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    ztracené heslo?
    VIKNová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus
    MARURA --- ---
    ahoj jestli jste nekdo pristi tyden ve velkem meste na temzi(=londyn) tak tohle by melo stat za to:

    P O L A R R A D I O

    A talk & performance by r a d i o q u a l i a
    London, UK
    1900, 25 September

    Date: Thursday 25 September
    Time: 1930
    Format: Talk / Live music
    Cost: Free
    Address: The People Speak HQ, 17-25 Cremer St, London, E2 8HD

    A talk and sound performance presenting Polar
    Radio - Antarctica's first artist-run FM radio



    In 2007, Adam Hyde from r a d i o q u a l i a
    voyaged to Antarctica to help establish the first
    phase of Polar Radio - a research project which
    tests the feasibility of establishing community
    radio stations in the two Polar Regions -
    Antarctica and the Arctic Circle.

    He was part of the first Interpolar Transnational
    Art Science Consortium (I-TASC) reconnaissance
    expedition to Antarctica, and was a guest of the
    South African Antarctic Programme, based in the
    Dronning Maud Land sector of Antarctica, at the
    base, SANAE IV. (72ƒ 03' S 02ƒ 47' W)

    Adam and the I-TASC crew created a mid-range FM
    radio station. This involved installing and
    configuring FM transmitters and receivers,
    designing and erecting antennae in the Antarctic
    ice. The first prototype radio station began FM
    broadcasts on 29 December 2006.

    The broadcasts consisted of radio art developed
    by r a d i o q u a l i a and hundreds of hours of
    music, radio art, sound art, DJ-sets,
    documentaries and podcasts produced by musicians,
    documentary makers, podcasters and DJs from
    around the world, collected via a public call for

    Researchers and scientists at SANAE IV were
    trained in the skills necessary to make radio
    shows for their station, and now run the station
    themselves, using audio provided by people from
    around the world. They call their Polar Radio
    station, "Radio SANAE",



    This informal event will consist of a
    presentation about Polar Radio and a discussion
    about working in Antarctica, followed by a sound
    performance by r a d i o q u a l i a.

    The talk will give an overview of the
    establishment of Radio SANAE, the first node of
    Polar Radio, in Antarctica, and will cover such
    salient points as:

    * the role of radio in Antarctica
    * how to build your own antenna from found objects
    * what the net looks like over a 1k connection shared between 70 scientists
    * can artists really teach scientists anything?
    * common symptoms of contextual hyper neurosis

    The sound performance will be comprised of
    elemental field recordings made on the ice, and
    VLF radio recordings made of the Antarctic

    Drinks will be provided.

    The event and the research phase of Polar Radio
    is supported by Arts Council England



    r a d i o q u a l i a is an artist collective
    formed by Adam Hyde and Honor Harger, which
    creates radio and sound art. Their work has been
    exhibited at the ICC in Tokyo, New Museum of
    Contemporary Art in New York; Gallery 9, Walker
    Art Center in USA; Sonar in Barcelona; Ars
    Electronica in Austria; Artspace in New Zealand,
    among other places. r a d i o q u a l i a
    projects include Radio Astronomy
    http://www.radio-astronomy.net (2004 - now),
    The Frequency Clock (1998 - 2003) and Free Radio
    Linux (2002 - 2004).

    In addition to r a d i o q u a l i a, Adam Hyde
    manages FLOSS Manuals
    http://www.flossmanauls.net/. He has been
    involved in free technology and art for 10 years,
    mainly within the broadcast realm but lately
    Adam's work is centered in community building and
    publishing. Recent artistic projects include the
    Geekosystem - recycling technojunk into art
    http://www.geekosystem.org, Kumara - free media
    email blogging http://www.xs4all.nl/~adam, and
    the Paper Cup Telephone Network
    http://www.papercuptelephone.org. Recent
    non-art projects include managing the production
    of the OLPC and Sugar manuals

    Honor Harger also works as a curator and
    organiser. From November 2004 - July 2008, she
    was director of the AV Festival
    http://www.avfestival.co.uk in Newcastle,
    Gateshead, Sunderland and Middlesbrough in the
    UK. In 2008, she curated the third edition of
    the festival on the topic of broadcasting. She
    is also a PhD researcher at Z-Node a facility ran
    by the Faculty of Technology, University of
    Plymouth, and the Zürich University of the Arts,
    (ZHDK) in Switzerland. Her research aims to
    combine traditional and practice based research
    methods to create a sonic understanding of
    astronomical space, placing emphasis on the way
    that radio can be used to make space audible.



    I-TASC (Interpolar Transnational Art Science
    Constellation) is an official project of the
    International Polar Year 2007-2008. I-TASC is a
    decentralized network of individuals and
    organisations working collaboratively in the
    fields of art, engineering, science and
    technology on interdisciplinary development and
    tactical deployment of renewable energy, waste
    recycling systems, sustainable architecture and
    open-format, open-source media. I-TASC is a
    lichen-like structure sharing and integrating
    local knowledge, resources and skills across six
    continents in order to symbiotically engage with
    common issues concerning the air, ocean, earth
    and space.

    I-TASC website: http://www.i-tasc.org/

    SANAP website: http://www.sanap.org.za/

    Map showing Antarctic bases, including SANAE
    where the I-TASC crew visited in 2007.:



    Getting there: The People Speak HQ
    17-25 Cremer St, London, E2 8HD

    Directions: Cremer St is just under the bridge
    half way between Hackney Road and Kingsland Road,
    Public transport options: Shoreditch Tube station
    is sometimes open, and is close, alternatively,
    Old St, or Liverpool St are quite near. The TFL
    website http://www.tfl.gov.uk/ should give you
    some useful directions.


    For data on Polar Radio, contact: r a d i o q u a l i a
    Email: adam@flossmanuals.net or honor@va.com.au
    Phone: +44 7765834272

    For data on I-TASC, contact: Thomas Mulcaire or Marko Peljhan
    Email: tm@interpolar.org or mx@interpolar.org

    r a d i o q u a l i a would like to thank Arts
    Council England, SANAP, I-TASC, The People Speak
    and MediaShed.
    JIMMI15 --- ---
    ERIXIKORA: dobry napad, vizualne uchazejici, ale casem dost nuda imo. ale pusobi to na me takto kdyz se na to divam na utube, treba na akci to muze vypadat uplne jinak a lip. jen dotaz: to delas zive k te hudbe primo? da se to aplikovat na zivou hudbu, ze bys s timhle nadobickem fungoval primo na nejake akci/koncertu?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ERIXIKORA: no nevím, ty tvoje starší videa se mi líbily víc
    SGNLR --- ---
    ALERT: to sedí:))
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ALERT: !!! :))
    ALERT --- ---
    tak jake to tam je?

    The Near Future Laboratory Top-15 Criteria for New or Interactive Media Art are...
    CABOWITZ --- ---
    a mne to letos zase bohuzel nevyslo :-(((. tak aspon nad katalogem stravim nejake chvile...
    MAHISH --- ---
    Druhým rokem jedeme busem do Budějek/Kamenný újezd a pak stopem. Ubytko je těžší shánět. Camp je vždy jistota, ale je trochu z ruky.
    MARURA --- ---
    CABOWITZ: jedu:-)
    TUAN_LE --- ---
    CABOWITZ: Ja urcite pojedu. Jenom jsem zatim nejak neresil jak, kde budu bydlet a tak. Mas nakej tip?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    jj, stejně všichni skončí v AEC :D :D
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    spíš si tam bude hrát :)
    FISHEYE_100 --- ---
    CABOWITZ: copak, hrajes tam ;)))
    CABOWITZ --- ---
    tak kdopak se letos chysta na ars electronicu? :)
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    3SC: zelená? já myslela, že je oranžová...tak jsem ji nenašla .)
    3SC --- ---
    SAIL_OR: Přesně zelená buňka s číslem B 16 hned dole u Kenvela
    MARURA --- ---
    Reclaim the Data: Using Digital Footprints and Hidden Data to Empower Reflective Consumption - call for projects

    Interactive Institute is setting up their yearly art-festival "New Media Meeting" www.newmediameeting.se (19-20 September in Norrköping, Sweden). Eric Gullberg is arranging a seminar in association with this festival. So here you go the call for this seminar, entitled Reclaim the Data: Using Digital Footprints and Hidden Data to Empower Reflective Consumption. The accepted projects will be provided flight, hotel and access to the festival.
    SAIL_OR --- ---
    3SC: a nemáš ponětí, kde přesně na můstku se to usídlilo?
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam