Představujeme dalšího z DJs, kteří vás budou bavit svými sety v Rolls and Smoking Chillout Zone. And the next is - oblíbený DJ Baltazar, člen Maradona Jazz Sound System a DJ pražského Radio 1, který hraje přísně z vinylů ve znamení latino, funku, soulu a disco. Rolls and Smoking Chillout Zone se bude vlnit v sobotu 11.11. od 17:30 do 19 hodin. Uvidíme se brzy na Cannafest Prague 2017.
We are introducing another of the DJs, who will entertain you with their sets in Rolls and Smoking Chillout Zone. And the next is - popular DJ Baltazar, a member of Maradona Jazz Sound System and a DJ of the Prague Radio 1, playing strictly vinyls of latin, funk, soul and disco. Rolls and Smoking Chillout Zone will be shaking by Baltazar´s music gig on Saturday 11.11. from 5:30 PM to 7 PM. See you soon on Cannafest Prague 2017.
dj baltazar | Free Listening on SoundCloud