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    ztracené heslo?
    VIKNová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    = “Myths of Immateriality: Curating, Collecting and Archiving Media Art” =

    DANUBE TELELECTURE from the MUMOK, Vienna : Myths of Immateriality

    The Department for Image Science at Danube-University Krems created a new format of international lecture and debates on key questions of Image Science and Media Art with high-calibre experts - the DANUBE TELELECTURES. The discussion will be recorded by several cameras and transmitted live over the www. Online viewers can participate live in the discussion via email.

    “Myths of Immateriality: Curating, Collection and Archiving Media Art”

    During the last decades media art has grown to be the art of our time, though it has hardly arrived in our cultural institutions. The mainstream of art history has neglected developing adequate research tools for these contemporary art works, they are exhibited infrequently in museums, and there are few collectors. Media art is hardly being archived and systematically preserved like ancient and traditional forms of art. This loss of data our society is facing because of the change in storage media and operational systems threatens to result in a total loss of our contemporary digital art. Which practices and strategies in the curating and documenting of media art do experts in the field suggest?

    *** CHRISTIANE PAUL, curator for New Media, Whitney Museum, NY, author of "Digital Art" (Thames & Hudson 2003)
    *** PAUL SERMON, media artist and scientist at the University of Salford, UK http://creativetechnology.salford.ac.uk/paulsermon/cv.html

    *(Introduction: Oliver Grau, Univ.-Prof. and Head of the Department for Image Science, Danube University Krems)

    Danube TeleLecture # 3 at the MUMOK, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna
    Time: Sun, 27. May 2007, 17.00h CET (Start of Streaming)

    + You can attend the event in MUMOK or in realtime over the www +

    After 20 minute long lectures the audience will have the possibility to ask the speakers questions. Internet users may join the discussion via e-mail.
    PONKIE --- ---
    Dik za info. Nakonec jsem si ji objednal na Amazonu.
    LOPIN --- ---
    PONKIE --- ---
    Nenasel by se nekdo, kdo by mi tak na tyden / dva pujcil Electronic Eye od Lyona?
    Nebo nevite nekdo o e-book i s cisly stran, aby se dala pouzit pro citace?

    Jsem v Praze.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Adam Hyde ...on sneakers networks, unconscious broadcasting of personal data, and whether radio can have anything to do with the Web 2.0 phenomenon...

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    The Three Basic Forms of Remix: a Point of Entry, by Eduardo Navas
    VIK --- ---
    D3383: co ten záznam? pořád není nebo jsem to přehlídl.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    +++++++call for entries+++++++++>>>>>>>>

    Tell Your Tale!
    call for submissions of animation works

    The aniMOTION European Animation Festival (July 3-8 2007, Sibiu,
    Romania) is now open for submissions.

    We are looking for professional and non-professional animators alike
    who are creatively using new technologies to deliver powerful stories.

    Entry categories are
    1. LONG TALES (running length over 60 min)
    2. SHORT TALES (running length under 60 min)
    -educational / scientific / TV films
    -promos, tv commercials, openers
    -music videos
    -interactive narratives / games
    5. POP TALES (contemporary urban culture animations)

    Submission deadline: May 20, 2007

    Entry form and details: [ http://www.animotionfest.ro ]
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Conceptual Art and Software Art: Notations, Algorithms and Codes
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    ORX_QX: mozna je ale pro me mspc i latkou k pruzkumu, kterou z venci nepoznam., ;]
    neboj,, brzy prijde prace s mspc, ktera se ti mozna bude i libit.,.
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    tak se i za pashe nemůžu nepochlubit... kritika Last Tag Show sepsaná pro Furtherfield.org, kde se podle všeho objeví v nejbližší době

    ORX_QX --- ---
    PASHWAKA: to ti proti OSE nepomuze v nicem, musel bys s kazdym autorem dopredu sepsat smlouvu ktera by vyloucila pro dany pripad ucinky kolektivni spravy

    ADAMM: nemam nic proti tem skupinam, jen proti stadnosti a jinym behavioralnim vzorum ktere se s uvedenymi znackami poji a nemam zapotrebi ty lidi nejak trestat staci mi na to upozornovat. U pashe sem si myslel ze preferuje napr. inter:zone misto Tesco proto ta otazka.
    D3383 --- ---
    MATHEW: zaznam bude celej normalne v archivu lemurie, jak ostatni..dneska vecer nebo behem zejtrka..
    MATHEW --- ---
    jý bych taky stál o záznam, prej se tam pouštěli dobrý brněnský ambienti.)
    VIK --- ---
    PASHWAKA: bude to pravidelný pořad?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam