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    ztracené heslo?
    NEFERTIVery Foreign Affairs 20.3.2010 Peverelist (UK) @ Cross Club
    ABU --- ---
    MIHAAL: stormič byla "last minute" akce... ale uz je tady, toulaj se s matoznym po praze, tak bacha na bubaky:)
    MIHAAL --- ---
    sem si vsim ze na webu crossu neni napsanej stormfield.

    Vystupující: Mala (UK), Sgt Pokes (UK), Priapus, E.S.P, Matoa, Yukimura, Machine Funck…
    ABU --- ---
    LORENZO: hodil by se treba abstract hip hop? jeden fajn clovek by me napadl..:)
    LORENZO --- ---
    Lidi co hrajou podobně je dost, ale nemělo by to být celou noc jednovlné... Ale dole párty bude, to je jasný...
    LORENZO --- ---
    ABU: Má někdo nápad na 1-2 hosty nahoru?
    ABU --- ---
    FRESHAIR: dole bude asi srumec, pojd do toho:D
    FRESHAIR --- ---
    LORENZO: kdyz nad tim tak premyslim, nevim zda-li se tam mezi tu skvadru zanrove vlezu... breakstep, breakbeat, bassline,fidget,ukg a podobny bukake nebude uplne ideal ..takze jdu dolu spis:))
    NAILER --- ---
    LORENZO: dam si tanec kolem pavouka ;))
    LORENZO --- ---
    FRESHAIR: Super. Připravíš něco special ne pure dubstepového?
    NAILER: Nechceš vůbec... Tak to ti aspoň na stage hodim tyč ne?:)))
    FRESHAIR --- ---
    LORENZO: ja klidne nahore, je mi to FFFUUU
    NAILER --- ---
    LORENZO: tentokrat se zdrzim, trsnu si na kluky a holky nahore i dole ;)
    SIDE --- ---
    ANS: nejenom praha...asi nejaka podprahova reklama ve spanku..."zaregistruj se na facebooku, rekni to vsem ostatnim, vytvarej dalsi stalking zombies..." :)
    ANS --- ---
    cela praha zije facebookem? dobra dmnc .)
    LORENZO --- ---
    nahoře máme:
    Filastine (USA), Deus Ex Machina, Yukimura,

    abu, priapus, esp

    Jak dál?
    CDJ_FRANILL --- ---
    FRESHAIR: yeaha, posledni tejden snad cela praha zije facebookem, a na shq se dostalo taky, huh.. respekt!
    LORENZO --- ---
    IJACZEK: já jo. Na crossackym to neni..(už)
    IJACZEK --- ---
    LORENZO: aha .)
    FRESHAIR: crossácký taky? .)

    jen sem myslel, že ste to přehlídli, ale pokud ne, tak ok .)
    LORENZO --- ---
    IJACZEK: Aby Stormfield doplnil text.
    FRESHAIR --- ---
    text k stormfieldovi v cestine uz je hotov..pavel rozesle..btw. udelal jsem facebook

    FRESHAIR --- ---
    IJACZEK: se jeste doplni, tohle auditko je pracovni:)

    Combat's main subverter Stormfield was sonically trained via the early
    strains of LFO, Aphex Twin, Black Dog, Autechre and the first wave of
    dark, techy atmospheric drum and bass masters Photek and Source
    Direct, later carrying these influences proudly through other forms of
    music like electro, dubstep and hard breakage. Later exposure to the
    works of Scorn and a 4-year stint living near Brixton's colossal dub
    soundsystems left him with a pathological need for chest-rushing

    Realising that it was a consistent mood, a sound and attitude that
    defined his style more than genre names and scenes which ultimately
    come and go, he formed the Combat clan and regularly DJ's around the
    UK and Europe. His sound could be described at the result of dark,
    fierce and strange noises getting absorbed, chopped up, mutilated and
    spat back out again in dancefloor form, what he loosely calls "fierce
    bassbin electronics". Stormfield's Haiku EP was released in 2006,
    including an Ed Chamberlain remix which got featured on Mary Anne
    Hobbs' Radio 1 show. Stormfield has just released a remix for King
    Cannibal's Badman Near Dark 12". A remix of Scorn's Gravel Bed will
    surface sometime later in 2008.
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