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    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Atom™ - Wellen und Felder

    Title from the Album "Liedgut". Released on "Raster-Noton" (www.raster-noton.net), catalogue number RN99.

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Jeremy Bible - lbrnm (reinterpretations of koen parks laburnum)

    With “lbrnm” Jeremy Bible presents his first solo work on Resting Bell. Jeremy is well-known for his project with Jason Henry, his experimedia imprint and for his graphic/photo/video work.

    “lbrnm” contains 3 reinterpretations of a koen park-piece titled “laburnum” originally released on the highly recommended “grey night clouds” release on experimedia. The original work sounds very clean, deep and calming. It is dominated by a own heartbeat, created with a higher “gong” tone and a subtle beat, giving the piece a very specific structure.

    The reinterpretations by Jeremy break this structure. He slightly shifts some elements further into the background, accents other elements, fills in some easeful parts and carefully adds some very, very gentle field-recordings, glitches and sounds. You can still hear the old elements and find some links to the basic material, but new atmospheres emerge from the original sources in these three pieces. A bit more drone, dustier, rustier, and more open.

    The original track is a great ambient-electronic-work. And with these three re-workings by Jeremy, you can get further perspective into this wonderful material.

    Release Date

    The original track laburnum is written by Koen Park
    laburnum is part of the album grey night clouds, released on experimedia.net

    reinterpretations done by jeremy bible

    done by Christian Roth, www.goyippi.net
    Image: Slika 79. Negnoj. (Cýtisus Labúrnum [sic].)

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Brilliant Noise

    Brilliant Noise by Semiconductor: Ruth Jarman and Joe Gerhardt

    Avaliable on DVD! with 12 alternate soundtracks semiconductorfilms.com/WorldsInFluxDVD.html

    Brilliant Noise takes us into the data vaults of solar astronomy. After sifting through hundreds of thousands of computer files, made accessible via open access archives, Semiconductor have brought together some of the sun's finest unseen moments. These images have been kept in their most raw form, revealing the energetic particles and solar wind as a rain of white noise. This grainy black and white quality is routinely cleaned up by NASA, hiding the processes and mechanics in action behind the capturing procedure. Most of the imagery has been collected as single snapshots containing additional information, by satellites orbiting the Earth. They are then reorganised into their spectral groups to create time-lapse sequences. The soundtrack highlights the hidden forces at play upon the solar surface, by directly translating areas of intensity within the image brightness into layers of audio manipulation and radio frequencies.
    Lots more info here:
    ...this version suffers a bit from the internet compression. The original version is much better

    KAJ --- ---
    SKYLAR: Rádo se stalo. Mě velmi zaujala tahle věc: Planet Boelex - Live at Netaudio London 2006

    Kahvi is honoured to welcome none other than Planet Boelex to the Kahvi shores. After hearing numerous great releases from other netlabels, Planet Boelex came over to London to perform a live set at the Netaudio Festival in Islington. All the usual qualities are there, epic sounds and textures with the that much polished vibe that we get to hear in Esem's works. A fantastic, 53 minute audio journey into Boelex's works and back.

    SKYLAR --- ---
    KAJ: skvely, dik
    KAJ --- ---
    Filtr mi nic nenašel, ale vy si určitě něco najdete... Tohle je POKLADNICE!
    WAKO --- ---
    UNCLEAN: zkoušeli jste stahovat ten FLAC? nějak ho nepřehraju...v Traktoru
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    .at/on - when satellite signals violate into night dreams

    I'm very happy about this release. I worked a lot on tunes and use more hardware and less software tool to develop my sound.
    I hope you enjoy this sound!

    1. butterflys in the stomach
    2. channels connection
    3. city soundscape
    4. coming home
    5. painters room
    6. when elephant draw elephant
    7. yesterday news still in the air
    8. airport vacume

    MD 6
    Released: February 6, 2009

    ANYSHKA --- ---
    UNCLEAN: první 4minuty jsem fakt přemýšlela jestli se mi nesekl počítač (mívá to ve zvyku) :)

    ale zajímavý experiment, už jenom ten název :)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ANYSHKA: no co, nejaky rytmicky noisy... to jeste nikomu neublizilo :))
    ANYSHKA --- ---
    UNCLEAN: tohle je ovšem hodně silné kafe
    ORLOCK --- ---
    UNCLEAN: jj, ten infantilizmus tam citit na 100 honov:)
    YARIN --- ---
    UNCLEAN: no do pice :))))))
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ORLOCK: myslis timitiminono ? to je z prej z nejakyho hororu kde nejaka zenska rve na decko Timi, Timi, no noooo :D
    ORLOCK --- ---
    UNCLEAN: ten nazov je ale fakt luxus:) ako od spolku dadaistov.
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    ORLOCK: ne, to budou nejaky drony od kamose z Portugal...
    ORLOCK --- ---
    UNCLEAN: to je nejake j-pop 8bit karaoke?:)
    UNCLEAN --- ---

    T5 - Timitiminono : Red [friendlyvirus]

    Artist: Timitiminono
    Catalog ID: T5
    Format: Mp3, Flac, CD-R
    Runtime: 17'32"
    Date Released: February, 2009

    From his dark room, oblique walls devoid of windows, the ceiling slowly pushing down, timitiminono conceived "red" – the first in a series of mini-cdr's to be released by friendly virus. this work is a departure from previous compositions, by being more concrete and incisive – it consists of small notes (simple, beautiful, ominous,
    emetic, red), woven in line throughout the track's runtime of 17:32 to enjoy in the isolation of headphones, lying down, eyes staring beyond the visible.

    UNCLEAN --- ---

    Eyes Flutter Beneath - Inside The Dream Laboratory (PHCH007)

    Eyes Flutter Beneath is keen netaudio student Harry Towell. Having released music as Audio Gourmet, straddling the various degrees of Ambient, through the likes of Webbed Hand Records, Towell now turns his attention to Phantom Channel, for his self-styled new direction of Bio-drone.

    'Inside The Dream Laboratory' is designed for low-volume consumption, when sleep isn't necessary but, instead a natural, unhurried occurrence. Humans are said to spend an average of 6 years dreaming in their lifespan. Scientists have proposed many theories as to why it exists, without ever determining a definitive answer.

    It's this psyche Towell intends to tap into, coiling deeply personal field recordings of a biological nature round peaceful, unpolished ambient textures to reveal a pure human element towards a genre that often strays in the other direction.

    Of course, the sound presented here is open to interpretation; the journey is very much your own as soon as you click play


    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Fennesz in the WSJ - interview

    Clicks and scratches have become as common as guitar, drums and bass for many an aspiring musician. But they are nothing new to Christian Fennesz, an Austrian musician whose mix of electronic music, pop and noise has helped define a genre -- by including the sounds that engineers once took pains to remove from recordings.

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