deje cele roky... v kazdem zasranem konfliktu ale i humanitarni pomoci pri treba prirodni katastrofe.

    Takze si rekneme... znamena to, ze mirove mise OSN jsou logically pouze o systematickem znasilnovani deti vsude ve svete.. ?
    Anebo jsou to ony negativni deviace, co se dejou leckde.. obzvlast pokud jde o vojaky?
    Ja o tehle vecech psal u z pred lety, ale samozrejme me oznacovali za antiamerikanistu.. njn..

    Ale jak je mozne, ze to same pusobi jinak u Ruska? Jde imho o kontext.. spin.

    Stejne jako video s ukrajinskou hereckou, kde v ukrajinskem narodnim kroji podrezava srpem hrdlo ruskemu vojakovi


    Skoro identicke video onehda postovali islamisti. Pravdepodobne realne. To jsme byli zdeseni.

    Putin’s Puppets Go Ballistic Over Fake Russian Slashing Video

    A najednou se spravnym spinem se nad tim samym vubec pozastavovat znamena byt "loutkou Putina"

    Takze asi znasilnovani deti z nasi strany je jakesi "nutne zlo" zatimco u RuSSaku je to ciste zlo. Ta sama vec. Jenom ramovanim.

    Nutno asi dodat, ze vyjadreni ruskych autorit, ze si na Ukrajine tu herecku najdou, zni taky prestrelene.
    Ale precejen natocit takove video, tak ani divu, ze lecjaky Rus ma dojem, ze Ukrajina je lihen teroristu a nacistu. Jeste jim dodali Rusum vodu na mlyn, kteri pak dodali, ze to zpetne doklada, jak denacifikace Ukrajiny byla nutna.

    Takhle imho vvznikaji vsechny konflikty a krutosti.. kdy skutecne ci udajne zlociny a krivdy obhajuji ztratu v lidstvi nas samotnych.
    Oko za oko.. zub za zub... Nacisti delali zverstva, tak jsme se k Nemcum chovali v Sudetech taky nelidsky.
    Nebo bratri Masinove, kteri uplne zbytecne zabili nejakeho toho svazaneho hlidace. Mrtvy komunista, dobry komunista. Jiste mel rodinu a tak..
    GORG --- ---
    KUKIDE: Slysel, takze nevim o cem to mluvis. Predpokladam trolling na vdecny captain obvious argument, ze pismeno G tam znaci "geeraci", a ze jde "jen" o novou generaci tehoz.

    Mas taky RO na 30 dni.


    K 6G doplnim nejake inffo

    5G je staré, připravte se na 6G | Komora Plus
    Není důvod se 6G sítí bát, zdravotní riziko technologové nepředpokládají. Odkud takovou jistotu berou? Uslyšíte v naší zvukové reportáži.

    TL;DL; venoval tam tomu 1 vetu - protoze se tam snazi pry o efektivni praci s energii ,tak ocekavaji pouzity mensi energeticky vykon

    Dale zasadni zmena prime komunikace mezi zarizenimi bez nejake centralni site.. ocekavane velke uplatneni v Internet of Things...
    Rychlost 1TB/s a nizka latence vhodna i na prenos pry hologramu a jinych zalezitosti metaversa.

    Zdeněk Bečvář (6Gmobile Lab): 6G sítě budou decentralizované, z každého zařízení bude i vysílač. A nebo taky ne - Lupa.cz

    6G bude duplikovat lidi. Virtuální klony se mají osahávat - Seznam Zprávy

    Češi chtějí vyšší bezpečnost, Jihokorejci klony
    Zatímco Češi chtějí rychlosti 5G sítí kolem 600 Mbit za sekundu využít třeba při testování letů dronů za hranicí viditelnosti, videospojení v krizi nebo zapojení do složek IZS (Integrovaného záchranného systému) a bezpečnosti obyvatel, jihokorejský výrobce smartphonů si už vykresluje, jak se lidé budou s 6G sítěmi digitálně klonovat.

    „S pomocí pokročilých senzorů, umělé inteligence a komunikačních technologií bude možné replikovat fyzické entity včetně lidí, zařízení, objektů, systémů, a dokonce i celých míst, ve virtuálním světě,“ uvádí společnost v oficiálním dokumentu.

    6G: příchod cyberpunku? - Svět Průmyslu

    Konec 5G přijde brzo. Příští rok nastupuje 6G, které bude do 2030 pohánět virtuální vesmír - IT pro Tebe

    Naprostou novinkou, kterou společnost Samsung chystá, a která by měla přijít spolu s 6G je tzv. imerzivní rozšířená realita (XR), což jsou v podstatě věrohodné mobilní hologramy či digitální repliky.

    Pomocí těchto technologií pak budou moci lidé také lépe provozovat své digitální dvojče ve virtuálním světě. I když toto všechno zní lákavě a neuvěřitelně, hlavními uživateli této sítě nové generace budou především stroje. Ty totiž využijí její potenciál na plno.

    // hmm to potvrzuje moje slova, kam to smeruje
    KUKIDE --- ---
    GORG: a o 6G jsi slyšel???
    sami lidi budou vysílat sygnál ;)
    RIVA --- ---
    RIVA: Fakt hodně dobré toto...
    RIVA --- ---
    The Transhumanist Assault on the Human Spirit | Thomas Sheridan and John Waters |
    ADM --- ---
    kdyz se tady zminoval ten inkvizitorsky spolek sysifos, tak docela zajimave info o nem jsou v tomhle clanku
    Čeští elfové, lovci "dezinformátorů" a jiná komanda myšlenkové policie: Státem najatí špiclové, monitorující svobodnou diskusi s cílem vytipovat závadové osoby za účelem jejich likvidace? :: KORONAPŘE...
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: nikde jsem tu netvrdil, ze to lidem skodi

    a ty nikdy nic k veci.. vybojoval sis RO na mesic...

    tady je hlavne nepodstatny, co si myslim ja. zdroje, fakta ano
    KAJJAK --- ---

    hele a ty sam se tim v realnem zivote ridis? opravdu se dusledne vyhybas zdrojum elektromagnetickeho zareni umerne tomu kolik veris ze lidem skodi?

    popis mi svij bezny den, kde a jak se pohybujes a jak dlouho a ja ti popisu, kolikrat ses tomuto skodlivemu elektromagnetickemu zareni vystavil daleko vice nez kdy dokaze jakykoliv telefon emitovat... pokud se tedy bavime o makromeritku a ne o tom, ze mas telefon prilepeny na ucho a telefonujes 8 hodin denne, to imho zadne smart city neporesi...
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: Ano, když budeš číst jenom to, co píšou na Sisyfos

    Ignoruješ, co tu bylo řečeno, a opakuješ furt dokola, jak se to jedním izolovaným způsobem zkoumalo už dlouho.
    ....jako důsledku exponenciálního nárůstu hodin provolaných mobilními telefony jsou totiž v příkrém rozporu se skutečně pozorovanými výskyty těchto onemocnění. Ten je dlouhodobě konstantní.

    Naštěstí tu máme kluby jako tento, kde člověk může najít odkazy, které KAJJAK nechce, abychom četli :-)) Odkazy na akademické studie a odborníky, kteří mají jiný názor, jiná data.

    Ti , a opakuju se, upozorňují, že tyto dramatické projevy incidence můžou mít desítky let zpoždění, než se projeví, protože v případě vážného onemocnění rakovinou ten rozvoj nádoru trvá často mnoho let, kdy rozpad DNA nakonec vede k nádoru. Viz. Hirosima.

    A rakovina je jen jeden z aspektů zdraví, z těch extrémních... a asi ne každému se nutně musí vyvolat rakovina kvůli mobilním sítím.
    Každopádně linkovaná studie zkoumání 3G a 4G sítí na myších ukázala rozpad DNA. Co to znamená pro lidi autoři studie říkají, že nevědí (u myší ozařovali trochu jinak než jak lidi používají telefon), a že jsou k tomu nutné další studie, a podobně mluví o 5G.

    Jsou různé nespavosti, úzkosti, deprese, bolesti hlavy atd. toho je epidemie... případně lze samozřejmě uvažovat vliv na imunitu.

    What are 'binaural beats' and do they affect our brain?

    Tyhle "biaurální beaty" jsou pěkný příklad druhým směrem. Jak je možné, že to ovlivňuje bolesti, úzkosti k lepšímu?
    Protože je tam podstatná frekvence v čase (pro vyvolání různých specifických účinků).
    Ty si tím článkem Sysifa celý frekvenční spektrum lidského sluchu shodil jako irelevantní jednolitou věc. Z pohledu neionizujícího záření nehraje žádnou roli.. tak jak se to dostane až do mozku?

    Acoustic BB reduced pain intensity, stress and analgesic use, compared to SS, in chronic pain patients.

    This study provides evidence that theta rhythm binaural beats can alleviate pain intensity, both after a brief 30 minute and a longer one week on-demand intervention. The subsequent significant reduction in analgesic medication consumption in chronic pain patients' daily living could offer a valuable tool, augmenting the effect of existing pain therapies.

    Podobně můžeme uvažovat i o negativním vliivu. Hluku ale třeba větrných elektráren, které do okolí do dálky dělají tichý pulzující nízkofrekvenční tón. Lidé bydlící okolí si stěžují na závažné psychické problémy.
    Naopak třeba bílý šum je považovaný za prospěšný, když chce člověk usnout.

    Co dělá s tělem neakustické spektrum nevíme. Jeho patterny, pulzy, jsou pravidelné? Nepravidlné? To co linkuješ mi trochu připomíná "neandrtálskou" vědu.. zabývá se jen tepelným výkonem a radiací, pohybem molekul.. a tím končí.
    A jak někteří vědci říkají - rakovina nevzniká tak rychle, takže jestli tady jsme stanovili ty limity správně s jistotou nevíme.

    Possible Effects of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Exposure on Central Nerve System - PMC
    ... In particular, detailed information regarding the mechanism of biological effect by RF-EMFs has not yet been elucidated clearly. Recent studies show that RF-EMFs emitted by cellular phones are absorbed into the brain, to a degree, that can affect neuronal activity (Kleinlogel et al., 2008; Jeong et al., 2015; Jiang et al., 2016). In addition, the thermal effects of RF-EMFs suggest the possibility of affecting neuronal activity by temperature generated by mobile phones (Wainwright, 2000; Wyde et al., 2018). Therefore, there is a need for scientifically proven information on the effects of increasing exposure to RF-EMFs on nerve cells, including neurodevelopment, function and cognitive functions (Calvente et al., 2016; Birks et al., 2017). However, many studies on the possible influence of electromagnetic waves on neurons have recently been conducted with great interest, but there are conflicting results according to experimental conditions and there is still much to be studied to gain a basic understanding.

    ....Despite these controversies, the World Health Organization has classified RF-EMFs as ‘possibly carcinogenic to humans’ (Baan et al., 2011). However, the classification of RF-EMFs as possible carcinogens has yet to come to a clear conclusion among scientists. This is due to the fact that only 30 years have passed since the mobile phone has been used in earnest, it needs decades of exposure, and further epidemiological analysis to come to any conclusions.


    The autophagosome and autolysosome, which are major autophagic structures, were increased 3–4 times higher than in the control group (Kim et al., 2018b). These results suggest that the activation of autophagy could be one of the main adaptation mechanism of neurons to electromagnetic stress.


    The IARC has classified RF-EMFs as a possibly carcinogenic to humans (Baan et al., 2011) and warms of the danger of EMF exposure. Moreover, it has been hypothesized that a variety of neurological effects may occur as a result of RF-EMF exposure due to the proximity of the cranial nervous system and the location where the cellular phone is predominantly used. These neurological abnormalities include headache (Frey, 1998), changes in sleep habits (Wagner et al., 1998), and changes in EEG (Braune et al., 1998; Mann et al., 1998). In addition, significant statistical results have been reported by various epidemiological studies on neurological cognitive disorders such as headache, tremor, dizziness, memory loss, loss of concentration, and sleep disturbance due to RF-EMF (Kolodynski and Kolodynska, 1996; Santini et al., 2002; Hutter et al., 2006; Abdel-Rassoul et al., 2007). As a possible mechanism for the change of neurological functions by RF-EMFs exposure, we are confident that more mechanisms will be involved than those mentioned, but we have summarized only recent studies on thermal effects, activation of autophagy processes, changes in ion-channel expression, and changes in myelin sheaths in this review (Fig. 3). Most of these studies were performed using cell or animal models and they have provided basic information on the underlying possible biological effects of RF-EMFs exposure to living creatures. So, these results could not apply to humans directly. Precise epidemiological studies are needed to confirm the possible biological effects of RF-EMF exposure to humans. Recently, the governmental regulation on RF-EMFs of individual devices has been introduced to reflect the concern about the biological effect of RF-EMFs. However, the possible biological effects on electromagnetic fields exposure has not yet been well established even in scientific communities. Therefore, it is necessary to apply international standard at the preventive level at least and disclose related information to public in a transparent manner.



    During operation, GSM mobile phones are the sources of magnetic fields at the ELF range. Perentos et al. [33], have measured a magnetic flux density value of less than 100μT at 217Hz, which is the main spectral component associated with the GSM pulses, and confirmed the presence of spectral components at 2.1 and 8.3 Hz.


    CONCLUSIONS  Some new research results show no association between brain tumor and mobile phone radiation. Others, however, suggest that mobile radiation double the risk of developing cancer on the side of the head used, increase brain activity, can cause damage to nerves around ears and, more importantly, damages the BBB. Al though research studies on the impact of Mobil e phones radiation on health remains inconclusive, previous research results has taken the prevention of heating effects as a basis for exposure guidelines. But new research recent results demonstrate that mobile phones can affect cells without heating them.  The ICNIRP guidelines was set based on the behavioral changes when experimental animal s are exposed to RF radiation at level s which produce temperature rise of more than 1C o Therefore, new research results raise the question about the effectiveness of the ICNIRP exposure guidelines to prevent health implication to human. In fact some countries are starting to impose new exposure measures. For example, China is planning a new strict standards that would cap handset radiation emissions at half the level s all owed elsewhere.  The amount of radiation that can be passed from a handset to a user, the SAR, will be limited to 1 Watt/ Kgm instead of 2Watt/ Kgm Even with those studies that show no relation between brain tumors and mobile phones radiation, such investigations do not measure risks for cancers such as brain tumors with longer latency periods of induction or for slow growing tumors. Mobile phones have not been in use for long enough to allow comprehensive epidemiological assessment of their impact on health.  Literature review indicated that the strength and exposure duration of ELF EMF has been found to be playing key role in initiating effects related to brain ,anxiety, sleep disorder, behavioral studies and electrophysiological signals.  Wider scope of research is identified to establish exact link between ELF and EMF (especially electric field) and electrophysiological signal behavior. Refined research can be still carried out in determining exact threshold value, different range of frequencies and exposure scenarios too

    Mozek je bioelektricke zarizeni. Ale proste z pohledu vedy se zda byt daleko od "Case closed".
    Soucasne limity uvazuji taky typicky hlavu dospeleho cloveka a pritomnost jen 1 zarizeni. Ted mame kolem sebe desitky wi-fin. Minimalne treba nedavat mobily detem. Na mysich vime, ze to skodit umi, takze to neni zadna teoreticka disciplina.

    The sounds of LTE, UMTS, and GSM noise interference


    A situace muze byt i opacna... leceni rakoviny elektromagnetickym polem uz ma taky dlouhou (kontroverzni) historii.

    Targeted treatment of cancer with radiofrequency electromagnetic fields amplitude-modulated at tumor-specific frequencies - PMC

    Treating cancer with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields: a potential paradigm shift, again? - PubMed

    Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Cause Non-Temperature-Induced Physical and Biological Effects in Cancer Cells - PubMed
    RIVA --- ---
    The High Cost of Blowing Up the World: Ukraine and the 2023 NDAASouth Front
    RIVA --- ---
    The Essential Klaus Schwab Record Collection
    KAJJAK --- ---

    vlastne nemusim, kdyz se na to divam optikou tohodle clanku https://www.sisyfos.cz/clanek/699-elektrosmog-jako-evergreen
    Vnimat ekeltromagneticke zareni jen jako vlneni o urcitych delkach kdy cloveku je nebezpecna jen urcita cast vlnovych delek je daleko lepsi pohled na vec s daleko delsi dobou studia nasledku, mame ho tu lidmi vyrabenymi produkty pres 100 let... Nemusim vubec resit jestli to vlneni emituje mobil ci jakekoliv jine zarizeni...

    "Výzkumu biologických efektů neionizujícího záření a ochraně zdraví před expozicí neionizujícímu záření bylo dle M. Repacholiho (bývalý koordinátor EMF projektu světové zdravotnické organizace) věnováno více úsilí, než kterémukoli jinému potenciálně rizikovému faktoru. Systematický výzkum v této oblasti trvá již od konce druhé světové války a za tuto dobu bylo v recenzovaných časopisech publikováno tisíce prací zabývajících se touto problematikou. Ještě výrazně více úsilí bylo věnováno samotné fyzikální interakci neionizujícího záření s hmotou, což je dnes pravděpodobně nejlépe prozkoumaná část fyziky. V takové situaci nemají jednotlivé práce prakticky žádný význam pro tvorbu expozičních limitů. Všechny práce musí být vzaty jako jeden celek a jejich výsledky musí být detailně a kriticky zhodnoceny uznávanými odborníky z dotčených přírodovědných oblastí. Přitom je zřejmé, že jednotlivé výsledky nemají stejnou váhu s ohledem na tvorbu expozičních limitů. Výsledky se liší svou kvalitou provedení, kvalitou svých závěrů, zaměřením, ale i prestiží časopisu, ve kterém byly publikovány. Je také třeba mít na paměti, že časopisy jsou obecně vstřícnější k pracím tvrdícím nález efektu, než k těm tvrdícím nenalezení efektu. Významně větší váhu mají práce ukazující efekt na živém člověku či zvířeti než práce ukazující efekt na buněčné kultuře (Jak již bylo zmíněno, živý organismus má řadu opravných mechanismů, které jsou schopny potenciální efekty anulovat). Malou váhu mají práce, které nejsou podpořeny plausibilním bio-fyzikálním mechanismem působení. Malou až nulovou váhu mají práce, které nejsou nezávisle replikovány.

    Dnes již klasickým příkladem (v odborných kruzích tohoto tématu) prací s velmi malou váhou jsou např. práce skupiny L. Hardella proklamující důkaz karcinogenních efektů neionizujícího záření radiových frekvencí. Jejich výsledky v podobě předpovědi exponenciálního růstu výskytu nádorů v oblasti hlavy jako důsledku exponenciálního nárůstu hodin provolaných mobilními telefony jsou totiž v příkrém rozporu se skutečně pozorovanými výskyty těchto onemocnění. Ten je dlouhodobě konstantní.

    S ohledem na předchozí podsekci je dobré poznamenat, že velmi přísná kritéria pro tvorbu expozičních limitů nejsou např. sledována u zařazování agens do seznamu možných karcinogenů (skupina 2B) vedeného organizací IARC [Internet_17]. Do této kategorie je zařazeno jak nízkofrekvenční, tak vysokofrekvenční neionizující záření a to pouze na základě publikovaných (avšak nereplikovaných) prací ukazujících možný karcinogenní potenciál. Zařazení agens do kategorie 2B tedy není výzvou k zavádění ochranných opatření nebo ke změnám limitů. Zařazení se také neruší, ani když pozdější výzkumné práce použité důvody pro zařazení oslabily nebo vyvrátily. To je i případ neionizujícího záření, u nějž spolehlivá a ověřená teorie ukazuje, že kvanta neionizujícího záření z neoptické oblasti mají o dva i více řádů nižší energii než srážky mezi molekulami jakékoli látky při teplotě lidského těla a nemohou tedy působit v tkáni změny, které by mohly být zárodkem maligních procesů."

    to je skoro jako by zitra nevyslo slunce jak se v jine casti clanku pise, ano stat se to taky muze, ale je treba proti tomu delat opatreni? :-)
    GORG --- ---
    KAJJAK: No ja jen , aby z toho prezila aspon ta namitka, ze kdyz testujes GSM site (resp. CDMA), tak to musis vzit v uvahu od nasazeni GSM, a spis az fazi masoveho rozsireni, aby si na incidenci rakoviny cele zeme mohl neco sledovat.
    A pokud testujes na mysich taky musis vyzkouset GSM a CDMA zvlast, protoze 1G a 2G jsou odlisne... je to jiny datovy tok, jina pulzace, jine frekvence modulace. A ze nelze uvazit jen tepelny vykon. A to same Wi-fi je zas neco jineho

    Ja pisu to, co rikala ta pani. Nejaka vedkyne, co to ma jako profesi se takovyma vecma zabyvat.
    Fakt lepsi, kdyby ses na to video ,co linkkoval RIVA, kouknul... misto toho, aby si tu psal nejake sve spekulace.

    Devra Davis - Wikipedia

    Neni rozhodne zadny orezavatko...
    Davis was appointed by President Clinton to the US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. In 1997 she was working as a consultant to the World Health Organization[12] and served as a member of the Board of Scientific Counselors of the US National Toxicology Program.[17]

    Tady jde o to, aby se delal (dostatecny a nezavisly) vyzkum. A pripadne se poladily bezpecnostni standardy a doporuceni

    Jestli je dobry nosit telefon v kapse blizko hned u pohlavnich organu.. tehotna zena, ktera si polozi tablet hned u hlavicky ditete, nebo mit telefon polozeny mezi kozama, jako ta holka, ktera mela rakovinu prsou v 21 letech , protoze si ho tam davala na 4 hodinove rizeni auta.

    Nektere pripadove studie na moznou souvislost ukazovaly, ale jak rikala ta Davisova, takove studie jsou obtizne.. casto se vychazi z toho, co rikaji ty lidi,.. ta pamet neni dobra, kdyz jim rikaji napr., jak casto pouziaji telefon, kde ho nosej jak dlouho.. Ale jiste takove pripady volaji po vetsimu vyzkumu.

    Ja teda treba nic kategorickeho nepsal zato linkoval spoustu studii a podobne tu ostatnii.. a ty tu pises definitivni reci bez jakehokoliv podlozeni :-)

    Jeste ad 5G, ktery je dost odlisny od tech predchozich, skoro zadne studie nejsou, ale oproti tomu, co ruzni demystikatori hlasaj, je celkem silne vzedmuti vedcu volajici po vyzkumu bezpecnosti pred masovym nasazenim

    The Promise Of 5G Comes With A Regulatory Headache And Health Risk Concerns | WAMU

    EMFscientist.org - International EMF Scientist Appeal

    Jeden z pozadavku je opet, aby verejnost byla lepe informovana, jak redukovat mozna rizika. Obvious logicka vec, ktera se vubec nedela.

    Prof. Sinerik Ayrapetyan, Ph.D., UNESCO Chair - Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, Armenia

    Dr. Priyanka Bandara, Ph.D., Independent Env.Health Educator/Researcher, Advisor, Environmental Health Trust; Doctors for Safer Schools, Australia
    Dr. Peter French BSc, MSc, MBA, PhD, FRSM, Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia
    Dr. Bruce Hocking, MD, MBBS, FAFOEM (RACP), FRACGP, FARPS, specialist in occupational medicine; Victoria, Australia
    Dr. Gautam (Vini) Khurana, Ph.D., F.R.A.C.S., Director, C.N.S. Neurosurgery, Australia
    Dr. Don Maisch, Ph.D., Australia
    Dr. Mary Redmayne, Ph.D., Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine, Monash University, Australia
    Dr. Charles Teo, BM, BS, MBBS, Member of the Order of Australia, Director, Centre for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery at Prince of Wales Hospital, NSW, Australia

    Dr. Michael Kundi, MD, University of Vienna, Austria
    Prof. Pierre Madl, EE MSc & PhD, Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), Radiological Measurement Laboratory Salzburg (RMLS), Edge Institute (AT), Austria
    Dr. Gerd Oberfeld, MD, Public Health Department, Salzburg Government, Austria
    Dr. Bernhard Pollner, MD, Pollner Research, Austria
    Prof. Dr. Hugo W. Rüdiger, MD, Austria

    Dr. Amer Kamal, MD, Physiology Department, College of Medicine, Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain

    Prof. Marie-Claire Cammaerts, Ph.D., Free University of Brussels, Faculty of Science, Brussels, Belgium
    Joris Everaert, M.Sc., Biologist, Species Diversity team, Research Institute for Nature and Forest, Belgium
    Dr. Andre Vander Vorst, PhD, Professor Emeritus, University Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

    Vânia Araújo Condessa, MSc., Electrical Engineer, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    Prof. Dr. João Eduardo de Araujo, MD, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
    Dr. Francisco de Assis Ferreira Tejo, D. Sc., Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Campina Grande, State of Paraíba, Brazil
    Prof. Alvaro deSalles, Ph.D., Federal University of Rio Grande Del Sol, Brazil
    Prof. Adilza Dode, Ph.D., MSc. Engineering Sciences, Minas Methodist University, Brazil
    Dr. Daiana Condessa Dode, MD, Federal University of Medicine, Brazil
    Michael Condessa Dode, Systems Analyst, MRE Engenharia Ltda, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
    Prof. Orlando Furtado Vieira Filho, PhD, Cellular&Molecular Biology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

    Dr. Magda Havas, Ph.D., Environmental and Resource Studies, Centre for Health Studies, Trent University, Canada
    Dr. Paul Héroux, Ph.D., Director, Occupational Health Program, McGill University; InvitroPlus Labs, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, Canada
    Dr. Tom Hutchinson, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Environmental and Resource Studies, Trent University, Canada
    Prof. Ying Li, Ph.D., InVitroPlus Labs, Dept. of Surgery, Royal Victoria Hospital, McGill University, Canada
    James McKay M.Sc, Ecologist, City of London; Planning Services, Environmental and Parks Planning, London, Canada
    Prof. Anthony B. Miller, MD, FRCP, University of Toronto, Canada
    Prof. Klaus-Peter Ossenkopp, Ph.D., Department of Psychology (Neuroscience), University of Western Ontario, Canada
    Dr. Malcolm Paterson, PhD. Molecular Oncologist (ret.), British Columbia, Canada
    Prof. Michael A. Persinger, Ph.D., Behavioural Neuroscience and Biomolecular Sciences, Laurentian University, Canada
    Margaret Sears MEng, PhD, Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Prevent Cancer Now, Ottawa, ON, Canada
    Sheena Symington, B.Sc., M.A., Director, Electrosensitive Society, Peterborough, Canada

    Prof. Huai Chiang, Bioelectromagnetics Key Laboratory, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
    Prof. Yuqing Duan, Ph.D., Food & Bioengineering, Jiangsu University, China
    Dr. Kaijun Liu, Ph.D., Third Military Medical University, Chongqing, China
    Prof. Xiaodong Liu, Director, Key Lab of Radiation Biology, Ministry of Health of China; Associate Dean, School of Public Health, Jilin University, China
    Prof. Wenjun Sun, Ph.D., Bioelectromagnetics Key Lab, Zhejiang University School of Medicine, China
    Prof. Minglian Wang, Ph.D., College of Life Science & Bioengineering, Beijing University of Technology, China
    Prof. Qun Wang, Ph.D., College of Materials Science & Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, China
    Prof. Haihiu Zhang, Ph.D., School of Food & BioEngineering, Jiangsu University, China
    Prof. Jianbao Zhang, Associate Dean, Life Science and Technology School, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China
    Prof. Hui-yan Zhao, Director of STSCRW, College of Plant Protection, Northwest A & F University, Yangling Shaanxi, China
    Prof. J. Zhao, Department of Chest Surgery, Cancer Center of Guangzhou Medical University, Guangzhou, China

    Ivancica Trosic, Ph.D., Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Health, Croatia

    Prof. Dr. Abu Bakr Abdel Fatth El-Bediwi, Ph.D., Physics Dept., Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Egypt
    Prof. Dr. Emad Fawzy Eskander, Ph.D., Medical Division, Hormones Department, National Research Center, Egypt
    Prof. Dr. Heba Salah El Din Aboul Ezz, Ph.D., Physiology, Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt
    Prof. Dr. Nasr Radwan, Ph.D., Neurophysiology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt

    Dr. Hiie Hinrikus, Ph.D., D.Sc, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
    Mr. Tarmo Koppel, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia

    Dr. Mikko Ahonen, Ph.D, University of Tampere, Finland
    Dr. Marjukka Hagström, LL.M., M.Soc.Sc, Principal Researcher, Radio and EMC Laboratory, Finland
    Prof. Dr. Osmo Hänninen, Ph.D., Dept. of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Eastern Finland, Finland; Editor-In-Chief, Pathophysiology, Finland
    Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, Ph.D., Adjunct Professor of Biochemistry, University of Helsinki, Finland; Member of the IARC Working Group that classified cell phone radiation as possible carcinogen.
    Prof. Emeritus Rainer Nyberg, EdD, MPS, Abo Akademi University (retired), Vasa, Finland
    Dr. Georgiy Ostroumov, Ph.D. (in the field of RF EMF), independent researcher, Finland

    Prof. Dr. Dominique Belpomme, MD, MPH, Professor in Oncology, Paris V Descartes University, ECERI Executive Director
    Dr. Pierre Le Ruz, Ph.D., Criirem, Le Mans, France Georgia
    Dr Annie J Sasco, MD, MPH, MS, DrPH, Former Research Director at the French NIH (INSERM), Former Chief, Unit of Epidemiology for Cancer Prevention at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Former Acting Head, Programme for Cancer Control, World Health Organization, Bordeaux, France.

    Prof. Besarion Partsvania, Ph.D., Head of Bio-cybernetics Department of Georgian Technical University, Georgia

    Prof. Dr. Franz Adlkofer, MD, Chairman, Pandora Foundation, Germany
    Prof. Dr. Hynek Burda, Ph.D., University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
    Dr. Horst Eger, MD, Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine, Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, Bavaria, Germany
    Prof. Dr. Karl Hecht, MD, former Director, Institute of Pathophysiology, Charité, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany
    Dr.Sc. Florian M. König, Ph.D., Florian König Enterprises (FKE) GmbH, Munich, Germany
    Dr. rer. nat. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Ph.D., Dr. rer. nat. Lebrecht von Klitzing, Ph.D., Head, Institute of Environ.Physics; Ex-Head, Dept. Clinical Research, Medical University, Lubeck, Germany
    Dr. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam, MD, Member, Competence Initiative for the Protection of Humanity, Environment and Democracy e.V, Bamberg, Germany
    Dr. Ulrich Warnke, Ph.D., Bionik-Institut, University of Saarlandes, Germany

    Dr. Adamantia F. Fragopoulou, M.Sc., Ph.D., Department of Cell Biology & Biophysics, Biology Faculty, University of Athens, Greece
    Dr. Christos Georgiou, Ph.D., Biology Department, University of Patras, Greece
    Prof. Emeritus Lukas H. Margaritis, Ph.D., Depts. Cell Biology, Radiobiology & Biophysics, Biology Faculty, Univ. of Athens, Greece
    Dr. Aikaterini Skouroliakou, M.Sc., Ph.D., Department of Energy Technology Engineering, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece
    Dr. Stelios A Zinelis, MD, Hellenic Cancer Society-Kefalonia, Greece

    Dr. Ceon Ramon, Ph.D., Affiliate Professor, University of Washington, USA; Professor, Reykjavik University, Iceland

    Prof. Dr. B. D. Banerjee, Ph.D., Fmr. Head, Environmental Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University College of Medical Sciences, University of Delhi, India
    Prof. Jitendra Behari, Ph.D., Ex-Dean, Jawaharlal Nehru University; presently, Emeritus Professor, Amity University, India
    Prof. Dr. Madhukar Shivajirao Dama, Institute of Wildlife Veterinary Research, India
    Associate Prof. Dr Amarjot Dhami, PhD., Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India
    Dr. Kavindra K. Kesari, MBA, Ph.D., Resident Environmental Scientist, University of Eastern Finland, Finland; Assistant Professor, Jaipur National University, India
    Er. Piyush A. Kokate, MTECH, Scientist C, Analytical Instrumentation Division (AID), CSIR-National Environmental Engineering Research Institute (NEERI), India
    Prof. Girish Kumar, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India
    Dr. Pabrita Mandal PhD.,Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India
    Prof. Rashmi Mathur, Ph.D., Head, Department of Physiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India
    Prof. Dr. Kameshwar Prasad MD, Head, Dept of Neurology, Director, Clinical Epidemiology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, India
    Dr. Sivani Saravanamuttu, PhD., Dept. Advanced Zoology and Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, India
    Dr. N.N. Shareesh, PhD., Melaka Manipal Medical College, India
    Dr. R.S. Sharma, MD, Sr. Deputy Director General, Scientist - G & Chief Coordinator - EMF Project, Indian Council of Medical Research, Dept. of Health Research, Ministry/Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, New Delhi, India
    Prof. Dr. Dorairaj Sudarsanam, M.Sc., M.Ed., Ph.D., Fellow - National Academy of Biological Sciences, Prof. of Zoology, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics, Dept. Advanced Zoology & Biotechnology, Loyola College, Chennai, South India

    Iran (Islamic Republic of)
    Prof. Dr. Soheila Abdi, Ph.D., Physics, Islamic Azad University of Safadasht, Tehran, Iran
    Prof. G.A. Jelodar, D.V.M., Ph.D., Physiology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Shiraz University, Iran
    Prof. Hamid Mobasheri, Ph.D., Head BRC; Head, Membrane Biophysics&Macromolecules Lab; Instit. Biochemistry&Biophysics, University, Tehran, Iran
    Prof. Seyed Mohammad Mahdavi, PhD., Dept of Biology, Science and Research, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
    Prof. S.M.J. Mortazavi, Ph.D., Head, Medical Physics & Engineering; Chair, NIER Protection Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
    Prof. Amirnader Emami Razavi, Ph.D., Clinical Biochem., National Tumor Bank, Cancer Institute, Tehran Univ. Medical Sciences, Iran
    Dr. Masood Sepehrimanesh, Ph.D., Gastroenterohepatology Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Iran
    Prof. Dr. Mohammad Shabani, Ph.D., Neurophysiology, Kerman Neuroscience Research Center, Iran

    Michael Peleg, M.Sc., radio communications engineer and researcher, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel
    Prof. Elihu D. Richter, MD,MPH, Occupational&Environmental Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah School of Public Health&Community Medicine, Israel
    Dr. Yael Stein, MD, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Hadassah Medical Center, Israel
    Dr. Danny Wolf, MD, Pediatrician and General Practitioner, Sherutey Briut Clalit, Shron Shomron district, Israel
    Dr. Ronni Wolf, MD, Assoc. Clinical Professor, Head of Dermatology Unit, Kaplan Medical Center, Rehovot, Israel

    Prof. Sergio Adamo, Ph.D., La Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
    Prof. Fernanda Amicarelli, Ph.D., Applied Biology, Dept. of Health, Life and Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Italy
    Dr. Pasquale Avino, Ph.D., INAIL Research Section, Rome, Italy
    Dr. Fiorella Belpoggi, Ph.D., FIATP, Director, Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center, Ramazzini Institute, Italy
    Prof. Giovanni Di Bonaventura, PhD, School of Medicine, "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti-Pescara, Italia
    Prof. Emanuele Calabro, Department of Physics and Earth Sciences, University of Messina, Italy
    Prof. Franco Cervellati, Ph.D., Department of Life Science and Biotechnology, Section of General Physiology, University of Ferrara, Italy
    Vale Crocetta, Ph.D. Candidate, Biomolecular and Pharmaceutical Sciences, "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti, Italy
    Prof. Stefano Falone, Ph.D., Researcher in Applied Biology, Dept. of Health, Life&Environmental Sciences, University of L'Aquila, Italy
    Dr. Agostino Di Ciaula, MD, President Scientific Committee, International Society of Doctors for Environment (ISDE), Italy
    Prof. Dr. Speridione Garbisa, ret. Senior Scholar, Dept. Biomedical Sciences, University of Padova, Italy
    Dr. Settimio Grimaldi, Ph.D., Associate Scientist, National Research Council, Italy
    Prof. Livio Giuliani, Ph.D., Director of Research, Italian Health National Service, Rome-Florence-Bozen; Spokesman, ICEMS-International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, Italy
    Prof. Dr. Angelo Levis, MD, Dept. Medical Sciences, Padua University, Italy
    Prof. Salvatore Magazù, Ph.D., Department of Physics and Science, Messina University, Italy
    Dr. Fiorenzo Marinelli, Ph.D., Researcher, Molecular Genetics Institute of the National Research Council, Italy
    Dr. Arianna Pompilio, PhD, Dept. Medical, Oral & Biotechnological Sciences. G. d'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara, Italy
    Prof. Dr. Raoul Saggini, MD, School of Medicine, University G. D'Annunzio, Chieti, Italy
    Dr. Morando Soffritti, MD, Honorary President, National Institute for the Study and Control of Cancer and Environmental Diseases, B.Ramazzini, Bologna. Italy
    Prof. Massimo Sperini, Ph.D., Center for Inter-University Research on Sustainable Development, Rome, Italy

    Dr. Yasuhiko Ishihara, PhD., Biomedical Sciences Program, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima
    University, Japan
    Prof. Tsuyoshi Hondou, Ph.D., Graduate School of Science, Tohoku University, Japan
    Prof. Hidetake Miyata, Ph.D., Department of Physics, Tohoku University, Japan

    Prof. Mohammed S.H. Al Salameh, Jordan University of Science & Technology , Jordan

    Prof. Dr, Timur Saliev, MD, Ph.D., Life Sciences, Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan; Institute Medical Science/Technology, University of Dundee, UK

    The Netherlands
    Dirk K.F. Meijer, em. Professor of Pharmacology, PhD, University of Groningen,Groningen, The Netherlands.

    New Zealand
    Dr. Bruce Rapley, BSc, MPhil, Ph.D., Principal Consulting Scientist, Atkinson & Rapley Consulting Ltd., New Zealand

    Dr. Obajuluwa Adejoke PhD, Cell Biology and Genetics Unit, Dept of Zoology, University of Ilorin; Lecturer, Biological Sciences Department, Afe Babalola University, Nigeria
    Dr. Idowu Ayisat Obe, Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos, Nigeria
    Prof. Olatunde Michael Oni, Ph.D, Radiation & Health Physics, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria

    Prof. Najam Siddiqi, MBBS, Ph.D., Human Structure, Oman Medical College, Oman

    Prof. Hugo Silva, Ph.D., Physics Department, University of Évora, Portugal

    Dr. Pawel Bodera, Pharm. D., Department of Microwave Safety, Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Poland
    Prof. dr hab. Wlodzimierz Klonowski, Ph.ed, Dr.Sc., Biomedical Physics, Nalecz Institute of Biocybernetics & Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
    Prof. Dr. Stanislaw Szmigielski, MD, Ph.D., Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Poland

    Alina Cobzaru, Engineer, National Institutes Research & Development and Institute of Construction & Sustainability, Romania

    Russian Federation
    Prof. Vladimir N. Binhi, Ph.D., A.M.Prokhorov General Physics Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences; M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University
    Dr. Oleg Grigoyev, DSc., Ph.D., Deputy Chairman, Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Russian Federation
    Prof. Yury Grigoryev, MD, Chairman, Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Russian Federation
    Dr. Anton Merkulov, Ph.D., Russian National Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow, Russian Federation
    Dr. Maxim Trushin, PhD., Kazan Federal University, Russia
    Evgeny Vladimirovich Titov, PhD., Technical Sciences Candidate, Polzunov Altai State Technical University, Russia

    Dr. Snezana Raus Balind, Ph.D., Research Associate, Institute for Biological Research "Sinisa Stankovic", Belgrade, Serbia
    Prof. Danica Dimitrijevic, Ph.D., Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Serbia
    Dr. Sladjana Spasic, Ph.D., Institute for Multidisciplinary Research, University of Belgrade, Serbia

    Slovak Republic
    Dr. Igor Belyaev, Ph.D., Dr.Sc., Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

    South Korea (Republic of Korea)
    Prof. Kwon-Seok Chae, Ph.D., Molecular-ElectroMagnetic Biology Lab, Kyungpook National University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Yoon-Myoung Gimm, Ph.D., School of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Dankook University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Myung Chan Gye, Ph.D., Hanyang University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Mina Ha, MD, Dankook University, South Korea
    Prof. Seung-Cheol Hong, MD, Inje University, South Korea
    Prof. Dong Hyun Kim, Ph.D., Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University of Korea, South Korea
    Prof. Hak-Rim Kim, Dept.of Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Dankook University, South Korea
    Prof. Myeung Ju Kim, MD, Ph.D., Department of Anatomy, Dankook University College of Medicine, South Korea
    Prof. Jae Seon Lee, MD, Department of Molecular Medicine, NHA University College of Medicine, Incheon 22212, South Korea
    Prof. Yun-Sil Lee, Ph.D., Ewha Woman’s University, South Korea
    Prof. Dr. Yoon-Won Kim, MD, Ph.D., Hallym University School of Medicine, South Korea
    Prof. Jung Keog Park, Ph.D., Life Science & Biotech; Dir., Research Instit.of Biotechnology, Dongguk University, South Korea
    Prof. Sungman Park, Ph.D., Institute of Medical Sciences, School of Medicine, Hallym University, South Korea
    Prof. Kiwon Song, Ph.D., Dept. of Chemistry, Yonsei University, South Korea

    Prof. Dr. Miguel Alcaraz, MD, Ph.D., Radiology and Physical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Murcia, Spain
    Dr. Alfonso Balmori, Ph.D., Biologist, Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Junta de Castilla y León, Spain
    Prof. J.L. Bardasano, D.Sc, University of Alcalá, Department of Medical Specialties, Madrid, Spain
    Dr. Claudio Gómez-Perretta, MD, Ph.D., La Fe University Hospital, Valencia, Spain
    Prof. Dr. Miguel López-Lázaro, PhD., Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacology, University of Seville, Spain
    Prof. Dr. Elena Lopez Martin, Ph.D., Human Anatomy, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
    Dr. Emilio Mayayo, MD, Professor of Pathology, School of Medicine, University Rovira I Virgili (URV), Tarragona, Spain
    Prof. Enrique A. Navarro, Ph.D., Department of Applied Physics and Electromagnetics, University of Valencia, Spain

    Mosab Nouraldein Mohammed Hamad, MA, Head, Dept. of Medical Parasitology, Health Sciences, Elsheikh Abdallah Elbadri University, Sudan

    Dr. Michael Carlberg, MSc, Örebro University Hospital, Sweden
    Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, Ph.D., University Hospital, Örebro, Sweden
    Dr. Lena Hedendahl, MD, Independent Environment and Health Research Luleå, Sweden
    Prof. Olle Johansson, Ph.D., Experimental Dermatology Unit, Dept. of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Sweden
    Dr. Bertil R. Persson, Ph.D., MD, Lund University, Sweden
    Senior Prof. Dr. Leif Salford, MD. Department of Neurosurgery, Director, Rausing Laboratory, Lund University, Sweden
    Dr. Fredrik Söderqvist, Ph.D., Ctr. for Clinical Research, Uppsala University, Västerås, Sweden

    Dr. phil. nat. Daniel Favre, A.R.A. (Association Romande Alerte, Switzerland

    Taiwan (Republic of China)
    Prof. Dr. Tsun-Jen Cheng, MD, Sc.D., National Taiwan University, Republic of China

    Prof. Dr. Mehmet Zülküf Akdağ, Ph.D., Department of Biophysics, Medical School of Dicle University, Diyarbakir, Turkey
    Associate Prof.Dr. Halil Abraham Atasoy, MD, Pediatrics, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey
    Prof. Ayse G. Canseven (Kursun), Ph.D., Gazi University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Biophysics, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Mustafa Salih Celik, Ph.D., Fmr. Head, Turkish Biophysical Society; Head, Biophysics Dept; Medical Faculty, Dicle Univ., Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Osman Cerezci, Electrical-Electronics Engineering Department, Sakarya University, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Suleyman Dasdag, Ph.D., Dept. of Biophysics, Medical School of Dicle University, Turkey
    Prof. Omar Elmas, MD, Ph.D., Mugla Sitki Kocman University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Physiology, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Ali H. Eriş, MD, faculty, Radiation Oncology Department, BAV University Medical School, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Arzu Firlarer, M.Sc. Ph.D., Occupational Health & Safety Department, Baskent University, Turkey
    Prof. Associate Prof. Ayse Inhan Garip, PdH., Marmara Univ. School of Medicine, Biophysics Department, Turkey
    Prof. Suleyman Kaplan, Ph.D., Head, Department of Histology and Embryology, Medical School, Ondokuz Mayıs University, Samsun, Turkey.
    Prof. Dr. Mustafa Nazıroğlu, Ph.D., Biophysics Dept, Medical Faculty, Süleyman Demirel University, Isparta, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Ersan Odacı, MD, Ph.D., Karadeniz Technical University, Medical Faculty, Trabzon, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Elcin Ozgur, Ph.D., Biophysics Department, Faculty of Medicine, Gazi University, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Selim Seker, Electrical Engineering Department, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Cemil Sert, Ph.D., Department of Biophysics of Medicine Faculty, Harran University, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Nesrin Seyhan, B.Sc., Ph.D., Medical Faculty of Gazi University; Chair, Biophysics Dept; Director GNRK Ctr.; Panel Mbr, NATO STO HFM; Scientific Secretariat Member, ICEMS; Advisory Committee Member, WHO EMF, Turkey
    Prof. Dr. Bahriye Sirav (Aral), PhD.,Gazi University Faculty of Medicine, Dept of Biophysics, Turkey

    Dr. Oleg Banyra, MD, 2nd Municipal Polyclinic, St. Paraskeva Medical Centre, Ukraine
    Prof. Victor Martynyuk, PhD., ECS "Institute of Biology", Head of Biophysics Dept, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiev, Ukraine
    Prof. Igor Yakymenko, Ph.D., D.Sc., Instit. Experimental Pathology, Oncology & Radiobiology, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

    United Kingdom
    Michael Bevington, M.A., M.Ed., Chair of Trustees, ElectroSensitivity UK (ES-UK), UK
    Mr. Roger Coghill, MA,C Biol, MI Biol, MA Environ Mgt; Member Instit.of Biology; Member, UK SAGE Committee on EMF Precautions, UK
    Mr. David Gee, Associate Fellow, Institute of Environment, Health and Societies, Brunel University, UK
    Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy BSc PhD, Lecturer in Biology (retired), Imperial College, London, UK
    Emeritus Professor Denis L. Henshaw, PhD., Human Radiation Effects, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, UK
    Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, Ph.D., Institute of Science in Society, UK
    Dr. Gerard Hyland, Ph.D., Institute of Biophysics, Neuss, Germany, UK
    Dr. Isaac Jamieson, Ph.D., Biosustainable Design, UK
    Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, BSBM, Founder, Physicians' Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment; ICBE-EMF; Hon. Member British Society of Ecological Medicine, UK
    Emeritus Professor, Michael J. O’Carroll, PhD., former Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Sunderland, UK
    Mr. Alasdair Phillips, Electrical Engineer, UK
    Dr. Syed Ghulam Sarwar Shah, M.Sc., Ph.D., Public Health Consultant, Honorary Research Fellow, BrunelUniversity London, UK
    Dr. Cyril W. Smith, DIC, PhD, Retired 1990 UK
    Dr. Sarah Starkey, Ph.D., independent neuroscience and environmental health research, UK

    Dr. Martin Blank, Ph.D., Columbia University, USA
    Prof. Jim Burch, MS, Ph.D., Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, Arnold School of Public Health, University of South Carolina, USA
    Prof. David O. Carpenter, MD, Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, University of New York at Albany, USA
    Prof. Prof. Simona Carrubba, Ph.D., Biophysics, Daemen College, Women & Children's Hospital of Buffalo Neurology Dept., USA
    Dr. Sandra Cruz-Pol, PhD., Professor Electrical Engineering, on Radio Frequencies, Electromagnetics, University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez; Member of US National Academies of Sciences Committee for Radio Frequencies; Puerto Rico, USA
    Dr. Zoreh Davanipour, D.V.M., Ph.D., Friends Research Institute, USA
    Dr. Devra Davis, Ph.D., MPH, President, Environmental Health Trust; Fellow, American College of Epidemiology, USA
    Dr. James DeMeo, PhD, retired in private research, USA
    Paul Raymond Doyon, EMRS, MAT, MA , Doyon Independent Research Associates, USA
    Prof. Om P. Gandhi, Ph.D., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Utah, USA
    Prof. Beatrice Golomb, MD, Ph.D., University of California at San Diego School of Medicine, USA
    Dr Reba Goodman Ph.D, Columbia University, USA
    Dr. Martha R. Herbert, MD, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, USA
    Dr . Gunnar Heuser, M.D., Ph.D., F.A.C.P. Emeritus member, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA; Former Assistant Clinical Professor, UCLA; Former member, Brain Research Institute, UCLA. USA
    Dr. Donald Hillman, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Michigan State University, USA
    Elizabeth Kelley, MA, Fmr. Managing Secretariat, ICEMS, Italy; Director, EMFscientist.org, USA
    Dr. Seungmo Kim, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Southern University, USA
    Dr. Ronald N. Kostoff, Ph.D., Gainesville, VA, USA
    Neha Kumar, Founder, Nonionizing Electromagnetic Radiation Shielding Alternatives, Pvt. Ltd; B.Tech - Industrial Biotech., USA
    Dr. Henry Lai, Ph.D., University of Washington, USA
    B. Blake Levitt, medical/science journalist, former New York Times contributor, EMF researcher and author, USA
    Prof. Trevor G. Marshall, PhD, Autoimmunity Research Foundation, USA
    Dr. Albert M. Manville, II, Ph.D. and C.W.B., Adj. Professor, Johns Hopkins University Krieger Graduate School of Arts & Sciences; Migratory Bird Management, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, USA
    Dr. Andrew Marino, J.D., Ph.D., Retired Professor, LSU Health Sciences Center, USA
    Dr. Marko Markov, Ph.D., President, Research International, Buffalo, New York, USA
    Dr. Jeffrey L. Marrongelle, DC, CCN, President/Managing Partner of BioEnergiMed LLC, USA
    Dr. Ronald Melnick, PhD, Senior Toxicologist, (Retired, leader of the NTP's health effects studies of cell phone radio frequency radiation) US National Toxicology Program, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, USA
    Dr. Samuel Milham, MD, MPH, USA
    L. Lloyd Morgan, Environmental Health Trust, USA
    Dr. Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D., School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, USA
    Imtiaz Nasim, Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Southern University, USA
    Dr. Martin L. Pall, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Biochemistry & Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, USA
    Dr. Jerry L. Phillips, Ph.D. University of Colorado, USA
    Dr. William J. Rea, M.D., Environmental Health Center, Dallas, Texas, USA
    Camilla Rees, MBA, Electromagnetichealth.org; CEO, Wide Angle Health, LLC, USA
    Dr. Cindy Russell, MD, Physicians for Safe Technology, USA
    Prof. Narenda P. Singh, MD, University of Washington, USA
    Prof. Eugene Sobel, Ph.D., Retired, School of Medicine, University of Southern California, USA
    David Stetzer, Stetzer Electric, Inc., Blair, Wisconsin, USA
    Dr. Lisa Tully, Ph.D., Energy Medicine Research Institute, Boulder, CO, USA

    Supporting Scientists who have published peer reviewed papers in related fields
    Olga Ameixa, PhD. Post-Doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Biology & CESAM, University of Aveiro Campus., Universitário de Santiago, Portugal
    Michele Casciani, MA, Environmental Science, President/Chief Executive Officer, Salvator Mundi International Hospital, Rome, Italy
    Enrico Corsetti, Engineer, Research Director, Salvator Mundi International Hospital, Rome, Italy
    Dr. Dietmar Hildebrand, Ph.D, Biophysicist,Coinvestigator Biostack Experiments, Germany
    Xin Li, PhD candidate MSc, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey, USA
    Dr. Carlos A. Loredo Ritter, MD, Pediatrician, Pediatric Neurologist, President, Restoration Physics, North American Sleep Medicine Society, USADr.
    Robin Maytum, PhD, Senior Lecturer in Biological Science, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, UK
    Prof. Dr. Raúl A. Montenegro, Ph.D, Evolutionary Biology, National University of Cordoba; President, FUNAM; Recognitions: Scientific Investigation Award from University of Buenos Aires, UNEP 'Global 500' Award (Brussels, Belgium), the Nuclear Free Future Award (Salzburg, Austria), and Alternative Nobel Prize (Right Livelihood Award, Sweden), Argentina.
    Dr. Pilar Muñoz-Calero, MD, specialist in Pediatrics, Neonatology, Stomatology and Addiction Medicine; President of Fundación Alborada; Medical Director of Alborada Outpatient Hospital; Co-chair of Pathology and Environment and Associate Professor at the Medicine at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain
    Dr. Hugo Schooneveld, PhD, Biologist, Neuroscientist, Adviser to the Dutch EHS Foundation, Netherlands
    Dr. Raymond Singer, Ph.D., Neurotoxicologist and Board-Certified Forensic Neuropsychologist, Expert witness testimony in over 100 neurotoxicity legal cases, International independent practice
    Dr. Carmen Adella Sirbu, MD, Neurology, Lecturer, Titu Matorescu University, Romania
    Jacques Testart, Biologist, Honorary Research Director at I.N.S.E.R.M. (French National Medical Research Institute), France
    Rodolfo Touzet, PhD, Senior regulator on Radiological Safety, Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Sumeth Vongpanitlerd, Ph.D., retired Electrical Engineer, Thailand Development Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand
    OMNIHASH --- ---
    GORG, GORG: tuhle haluz vůbec nemá cenu řešit, je to jenom další kokainiem nahoněnej saudskej plán s neomezeným rozpočtem a nulovým ukotvením v realitě.
    Stačí se podívat, jak dopadly jejich ostatní megaprojekty, od mrakodrapu, přes Neom po zábavní park. Rozjedou toho miliardu, dokončej sotva desetinu, haluze je to všechno jedna vedle druhý.

    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam