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    ztracené heslo?
    UNCLEANelectronic music (music for free, experimental, techno)
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    the landscape listens

    T R A C K L I S T :

    * 00:00 Savvas Ysatis & Taylor Deupree - Hourglass
    * 06:20 Kyle Bobby Dunn - Butel
    * 11:15 Nest - Far From Land
    * 15:30 Shaula - O
    * 20:20 Shaula - Under a Palpebra
    * 24:20 Ian Hawgood - Before I let the sunshine rot
    * 30:45 Chihei Hatakeyama - Illusion of Memory 2
    * 32:50 Kyle Bobby Dunn - There is no end to your beauty
    * 42:10 Parks - Franja
    * 47:50 Chihei Hatakeyama - The moon reflecting on the surface of the ocean
    * 49:50 Marconi Union - Nothing ever happens in Tunguska
    * 54:45 Coldstream - Alarums
    * 1:00:00 end

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    9 Beet Stretch

    Jednoduchy napad, zajimavy vysledek...

    This Raudio Special brings you, as a continuous 24/7 audio webstream, '9 Beet Stretch' by idea-based artist Leif Inge. '9 Beet Stretch' is a recording of Ludwig van Beethoven's ninth symphony stretched to 24 hours, without pitch distortion. We started the stream on saturday may 7th, 2005, at 20h15 (the moment of sunset (local time) in Vienna, Austria, where Beethoven's ninth symphony was first performed, on may 7th, 1824).

    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---

    [free_rls] Peter Van Hoesen – Variable Parts EP (T2X09)
    info a dl tu http://technokracie.org/
    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---
    bych malem zapomel sem :)
    GREGOR_PRIDE --- ---
    ++release (techno)

    01 Elektrabel – Mordor
    02 Pluge – Ponk
    03 Wetrix – Kvokation
    04 Dialect – 16ka

    INK_FLO --- ---
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    INK_FLO: nj, vypada to dostupny jen pro amiky... taham to z torrentu, tak to tady pak nahodim.
    INK_FLO --- ---
    podařilo se někomu simvás stáhnout tohle? - UNCLEAN: jestli jo, nemůžete to kdyžtak hodit na mediafire, leteckou poštu nebo někam?
    TOOMUCH --- ---

    The David Lynch Mash-Up Album

    01. the voice of love is crying : COLATRON
    02. blue rigby : WAX AUDIO
    03. twin hearts : COLATRON
    04. heaven’s drive-in : PHIL RETROSPECTOR
    05. tori’s deranged : WAX AUDIO
    06. something stupid this way comes : G3RSt
    07. i’ll be there in twin peaks : COLATRON
    08. the pink jack : WAX AUDIO
    09. lauren’s opus : THE REBORN IDENTITY
    10. frank’s here : THE WHO BOYS
    11. the elephant connection : THE REBORN IDENTITY
    12. i’ve told every little pumpkin : TOTOM
    13. violent at heart : THE REBORN IDENTITY
    14. don’t go all wicked on me : NEILTOMO
    15. eraserhead serenade : RIAA
    16. velvet dreams : VOICEDUDE
    17. in my twin life : PHIL RETROSPECTOR
    18. this is David Lynch : NEILTOMO

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Machinefabriek De Jonge Jaren


    UNCLEAN --- ---
    The mathematics of music - an interview with Ryoji Ikeda

    So forward-looking that it's hard to categorize him — Is he an artist? A musician? A conceptualist? — Ryoji Ikeda makes the music that we'll lull the robots to sleep with when they ultimately try to take over. Or that we'll use to convince ourselves that we are the robots.

    For performances, Ikeda — who says the most important aspects of his works are "ideas and results" — matches his dense electronic compositions with visuals that could come from a monitor of whatever machine would produce such sounds. The scale of his works feels immense — his last performance in Japan was of "datamatics [prototype]" at the Tokyo International Forum's cavernous Hall C, in which a screen stretched across the full stage projected digital noise. James Brown it's not.

    Earlier, Ikeda worked with Hiroshi Sugimoto to produce the crunching sonic backdrop at the Mori Art Museum's exhibition of the photographer's iconic prints of ocean horizons. For his latest, the multitalented artist is revising "datamatics" as a "[ver. 2.0]" in Itami on March 13 and Tokyo March 16. Standing on the edge of what music can be, and thus bleeding into the world of art, Ikeda spoke to The Japan Times about mathematicians and the future of music.

    How do you see music changing?

    We know that we can't concretely predict how music will be in the future, but everybody knows that music will definitely change. Of course, this is not only about music changing, this is about everything changing. It seems to be obvious that the form, style and way of representation will be endlessly transformed by technological trends, which has long been a tradition within music — from the invention of notation, or instruments such as the pianoforte, to digital downloads today. But I am more interested in thinking about what will not change — I naively believe that the essentials of music will never change.

    What about "entertainment"?

    As long as capitalism continues, entertainment will always be driven by the stock exchange. Aside from such dry thoughts, I like to believe that popular entertainment genres will always have a mutant or alternative form, such as art films in the movie industry — that any genre always keeps its "Art," that which raises questions and encourages deeper considerations about the genre itself.

    In the melding of art and music — as in your work and the recent collaboration between Ryuichi Sakamoto and Shiro Takatani at the NTT ICC — is it possible to separate the visual and sonic parts?

    My job as an artist is to compose elements. Composition is the key. So any elements, which are brushed up carefully, are the subjects to be composed. I compose sounds. I compose visuals. I compose materials. I can't put, or analyze, myself in the context of something between art and music; I am naturally doing what I am doing.

    Who were your original inspirations?

    Most of the mathematicians in our modern history, especially Leibnitz, Cantor, Godel, Grothendieck.

    Can you compare your works to others'?

    First, I believe that the works speak absolutely for themselves — this has always been a strong belief of mine. And if they are too extreme for some people, at least the works can speak much better than the artist can. To be honest, I cannot judge, or even think about, my works myself. I think this should ideally be left to the critics — or at least anybody except me.

    What do you think of participating in collaborations?

    It depends on the project or work. But I am somewhat skeptical about collaboration. A novel, a painting or an orchestral composition cannot be done by two people — even movies, choreography or architecture. There are some exceptions, but essentially, a work of art is for a single artist. I am saying this through my experiences, such as a decade of collaborating with Dumb Type (Teiji Furuhashi's avante-garde performance group active in the 1990s) and others. Being solo is direct and straight, which I like for the moment.

    Who would you like to work with?

    At the moment I am collaborating with a mathematician at Harvard whose specialty is pure math, number theory. But it is not a real collaboration, it is to share or confirm the deepest aesthetics between math and art (in what I am doing). I will keep doing so with other mathematicians.

    What is your creative process like?

    The process happens in a trial-and-error and a back-and-forth way. It's an adventure between the hands and the brain that is both systematic and intuitive, and cannot be generalized. For example, first I make different cookbooks for each project or work — the score or "idea" making. I then follow this plan, preparing all recipes carefully — the production process — and then every single element is judged intuitively by the chef at the very moment when he starts to cook — the live performance or installation of an exhibition. I think this is quite normal for any artist.

    What are the most important recent technological advances for what you do?

    Many interesting things have happened in the last decade, especially in the development of multitask platform technology for computers, which enables anyone to program their own software. This is a breakthrough for me, since programming requires us to learn very sophisticated computer languages. I myself don't do programming, but to see a new way of thinking among a generation is interesting — as if to witness a major new wave or trend like with DJ kids a decade ago. To me, a drastic shift in people's way of thinking like this is always more exciting than its trigger.

    What are your expectations for the next generation of digital artists?

    When young programmers grow up and become mature, I believe they get very close to a border between pure math and what they are doing. In the age of (the Greek philosopher) Plato, music was a science (and part of math), and some of the genuine programmers may well come to accept this great concept in the future, even if they are not conscious of what they are doing for art. And then, at some stage, perhaps the music industry will disappear.
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Jefre Cantu-Ledesma - Wolf Moon Mix

    Dalsi Typecast, dnes je selektor samotny Jefre Cantu-Ledesma z Root Strata

    Gorgeous modern ambience from Alps/Tarentel/Root Strata man Jefre Cantu-Ledesma
    Via Soundcloud

    You should all know Jefre Cantu-Ledesma now from his work as part of Tarentel and The Alps (as well as his essential solo recordings) and as one of the head honchos behind the astonishingly good Root Strata label. Here he has patched together a mix from some of his favourite slices of modern ambience – perfect for staring into the moonlit night.

    01. Andrew Chalk – The Arkay Stream – The Cable House – Faraway Press
    02. Scott Wells – Untitled (Day Song 4) – Day Songs – Root Strata
    03. Grouper – Hold The Way / Pulse – Split W/ Roy Montgomery – No Label
    04. Cloaks – Cycles (For Guitar) – Two New Pieces – No Label
    05. Xela – The Sublime (Excerpt) – Digitalis (forthcoming)
    06. Voice Of The Seven Woods – Breaking Moonlight – The Journey – Kning Disk
    07. Mirror – Untitled – Visiting Star – Three Poplars
    08. Kevin Drumm – Romantic Sores (edit) – Imperial Distortion – Hospital Productions
    09. Grasslung – When We Were Young – Sincere Void – Root Strata
    10. Earn – Folding Others – Person – Young Tapes

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Fluid Radio - Solo Andata Exclusive

    Track List:

    Donato Wharton – The End of the American Century
    Grouper – Invisible
    Eduard Artemyev – Meditation (stalker)
    Kevin Drumm – More Blood Than Guts -
    Simon Scott – Spring Stars
    Diane Cluck – Snake
    Fennesz – Circassian
    Joy Division – The Eternal
    The Fun Years – My Lowville
    Mogwai Remix – Drive
    Solo Andata ( Ryuichi Sakamoto Remix) – Chorale (look for me here)
    Jana Winderen – Live In Japan
    Tomasz Bednarczyk – So
    Svarte Greiner – Ocean Out Of Wood
    Jonny Greenwood – Open Space
    Paul Fiocco – Fingernails
    Akira Soundtrack/Geinoh Yamashirogumi – Requiem
    Fabulous Diamonds – Four
    Taylor Duepree – Worn
    Viktor Bermon – Unprepared
    Solo Andata – Jetty On The Baltic (unreleased)
    Solo Andata – Livid Walls Of Thought Possible (unreleased)
    Kane Ikin – Atlantis Lost (unreleased)
    + various field recordings

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Mixtape VII – Washed Out - The Fantastic Symphony

    There’s not one Washed Out track here, but it couldn’t have been put together by anyone else. Even the sepia tinged artwork (designed by Mark Weaver) looks like it was put in the wash 35 years ago with a copy of The Interpretation of Dreams. If only all of my dreams sounded like this instead of being chased around the forests of Bergen by Mayhem, I wouldn’t ever want to wake up, as opposed to lying in a cold sweat every night fearing sleep like Freddie really exists. Thanks, Ernest.

    1. Arch M – “Bedrm Band at Caf NVA (edit)”
    2. The Samps – “Magnetic Thys”
    3. Samiyam – “Wrap Up”
    4. Toro Y Moi – “Brubek”
    5. Koushik – “Homage”
    6. Osborne – “Afrika (Bullion Remix)”
    7. Iasos – “Inter-Dimentional Music”
    8. Jack Nitzsche – “Untitled (edit)”
    9. The Khalsa String Band – “Song of Bliss”

    ANGELFREE --- ---
    Floexův mix QDR10.Y

    Jeho autorem je Floex a nutno podotknout, že to pro něj nebyla procházka růžovou zahradou, spíš se musel prodírat pěkně hustým křovím - vždyť dostal k dispozici sbírku pěkně nesourodých položek. My jsme ovšem od samého začátku nepochybovali o tom, že autorem mixu má být právě on. Floex si poradil skvěle. Výsledkem jeho práce je mimořádně vtipná a nápaditě poskládaná mozaika z dosavadního katalogu QDR, ozdobená i o několik dosud nevydaných exklusivitek. Obal a tracklist naleznete v diskografii. Příjemný poslech.

    dwnld (91 MB), www.quazidelict.cz
    UNCLEAN --- ---
    halcyon presents Unsound Festival New York Compilation

    Polske tazeni na New York zdokumentovane na kompilaci festivalu Unsound :) Stazeni je podminene vyskytem ve spravnem regionu, tak to zkuste, treba budete mit vetsi stesti nez ja za nemeckou proxy...


    1 Stairway To Heaven - Zenial
    2 Neurotic Erotic Adventure - Neurotic Drum Band
    3 Experimento - Carl Craig
    4 My Little Place - Jacek Sienkiewicz
    5 Pet Hair Magnet - Groupshow
    6 To New York - FaltyDL
    7 You Mean So Much To Me (Acid Redux Cut) - Blondes
    8 Start Up - DJ Qu
    9 Peace Dub (Unsound Edit) - Pavel Ambiont
    10 Roller Coaster Dub - Solid State Transmitters
    11 III - Jacaszek
    12 Untitled - Static
    13 Sonic Octagon - Sinew aka Andrey Kiritchenko
    14 Past Tense Kitchen Movement - Ezekiel Honig
    15 The Unforeseen - Derek Plaslaiko
    16 Coffee & Tea - Marcus Visionary & Liondub Feat. Johnny Osbourne
    17 A Bus Ride With A Red-Haired Girl - Tomasz Bednarczyk

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Pogo - Wonderland

    Takova zvlastni triphopova kolaz poskladana ze samplu z Alenky z rise divu. Zni to tak trochu vesele a tak trochu melancholicky a roztomile.

    Assembled primarily through sampled audio from Disney’s animated film Alice In Wonderland, Pogo’s Wonderland is a four-track chillout / electronic album released for free via Last.fm.

    UNCLEAN --- ---
    Klimek - Random Noise Ballads vol. 3

    Jak uz predeslal nazvem sve desky Movies is magic, Sebastian Meissner aka Klimek ma rad filmy a filmovou hudbu. Tento mix obsahuje spoustu utrzku z filmu a hudbu k nim doplnuje zabavny mix od hiphopu po noise. Vyborny...

    track list:

    01 - Moodymann - Det.Riot '67
    02 - Quincy Jones & Thomas Dolby - Pawnbroker (main title) / Byronic Love - KLIMEK edit
    03 - Coleridge-Taylor Perkinson / Michael Campus - Dialogue excerpts from the film "the education of Sonny Carson" - KLIMEK edit
    04 - Fog Child - Madness vs. Sadness - KLIMEK edit
    05 - GZA & RZA - life is a movie - KLIMEK edit
    06 - Mobb Deep & Fred Frith - Handcuffs / Open Ocean - KLIMEK edit
    07 - Led Zeppelin & Wevie Stonder & Arnold Dreyblatt & The Hub & Eyvind Kang - In The Evening / Autopilot / Animal Magnetism / Whackers / Hour Of Fair Karma - KLIMEK edit
    08 - The Hub & D.Fire - Whackers / Wollendure - KLIMEK edit
    09 - Eduard Artemyev & John Cale + Nico & Jeffery Lee Pierce - La construction du Zeppelin / Camera Obscura / Open The Doors Osiris + The Fertility Goddess - KLIMEK edit
    10 - Ned Rothenberg & Terre Thamelitz - Trials Of The Argo / Fag Jazz: Superbonus - KLIMEK edit
    11 - Bama the Village Poet & Arnold Dreyblatt and the Orchestra of Excited Strings - Nothingness / Lucky Star - KLIMEK edit
    12 - Arnold Dreyblatt and the Orchestra of Excited Strings & Ayuo - Lucky Star / Lament - KLIMEK edit
    13 - Brad Lubman & Steve Reich & Bob Ostertag - Garden / Different Trains: America Before the War / Drawning Offshore - KLIMEK edit
    14 - Steve Reich & Bob Ostertag - Different Trains: America Before the War / drawning offshore - KLIMEK edit
    15 - Bob Ostertag & John Duncan & John Zorn - Jolt / Happy Homes / The Well Tuned Harmonica - KLIMEK edit
    16 - John Zorn & Gordon Mumma - The Well Tuned Harmonica / Music From The Venezia Space Theatre - KLIMEK edit
    17 - Gordon Mumma & Swans - Music From The Venezia Space Theatre / Blackmail - KLIMEK edit
    18 - Gordon Mumma & Vladimir Cosam - Music From The Venezia Space Theatre / Promoenade Sentimentale - KLIMEK edit
    19 - Peer Raben & Brad Lubman - Sailors Accordeon / Jumping To Conclusions Ii: Q - KLIMEK edit
    20 - Brad Lubman & Jeremiah Cymerman & John Duncan & Pierre-Yves Macé - Jumping To Conclusions Ii: Q / Lateral Semicircular Canal / Babylon / Défense de Voir Au-Dedans - KLIMEK edit
    21 - John Duncan & Biosphere - Babylon / Kill By Inches - KLIMEK edit
    22 - Ikue Mori & Pierre-Yves Macé & Harry Partch - Clash By Night / Le Sentiment de la Nature Aux Buttes-Chaumont - Partie 2 / Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales: Study on Olympos' Pentatonic - KLIMEK edit
    23 - Ikue Mori & Mamoru Fujieda & Arve Henriksen - Clash By Night / The Third Collection: Pattern XII / White Gravel - KLIMEK edit
    24 - Arve Henriksen & John Zorn - White Gravel + Children In The Garden / Sooki's Lullaby - KLIMEK edit
    25 - John Zorn & Chico Buarque & Ennio Morricone - Sooki's Lullaby / Funerale Di Un Contadino

    UNCLEAN --- ---
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