DAVESADE: Hmm .. no .. par jich mam ;)
Blues Brothers
Dance Dance Revolution, BeatMania (ne-PC: JuBeat, Rhythm Tengoku, Pop n Music "pop", Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock, TechnoMotion "techno"), PaRappa Rapper, DanceMasters, DanceEvolution, GuitarFreaks, DrumMania, KaraokeRevolution, Vocaloid "vocal", )
StepMania ("step")
Metal Gear Solid
Jubgle Book ("jubgle")
Indy4 (Indiana Johanson 4) ("indie"/"indie rock")
Gothic ("goth"/"gothic rock")
Prince of Persia - zkracene "pop"
Reggae - Redneck Rampage? (spis ne)
Country - jen DK, neni PC
House - House of the Dear, neni PC (AC)