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    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    [insectorama#008] dynastic - kabouter ep

    dynastic - kabouter ep
    4 tracks from dynastic with perfect rocking beats and wonderfull melodys for dance from the netherlands.

    dynastic - kabouter
    dynastic - rube
    dynastic - kabouter remix
    dynastic - hapering

    download complete 320kbit zip file


    UNCLEAN --- ---

    [slgrv_09] daclip - mono ep

    gosh!another monstrous release from the russian federation,thistime from alexey sharikhin aka daclip from moscow.
    a lot of elegance in this release..smooth,hypnotic pads,deep rhythms,discreet glitches...sit & spin-


    UNCLEAN --- ---
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    [micro003] kinetix - logical fashion


    01. beat lottery
    02. dees face
    03. dot shuf
    04. musique magique
    05. SOLE
    06. the raid
    07. zingal
    08. contact

    Microme netlabel presents another fine release which melds fine danceable structure and deep relaxing scapes into one perfect harmony. Kinetix's vision is "stripped down, energetic club music" which is easy to catch on and pleasure to listen to. Enjoy.

    UNCLEAN --- ---

    [broque 033] Phonout - Spillover E.P.

    Phonout alias Oskar Rudzki is one of the best net-music "heroes" - a passionate and above all diverse artist, who understands a lot about word and picture. He fears no cliches, he does in each case whatever he wants, and this is how we met him on Broque.de from the beginning. He is the one half of Legoego and lives in real life in a small town in the beautiful North-Rhine/Westphalia.
    We simply love this guy because of his typically jumping beats and the matching crush-sounds, both included on this extremely deep tracks of driving nature.
    01 de-com
    02 woza
    03 passing happy
    04 do_sen
    05 the f-15


    More Infos: www.broque.de
    Thank you for feedback.
    Kind regards.

    UNCLEAN --- ---

    [Archipel] 029 Marc Neyen - "Crumbs"

    Title: Crumbs
    Artist: Marc Neyen
    Format: Mp3, 192kbps, free
    Genre: Minimal

    Archipel welcomes Marc Neyen of Luxembourg to its growing roster of constantly surprising artists. He is a trained jazz musician having studied in University and with his first release ever, what better place than Archipel to express his funk fueled music. We are proud to present you with "Crumbs".

    It begins with 'Mirror Maze' which starts off throbbing in the depths of a contorting imagination and bubbles its way through shifting sands of hypnotic rhythm and melody almost taking on a hue reminiscent a Steve Reich composition. 'Support the Cookie Monster' is an hypnotic journey of cerebral proportions which breaks out into luscious skittering drones flowing and forming geometrically organic mindscapes straight out of the deepest and darkest REM pattern.

    Next is 'Tucan' which scatters about even more in expedited but in no way rushed manner and sends one's thoughts spiralling into mindphase shifting patterns of memory and precognition.

    To close off this neuron exciting package is SozAdams' remix of 'Mirror Maze' which takes the original into ultra dark territories where movement and shadow are the prime inhabitants asking "Where is the exit." With this release, the exit leads only to infinitely more spaces of constantly shifting scope and perspective in a spiral of tantalizingly heady pathways.

    Get FULL RELEASE here.
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Prospector -- Podcast 7.0

    Krasny ambient mix...

    This months Podca Dotcast is bought to us by Prospector, it’s a 22 minute micromix, containing tracks from a number of different artists, many of the tracks are heavily edited, and at any one time there are usually several being played simultaneously.

    Prospector is available for weddings etc.

    Bjork—Headphones (Mika Vainio Mix)
    Pan American—Settled
    Prospector—Low Cover
    Marconi Union—Glace Bay
    Tunde Jegede—Lamentation
    Cliff Martinez—Is That What Everybody Wants?
    Stars Of The Lid—Broken Harbors
    Robert Fripp & Brian Eno—Meissa
    Prospector—Last Night
    Frank Brettschneider—Taylor Deupree—Dug In
    Oren Ambarchi—Girl With The Silver Eyes
    Greg Haines—Snow Airport

    All additional music & atmospheres by Prospector

    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Ryoji Ikeda @ Territorios Sevilla (26.05.2007)

    co dodat.... snad jen 池田亮司は体力の人だ。 :D
    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---

    Po krátké pauze se na Kaktusu opět urodilo pár nových bodlinek. Ke stažení (samozřejmě naprosto bezplatnému) se urodily 2 techno EPčka od zahraničních producentů - Maltu zastupující Darren Jones a Skot s nickem Smear. Třetí bodlinkou na dortu je album českého jednočlenného projektu Ruber Talpa, které leželo dlouhých 7 let v šuplíku.

    Ruber Talpa: Space Tribe
    Toto album leželo dlouhých 7 let v šuplíku Martina Lindy aka Ruber Talpa, člena pražské punk-rockové kapely Disabled. Tato atmosfericko-melancholická rarita na pomezí breakbeatu a triphopu by určitě neměla uniknout žádnému EBM fandovi.

    Smear: Septa EP
    Pětice techno tracků, které Vás provedou mlhou opuštěných postapokalyptyckých továren. Jemně plynoucí melodické exkurze mezi rovnými, ale polomenými beaty se zvukem někde mezi Detroitem a Birminghamem. Smear je jedním z nováčků, kteří si svojí produkcí pomalu, ale jistě, ukrajují část z koláče světové techno scény.

    Darren Jones: Drowned EP
    Darren na svém debutovém EP představuje svou pětici techno tracků. Tentokráte se však nebudete nikde toulat, opak je pravdou. Energie do vás uhodí jako kladivo do kovadliny. Možná jsme na ponorce, synchronní motory pracují, asynchronní také, ponor zahájit teď!
    MATHEW --- ---
    tak tohle je paráda, dík!
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Pan velky boss 12k rec. Taylor Deupree si zalozil web se svymi fotografiemi, ktere jsou k videni napr. na releasech 12k, (pro ty, co si to jen nestahuji, zeano :)... nadherny pokoukani + moznost zakoupit jeho shoty.

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    neasi support ;)
    ABU --- ---
    fiha, az tak:o)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ABU --- ---
    masinky na voditko a sup sem

    CYBERARCHER --- ---
    FROHIKEY: bravo, tak to me taky tesi ;)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    UNCLEAN: tak jsem dostal echo ze je to stary set z jjj radia, tak kdo uz slysel, tak at se nebouri... ale i tak, monolejk je monolejk.
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    CYBERARCHER: dekujeme, hlavne kdyz mame v tech prvnich 3 oba vlastni kousky, to potesi dvojnasob :)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    CYBERARCHER: dikydiky, jsme radi ze se libi !
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam