a tak take zkusim prispet svou trochou do mlyna - pokud se domnivate ze se z ticha/mlceni muze vynorit nejaka forma angazovanisti, tak ctete dal, pokud ne, tak to smazte / preskocte... :)
v dobe generovani nadbytecneho obsahu a fake-news, kdy se vsichni vyjadruji ke vsemu aniz by nalezite zvazili relevanci svych prispevku jsem se rozhodl do tohoto podivneho kolobehu tez prispet on-line performanci s nazvem sdilene ticho na dane tema, ke ktere bych te ev. rad prizval.
pokud budes chtit, napis mi email na michal.cab@gmail.com s predmetem "sdilene ticho" s navrhem datumu a casu, ktery se ti hodi - pokusim se tvemu navrhu vyhovet. pokud nahodou nebudu moci, tak navrhnu alternativni cas. predmetem performance je - jak napovida jiz samotny nazev - sdileni ticha na dane tema. v navrzenem case bych se s tebou setkal v on-line "rozhovoru", ty si zvolis tema na ktere budes chtit mlcet a nasledne tedy toto tema promlcime spolecne. (rad bych dodal, ze nejde o nejaky souboj typu "kdo dele" ale zkratka a jednoduse o to co se rika v nazvu - samotne sdileni nemusi byt nijak dlouhe - rekneme, ze konec muze byt urcen tim, ze se ti ticho subjektivne "vycerpa").
jak by to mohlo vypadat je videt v traileru:
sdílené ticho na dané téma
pokud nebudes mit nic proti, rad bych z performance poridil videozaznam, pokud si to ale nebudes prat, tak samozrejme dokumentovat nic nebudu. jako vhodna platforma pro performanci se mi jevi
https://talky.io/ - neni treba nic instalovat a komunikace by mela byt kryptovana. pokud uznas za vhodne, tak tento email muzes preposlat nekomu, o kom se domnivas ze by mohl o sdileni ticha na dane tema mit zajem.
in the time of excess content and fake news when everyone has to express their view about everything without having duly considered the relevance of their contribution, i decided to contribute to this odd cycle with an online performance titled shared silence on a given topic and I’d like to invite you to participate.
if you like, write me an e-mail (michal.cab@gmail.com) with a subject “shared silence”, propose a date and time that would suit you and i’ll try to comply with your proposal. if I happen to be unavailable, we’ll find some different time. the subject of the performance is – as the title indicates – sharing silence on a given topic. i’d meet you in an on-line “conversation” at the proposed time, you choose a topic you prefer to be quite about and then we will cover this topic in quiet together. (i’d like to add that the goal is not some kind of a duel where “who lasts longer, wins”, but rather to do what is said in the title – the sharing itself doesn’t have to be too long, let’s say that the end can be determined by the subjective “exhaustion” of silence.
You can see what it might look like in this trailer:
shared silence on a given topic
i’d like to make a video recording of the performance, if you don’t mind, but if you do, i won’t document anything, sure thing. i find
https://talky.io/ a well-suited platform for the performance; there is no need to install anything and the communication should be encrypted. if you see fit to forward this e-mail to someone who you think could be interested in sharing silence on a given topic, feel free to do so.