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    ztracené heslo?
    DAVESADEPoznej PC HRU podle hlášky, popisu, detailu, obrázku, čtyř pixelů nebo barevného kolečka
    KAOZZ --- ---
    UNREALONE: A nezadal bys raději ty náhradní otázku... ať tu zas nejsou zmatky s body? :)
    UNREALONE --- ---
    No nebudeme to protahovat, je to Hyper Demon
    Nechť zadá někdo další
    SHARINGAN --- ---
    damn, tak to jsem byl fakt blízko :) tahle nová mi ale bohužel nějak unikla
    UNREALONE --- ---
    hint jde o novější hru od stejného tvůrce jako zmíněné Devil Daggers
    UNREALONE --- ---
    SHARINGAN: ne, ale jsi blízko, můžeš znova
    SHARINGAN --- ---
    UNREALONE: Devil Daggers?
    KAOZZ --- ---
    UNREALONE --- ---
    poznej hru podle uživatelské recenze:
    At first, XXX seems almost like some kind of meta joke game. It's hilariously chaotic on your first few runs.

    I do my best to shoot the demons. The demons scream and twitch violently as they morph into technicolor blobs of nothing. The floor is water sometimes. I have a headache.

    I laughed when my timer went to a negative value. This is a funny game in the same way that Dark Souls is a funny game. Surely the game is making fun of me? Surely nobody would design a game this chaotic and expect me to take it seriously?

    Then, after a while, something clicks.

    You put together your first "good" run. You mange to get a powerup. You are immersed into a state of pure flow and it feels incredible. A dream turns into a lucid dream. You find yourself reacting to things you can't even really describe. You've acquired a taste of The Forbidden Knowledge and now you can perceive a strange, new dimension that was previously hidden to you. It's intoxicating. Every death leaves you wanting more.

    I don't know how the game managed to pull off this magic trick - how did it manage to leap from being hilariously unplayable to borderline peaceful at times?

    I'm in awe of this game. It lights my brain on fire in the best way. You should play it.
    SHARINGAN --- ---
    GURBON: no né, nic si neporušil, my bad... evidentně to už vyšlo na konzole a na PC jako timed EGS exclusive... já jen doplácim na rozhodnutí věnovat 0 jednotek pozornosti na všechno co je Epic exclusive :) koukám, že to sklízí sedmičky, osmičky, tak to je fajn :)
    GURBON --- ---
    GURBON --- ---
    SHARINGAN: heh, ja uz pred nejakym casem cetl recenze, tak jsem myslel, ze uz je to komplet venku. Pardon.
    SHARINGAN --- ---
    GURBON: nebo to vyšlo na tom posranym EGS jen?

    https://store.steampowered.com/app/1708010/The_Expanse_A_Telltale_Series/ tohle, že?
    SHARINGAN --- ---
    GURBON: viz pravidlo č.8 pls
    GURBON --- ---
    UNREALONE: ano, zadáváš
    celý název: The Expanse: A Telltale Series
    UNREALONE --- ---
    GURBON: že by Expanse?
    GURBON --- ---
    HINT: Hra z letošního roku je sequelem jednoho ( za mě skvělého) seriálu. Stačí mi i název seriálu.
    GURBON --- ---
    GURBON --- ---
    Tak zkusime jinou licencovanou IP. Nazev?
    GURBON: Je to tak, zadej
    GURBON --- ---
    THINWHITEDUKE: tak si jeste tipnu Starsky&Hutch?
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