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    ztracené heslo?
    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Grooves Mag interview with Taylor Deupree

    TADEK --- ---
    // ot hmm vypada pekne, portland a hlavne keef baker - oba dva vydali desky na n5MD ktery taky stoji za to prozkoumat a nova deska keef bakera co ted vysla, vysla u hymen recs a taky stoji za to...
    CYBERARCHER --- ---
    Xynthetic Netlabel

    since: cca 2007 (presneji neuvedeno)
    styl: IDM nebo ruzna elektronika (techno, dnb, electro, ambient) glitchem/IDM dochucena
    url: http://www.xynthetic.com/

    a duvod proc to sem hazim:

    v.a. - Xynthetic Netlabel's Statement of Purpose

    date: 2007/??
    styl: viz vyse
    url: http://www.xynthetic.com/releases/xsn002.html
    d/l: http://www.xynthetic.com/cgi-bin/clicktracker/click.cgi?id=18 (cca 280 MB)

    1. Dryft - The Resurrect (4:38)
    2. Mochipet - Totoro Techno One (6:08)
    3. Userwave - The Titan (4:43)
    4. Daega - Break In (6:13)
    5. Displacer - Idling (3:58)
    6. Zainetica - Future 740 (5:45)
    7. Exillon - Rockmoss (6:15)
    8. Portland - The Return of Richard Belmont (4:30)
    9. Incite & Degauss - Saturation (SoP Mix) (4:40)
    10. Psonikadia - Rigpa (4:51)
    11. JGarrett - Steamroller 5 (5:02)
    12. Aphorism - Covert/Convert (4:22)
    13. Keef Baker - ar53 (4:01)
    14. Phylum Sinter - Progress, Regress, Repeat (5:50)
    15. Yesterday's Favourite - Tide (Electro Mix) (4:34)
    16. Apoplexia - Zero-Wing Space Combat (4:56)
    17. Xyn - Depot Town Acid (Cut Mix) (5:11)
    18. Revelstoker - Twister (4:49)
    19. Amorph - Eating the Ground (4:18)
    20. Sascha Müller - Black Day (5:27)
    21. Joseph Auer - Morning Tones (4:36)
    22. Blaerg - Reverse Entropy Catalyst (3:22)
    23. Adaptive - Eschelon (5:42)
    24. Urusai - Phantom Limb (4:24)
    25. ChemicalX - Asylum (7:17)
    26. Emulsion - A Long String Unwinding (5:03)

    Nevim jestli dokazu byt v tomto pripade objektivni, protoze se mi to nejak presne trefilo do ucha... je to bozi! Upe miuju! Posledni dobou bych vetsinu hudby, na kterou narazim, mohl delit na ohrane tucky/breaky a na tezko stravitelne experimenty... takze tohle je presne mezi. Zadne post-intelektualni machrovani, proste dobre pochopitelne patterny a zaroven vetsina tracku ma v sobe takovy idm-feeling a celkove "undergroundovy zvuk". Podobne napr. v.a. - Table of Elements (2004). Ted vazne - asi to neni nic extra vyjimecneho (r/evoluce se nekona), nicmene zas po delsi odmlce temer klasicke IDMko co me bavilo cele a hlavne jsem mel pocit ze me to bude bavit i kdykoliv priste si to pustim. Kdybych neco podobneho pomohl objevit komukoliv z vas, bude to fajn :) Konec euforie, narazil jsem na to vicemene nahodou, tracklist jsem videl az po stazeni a proste jsem to necekal. Zbytek releasu prozkoumam ASAP, na to ze podle vseho funguji od zacatku roku tak uz maji 8 releasu a vypada to ze v tomto pripade by kvantita nemusela valcovat kvalitu..
    PHACATS --- ---
    UNCLEAN: Moc pekna zamysleni nad repetativnim beatem... :) Jinak co se tyce Fliegenrasse - Meine Rasse jasne to dokazuje, ze spousta lidi a ve vsech formach umeni se snazi prosadit chaotickou a nesmyslnou kompozici, aby to vyrazilo dech a aby nekdo vypadal jakoby zajimave, protoze svoje dilo chape jen on sam...
    JIMMI15 --- ---
    UNCLEAN: chce to brat trosku s nadhledem, budou nasledovat imho jeste hustsi kousky.
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    It lies at the heart of many musical forms. Lends dance music its easy-to-follow groove. Facilitates the crucial pop song “hook”. Gives salience to key compositional elements that might otherwise go unnoticed or under appreciated. Used well, repetition can provide dramatic tension leading up to a sudden shift. Used poorly, it can be a crutch of lazy songwriting. It can underscore a subtle cadence. It can draw attention to hidden subtleties. It can allow intricate variation space to play. Or repetition can tire us. Cause us to lose attention and turn it elsewhere. Make us change the station. Or, just when we think we know what’s coming, repetition can be sharply withheld, smashing carefully aligned expectations with a formal, rhythmic, or tonal alteration that can give a piece its most transcendental, pivotal moment. Repetition mesmerizes us, lulls us, and yes, bores us. It’s a finely-honed tool capable of working wonders—or agony—depending on the hands in which it rests.
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ELECTRICFRET: a toz trefil, lec mi se to teda vuuubec nelibi a to uz jsem slysel spousty veci. a toz tak nak :)
    ELECTRICFRET --- ---
    Asi sem se netrefil s tady tím odkazem... Tož tak...
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    UNCLEAN: ale tohle je masakr !
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ELECTRICFRET: no, co na to rict... raci nic...
    ELECTRICFRET --- ---

    Chernobyl Records (CZ/SK) - Release 001:
    Fliegenrasse - Meine Rasse

    – bojovník proti všemu, co nemá šest rukou a dvě křídla. Bytost, která slovo META chápe až po přidání písmena N na konec. První preview release na Chernobyl Records.

    Download: http://download.chernobylmusick.net/Fliegenrasse_-_Meine_Rasse_1991_chrnbl001.zip
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Pan Sonic, live at Maria / Berlin 2001

    Rekl bych starsi, ale u nich to je jaxi pitomost :)

    FROHIKEY --- ---
    WAKO: jojo enypnion je moc fajn, o vikendu sem si ho projizdel. lanaril bych ty lidi do cryo az by se mi delaly boule za usima :) moc fajn veci delaj
    WAKO --- ---
    rsp_koktaje [enypnion 4 mp3 (2007) ____________paráda
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    FROHIKEY: mas to mit ;)
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    UNCLEAN: musime jeste trosku pritlacit u pr, cece... hod to jeste nejak nahoru :) koukni na nailu, jak v tom umi chodit hehe
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Marc Houle Live @ Beatport Pool Party [WMC 2007]

    92,4 MB
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    layering buddhalive - free track of 4 / 2007

    This month we have a live recording here for you. The track is a stereo recording of the very first Layering Buddha six channel performance, recroded on January 31 2007 at Maria am Ufer during the Club Transmediale events in Berlin. The material for this performance is derived from material I created for the Layering Buddha album. During the performance the audience is placed in between a ring of six speakers with the performer sitting in between them in the center. The layers of sound were dynamically distributed in space, providing an experience of being really placed in between the sonic cloud where the acoustic result depends on the position of the listener.
    The recording is only a poor protocol of something much bigger. However, it sounds surprisingly cool and this is why I decided to make it public. The track is more a documentation and a teaser for the real thing; the live performance. The recording has some clippings an other technical flaws but I like it anyway. If you have two or more computers running in the same room try playing back the track on all of them, starting them at different times.... At some point I plan to release a sourround version on DVD.

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    NAILER: uz se mazu :)
    RATUS --- ---
    Ruská alternativní scéna z Petrohradu míří do Prahy

    16.4. ve 20:30h. se v klubu CHATEAU l'enfer ROUGE uskuteční ojedinělé hudebně-divadelní vystoupení dvou experimentálních projektů z Petrohradu - NOISES OF RUSSIA a HLADNA. Do Prahy přijíždějí s novým programem Secret Assambly ve kterém kombinují experimentální práci s hlasem, zvukem, elektronikou a pohybovou složkou a ilustrují tak propastnost lidské existence ve všech jejich protikladech. Jedná se o jediné vystoupení v ČR v rámci jejich evropského turné. Vzhledem k omezené kapacitě prostoru bude počet diváků limitován. Zvukový záznam z vystoupení bude umístěn na www.chateaurouge.cz

    NOISES OF RUSSIA (aka LES BRUITS RUSSES) a HLADNA jsou jedněmi z nejaktivnějších a nejuznávanějších experimentálních projektů v žánru elektronické hudby v současném Rusku. Projekt NOISES OF RUSSIA Vznikl v roce 2000 a stojí v pozadí – organizačním i ideovém – mezinárodních hudebních festivalů NOISE vs. GLAMOUR a ELECTROINDUSTRIA, na kterých vystupují hvězdy elektronické hudby z Ruska i zahraničí. Ve své tvorbě NOISES OF RUSSIA kombinují postupy současné moderní i klasické hudby s vlivy tradiční hudby a prvky dark ambientu, drone a noise music. Syntéza těchto různorodých postupů doplněná o vizuální a verbální složku prochází náročným tvůrčím procesem, jehož výsledkem je hudebně-divadelní performance, která nemá jen ambici oslovait, ale chce přímo atakovat. Po textové stránce vycházejí ze své vlastní poezie, děl ruských básníků Vladimira Buritche a Velemira Khlebnikova, textů katolické mše, staré sumerské poezie, mayské mytologie, atd. ...

    jeden jejich track je na kompilaci Various Artists — “Recycled”

    Label: electrosound.ru
    Catalog#: es14
    Format: File, MP3
    Country: Russia
    Released: 16 Apr 2006
    Genre: Electronic
    Style: Abstract, Noise, Ambient

    01 Telepherique “Datenmuell” | 8.9mb, 6:31
    02 Alexei Borisov and Tania Stene “Sound Silence-NY” | 3.9mb, 2:51
    03 Oloolo “Ah Run” | 3.8mb, 2:45
    04 Aidan Baker “Mulch” | 7.7mb, 5:40
    05 Nikita Golyshev (CD-R) “Switched Off” | 6.8mb, 5:00
    06 Pink Twins “Kick” | 6.8mb, 4:59
    07 Kenneth Kirschner “Dead Television Sings” | 10.5mb, 7:43
    08 Antanas Jasenka “Robertas K. & his Pencil” | 6.0mb, 4:23
    09 Voilet “To Sir with Love” | 8.8mb, 6:25
    10 Nole Plastique “Formrme” | 4.7mb, 3:28
    11 Noises of Russia “SMI & SMI & SMI & SMI” | 12.5mb, 9:07

    In the 60th years of the past century Andy Warhol has proclaimed a masscult art, that can take a place in a museum near to the conventional classical products. Subsequently, having transformed pop art in business-art, its skilful followers have placed the tomato banks in each apartment and the house. In the beginning of 21st century the Culture, in a broad sense of this word, has ceased to have elite character. The concept of national culture also has disappeared — on change to them came Mainstream and Underground.

    Business-art has finally turned to business with elements of art, in sex with elements of love — it generated the whole crowds of faceless imitators of the pop art which has proclaimed a century so-called “actual creativity” — an epoch of a formalism on a background of an accrueing consumer psychosis…

    Our compilation is a sight of musicians from the different countries on a masscult from its seamy side: from oppositional underground. Because “noise music” (also named electroacoustics or concrete music, depending on a context) — is the phenomenon intentionally opposed by the basic musical mass-media; the phenomenon, thus frequently using as it is paradoxical, receptions and sound breadboard models of popular music, i.e. standard music.

    Once again confirming, that The Majesty Pop-Culture is a completely processed (recycled) product.

    download http://www.electrosound.ru/releases/es14/
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