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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARANGAZOVANE UMENI / umeni vs. politika a společnost --- aktivismus, propaganda, kritika, subverze NOVÉ: 666
    RED_KOMUSO --- ---
    NOIK: Nějaká upjatá morálka tohleto
    OTAZKAKONCE --- ---
    NOIK: to je citace odkud?
    JAKUBV --- ---
    NOIK: eh?
    NOIK --- ---

    Pamatuji se, ještě před rokem 89, když jsem jednou přišel k Havlům, abych tam vyžebral nějaké peníze na manželku Jana Wunsche. Věrka Novotná zůstala sama, manžel ve vazbě, dostal potom 3 roky kriminálu, ona s kojencem a bez koruny. Od režimu nemohla očekávat pomoc a tak jsem lítal a opět sháněl peníze. Paní Olga Havlová nebyla doma, aby své „malé dítě“, Vašíčka uhlídala od alkoholu. Nu, její Vašíček se tam válel na zemi celý od zvratků a pusinkoval se tam s chlapcem, kterého pak udělal velvyslancem v USA. Opravdu nechutný pohled!
    SGNLR --- ---


    Helmut Dick - Haute Cuisine Series
    Three meals based on well-known photo- and film material of man-made disasters:

    1. Cauliflower on mashed sweet potato with wild Salmon and a sauce of creme, beetroot and dill

    2. Spit with sweet paprika and pork, potatoes and roasted onions and a sauce of yoghurt and bear garlic

    3. Minced beef with white bread roasted in olive oil, avocado creme and a sauce of 'Violetta' potato and mustard
    SGNLR --- ---
    Loophole for All, Paolo Cirio's solo show at Aksioma | Project Space. 2014. Ljubljana - Slovenia

    This artwork unveiled over 200000 Caymans Islands companies and combined with an aggressive business strategy, it reversed global finance machination for creative subversive agendas. The website Loophole4All.com promoted the sale of real identities of anonymous companies at low cost to democratize the privileges of offshore businesses. This performance generated international media attention, engaged an active audience and drew outrage from authorities on the Cayman Islands, international law and accounting firms, PayPal and real owners of the companies. Further, the artist interviewed major experts and produced a video documentary investigating offshore centers to expose their social costs and to envision solutions to global economic inequality. In the offline art installation, the paper trail of the project is displayed with prints of the counterfeited Certificates of Incorporation and the documents of the scheme set up for the operation.

    Loophole for All - Paolo Cirio - Contemporary Artist
    GGG --- ---
    Saša jede....

    Noam Chomsky: Východoevropští disidenti vlastně moc netrpěli - iDNES.cz
    GGG --- ---
    Noam Chomsky: Izrael si znepřátelil celý svět - ceskapozice.lidovky.cz
    SGNLR --- ---
    MTO: videozaznam z dnesni debaty Noama Chomskeho s Jaroslavem Fialou bude brzy k videni na http://a2larm.cz/
    MTO --- ---
    GGG: urco oceni i tady. davals tam zizeka, chomskyho tak berem :-)

    [ MANUFACTURING SOCIETY (Chomsky, Zizek, Rushkoff, Klein a dalsi) ]
    MTO --- ---
    S_TEJK: sis spletl auditko ne?

    hlas lidu :-)

    "Známý provokatér
    David Černý není nic než provokatér. Jeho exhibice nejsou přínos pro umění a nemají jiný smysl, jenom aby upozornil veřejnost na sebe. Naštěstí už ho normální lidi neberou."
    GGG --- ---
    tak ted LIVE
    Avram Noam Chomsky: What Can We Understand? - Akademie věd ČR
    GGG --- ---
    Noam Chomsky exkluzivně v přímém přenosu na Radiu Wave | Kultura
    S_TEJK --- ---
    Co pro tebe znamená svoboda? zeptá se David Černý při happeningu
    Co pro tebe znamená svoboda? zeptá se David Černý při happeningu | Kultura | Lidovky.cz
    LA_PIOVRA --- ---
    The peril of hipster economics - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

    On May 16, an artist, a railway service and a government agency spent $291,978 to block poverty from the public eye.
    Called psychylustro, German artist Katharina Grosse's project is a large-scale work designed to distract Amtrak train riders from the dilapidated buildings and fallen factories of north Philadelphia. The city has a 28 percent poverty rate - the highest of any major US city - with much of it concentrated in the north. In some north Philadelphia elementary schools, nearly every child is living below the poverty line.

    "I need the brilliance of colour to get close to people, to stir up a sense of life experience and heighten their sense of presence," Grosse proclaims.
    "People", in Grosse and Thomas's formulation, are not those who actually live in north Philadelphia and bear the brunt of its burdens. "People" are those who can afford to view poverty through the lens of aesthetics as they pass it by.

    Urban decay becomes a set piece to be remodeled or romanticised. This is hipster economics.
    MTO --- ---
    Watch the K Foundation burn a million quid [ KLF ]
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