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    ztracené heslo?
    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    MINIBUBBLE --- ---
    Zdravím, zvu Vás 12.9.2007 na Bukanýra. BUBBLES MINIMAL NIGHT. Vstup zdarma, hrají Carl King, Rivendel, El, Insect Elektrika. Teráska, fotbálky, romantika na Vltavě. A minimal.
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    UNCLEAN: dalsi 3 releasy budou naopak dost vaznyho charakteru...fak ze jo....zadna sranda, naprosto vazna hudba. Dyt nas znas...hehe
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    LEVOS_BOB: dobra zvracenost :))
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    Novy release na Madridu...

    RATUS --- ---

    The Noise And The City was born during the summer of 2003. The roots of the project are to be found in a fascination for urban zones, as places of concentrated architecture, population, exchange and life : exciting and creative spaces. On the other hand, creative processes have always been at stake for us, and the following interrogation in particular : through what ways does a piece come to life ?

    The starting idea was to bind those questionings in order to think about the connexions between environment and creation in the scope of the city and electronic music.

    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ABU: :)))
    ABU --- ---
    UNCLEAN: k minimalu..psal sem "min techno, vic dream&trance:)" ... to min znamena míň, jako méně:D !!!!!
    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---
    a neska je v ty moji muze insect elektrika live prej
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    male info na pristi tyden

    BULVA FABULA [ Lichtpiraten edition ]

    Vjs: Lichtpiraten (de)
    Djs: Machine Funck, Cryoworks showcase
    vstup zdarma entry free.
    VJs exhibition project at Roxy -
    vždy jiné pojetí videoprojekce ve spojení s hudbou
    5.9.2007 od 20:00 v Roxy

    Přijďte se podívat na další nápady dramaturgů Bulvy Fabuly. Vždy jinak postavené projekce a monitory.. vždy jiná kombinace videa a hudby..
    Začátek 20:00, konec dlouho po půlnoci... Vstup pro všechny zadarmo.

    "Lichtpiraten obsadí klub Roxy i ulici venku."

    a k tomu >>>

    Hudebne pujde zejmena o predstaveni ne uplne mainstream muziky v nekolika stylovych blocich. A nejenze nemainstream, ale navic jeste v poslechovejsich formach toho ktereho stylu.

    Konkretlne by se jednalo o nasledujici skatule:
    1) ambient - djs set+hw
    2) glitchhop - laptopovej djset
    3) IDM (intelligent dance music) - liveset
    4) - 6) electrofunk, electro, electrobreaks / dubstep / minimal, mene tanecni a vice poslechovy (minimal techno, vic dream&trance:) - djsets + hardware

    3. slot odprezentuji nazivo v ciste autorskem setu frohikey a _clean v cryoworks showcase ( http://cryoworks.com )

    ostatni sloty odprezentuji Nailer a Abu aka Machine Funck ( www.machinefunck.info ) a pujde o smes desek, hw, laptop, autorske tvorby atd.

    ambient - spis smes zvuku, nalad, barev, ploch, poloh stylu - offbeat, soundtrack, listening, noise

    dubstep - pomerne cerstvy a u nas neetablovany styl, kteremu se v soucasnosti ve svete dostava cim dal tim masivnejsi odezvy. viz cela stage na sonaru, atd. jedna se o styl zalozeny na minimalisticke forme, mysticke atmosfere a base, která vasim telem rozhodne neprojde bez zanechani nasledku:)

    electro - bude pravoverny, lamany a dle pouvodni myslenky - no disco

    glitchhop - Rozbitej hiphop a downtempo, rytmy rozbity na stripky a slepeny dohromady lepidlem, co moc nedrzi a jeste k tomu desne smrdi. Naznaky melodie predvadi interference mobilniho telefonu, takze je to jeste navic takova past na zvukare. Od poklidnejsich starsich veci Amona Tobina nebo Talvina Singha, pres breakbeatem ovlivneneho tippera az po aktualni tvorbu rozpadlych Funkstorung, Modeselektor, Kraddy.... Semtam nasakly breakcorem, jazzem, rapem.

    IDM (intelligent dance music) - zanr elektronicke hudby, který vznikl z tanecni hudby a pouziva podivne zvuky, vyziva se v oporu k zavedenym hudebnim konvencim a tezko se na ni tancuje J Tento zanr zavedli projekty jako FSOL, Orb, Orbital, Richard James (aka Aphex Twin), Black Dog, B12 a další.

    minimal - by mel byt skutecne o "nekdy mene znamena vice" a ne o electrohousu, kterej se tak jen tvari:-P

    A tady malá ukázka z minulé Bulvy Fabuly...
    Pokud znáte Roxy, tak si představte, že to nejvetší plátno visí přes celou výšku sálu uprostřed a kameraman sedí těsně pod hlavní stagí smětem k baru..

    TOOMUCH --- ---
    héč, já už i co bude na čtvrtým.. hodně stěstí, kucí :)
    ABU --- ---
    UNCLEAN: no super! sossing...
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    broucci, ktery by si jiste pustil na dobrou noc i Honza Karafiat :)

    [owo003] Me And My Droid - Digital Insects

    Insects, whether you love them or hate them, they permeate our surroundings. Me And My Droid explores these miniature biological entities in his latest offering on Cryoworks.

    2500AD: forms of ecological life have adapted to their harsh surroundings, consequence: insects made not of carbon compounds, but electro-mechanical robots crafted from self-replicating nano-structures.

    Track 1: Shows the evolutionary behavior of these "insectoids". Their reproductive organs no longer required as part of a tool in the continuation of their species, they use them as pleasure sensors instead.

    Track 2: Insects bred for warfare? Some clandestine intelligence agencies seems to think so as they have developed some stealthy and deadly buggers to carry out their dirty work.

    Track 3: Soaring in the sky requires some kind of propellant, what better way to defy gravity then by the wobbling synthesizer sounds of a TB-303!

    Track 4: Ever heard the expression of two people fond of each other being "love bugs". Ya...

    Track 5: Humans are born with congenital defects. Insect robots are not impervious to flaws at birth either. Several tests are conducted to eliminate the weak ones. Eugenics is the norm.

    Track 6: The monotonous existence of these critters is embodied in this track. Their software designed to seek out food in the ground. Over and over again...

    Track 7: Armies of ants scuffle around the planet. They are highly efficient distributed networks of autonomous robots. Together, a colony forms a single cognitive machine.

    Track 8: The cycle of life continues. Whatever goes up, must come down. What happens when insects crash? Their parts are scavenged, and from the ground, they are born again.

    download full release (43MB ~ MP3 VBR in ZIP)

    01 :: Kinky Japanese Beetles [06:08]
    02 :: Insect Bites [03:22]
    03 :: The Evolution Of Flight [05:54]
    04 :: Love And Harmony [03:41]
    05 :: 4 Equal Sectors Colored Yellow [04:24]
    06 :: In The Soil [05:21]
    07 :: A Brand New Ant Colony [06:09]
    08 :: Digital Malfunction [0:57]

    tracks: 8 | style: ambient/drone/experimental | duration: 35:56 | released: 28.8.2007
    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---
    jezis, tak pssst
    FROHIKEY --- ---
    TOOMUCH: to samozrejme vi... "prasknout to frohikovi na icq" :)
    TOOMUCH --- ---
    GREGOR_PRIDE: tak doufám, že víš jak s touto informací naložit :}
    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---
    TOOMUCH: a ja uz vim co bude na tretim hec ;)
    SLEEPY --- ---
    ABU: si pis
    ABU --- ---
    hele, ted mi tak doslo..takze je realny, ze treba plastikman cerpal z pansonic, co...a FROHIKEY:, co na to asteroidy emmanuela topa :) ?
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    FROHIKEY: yop!!!
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