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    ztracené heslo?
    GUMAGUARANGAZOVANE UMENI / umeni vs. politika a společnost --- aktivismus, propaganda, kritika, subverze NOVÉ: 666
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    HYNEK: Moment, takže oni to tenkrát nerozstříhali a nerozeslali, jak bylo prezentováno?

    Jinak tohle jsem taky minul: "Naší chybou byl klíč xpub na chvíli zveřejněn na stránkách Ztohoven.com. Přestože byl nakrátko odstraněn, stáhli si jej Stick a Slush, kteří tuto zranitelnost místo zveřejnění zneužili a zabránili tak škodám. Měli více možností, jak nás o zranitelnosti informovat podle pravidel zodpovědného zveřejňování, kterých jsou si jako profesionálové v oblasti bezpečnosti a kryptoměn vědomi."

    Což mi teda přijde nádherné. K Satoshilabs, tedy spíše ke Stickovi a Slushovi jsem měl velké sympatie, teď je zbožňuju. haha.
    HYNEK --- ---

    Petr Pavel (@general_pavel): "DOHODL JSEM VRÁCENÍ ODCIZENÉ STANDARTY Z HRADU. NENÍ ZNIČENÁ A VRÁTÍ SE, KAM PATŘÍ. Nedávno jsem se dozvěděl, že prezidentská standarta, která byla v roce 2015 odcizena z...
    FRUITS --- ---

    ‘Geocinema’ considers planetary-scale sensory networks —cell phones, surveillance cameras, satellites, geosensors— as a vastly distributed cinematic apparatus: a camera. Sensing fragments of the earth - their operations generate terabytes of raw data, infrastructural architectures, obscured labour, dissonant weather, governmental policies, scientific management, environments and situations each participating in the changing of the earth’s fabric through their own sets of scales and temporalities. Here, the representation of earth is the sum of a decentralized editing process with its image anything but whole.
    VLKSAMOTAR --- ---
    Nevíte prosím – dá se někde získat film Digitální disidenti? Nebo je součástí konceptu, že to nebude digitálně k dispozici? :)) Díky. https://digitalnidisidenti.cz/
    MTO --- ---

    Social media charity!
    Disgusting trends have now moved to #TikTok away from #Instagram and #Facebook!

    Charity, is the masturbation of middle class who don’t want to fight the system that makes such acts necessary.

    #Cartoon from creativegaga.com
    FRUITS --- ---
    Kdybyste měli nějaký další tipy na tzv "counter-mapping", nebo něco, co tu již dřívě proběhlo, dejte vědět..
    About the Anti-Eviction Mapping Project (AEMP)
    The Anti-Eviction Mapping Project is a data-visualization, critical cartography, and multimedia storytelling collective documenting dispossession and resistance upon gentrifying landscapes. Primarily working in the San Francisco Bay Area, Los Angeles, and New York City, we are all volunteers producing digital maps, software and tools, narrative multimedia work, murals, reports, and community events. Working with a number of community partners and in solidarity with housing movements globally, we study and visualize entanglements of racial capitalism, technocapitalism, and political economy, while providing tools for resistance. Our narrative oral history and video work centers the displacement of people and complex social worlds, but also modes of resistance. Maintaining antiracist and feminist analyses as well as decolonial methodology, the project creates tools and disseminates data contributing to collective resistance and movement building.
    About — Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
    SGNLR --- ---
    "Kůlna pro zimu 2023"

    Tapety ve výklencích bývalých Hovoren, v rámci galerie Cella Opava, kde mám právě výstavu s názvem Wise Monkeys

    Bludný kámen — Vladimír Turner: Wise Monkeys | výstava

    GUMAGUAR --- ---

    Výstava ukrajinských umělců a umělkyň v Galerii NTK
    Exhibition of Ukrainian artists at Gallery NTK

    9. 12. 2022 – 22. 1. 2023

    Vystavují / Exhibiting:
    Nadiia Antonets, Polina Davydenko, Lina Degtyaryova, Olessia Fedko, Ustym Fedko, Zhanna Kadyrova, Volodymyr Kolesnykov, Beata Korn, Yura Koval, Masha Kovtun, Olga Krykun, Anatoliy Kryvanych, Magda Kwiatkovská, Yulia Kysil, Darja Lukjanenko, Olexa Mann, Aleksandr Martsynyuk, Anna Martynenko, Viktoria Mashchenko, Victor Melnychuk, Alice Nikitinová, Kseniia Platanova, Victor Pokydanets, Ian Potrogosh, Oksana Proshutya, Oleh Putrashyk, Ivan Sautkin, Polina Shcherbyna, Bohdan Sokur, Andriy Stegura, Tomáš Vaněk, Alina Yakubenko, Bohdana Zajac, Iryna Zakharova

    Kurátoři / Curators:
    Alice Nikitinová a Milan Mikuláštík

    Obraz na pozvánce / Reproduction:
    Alina Yakubenko
    C8400 --- ---
    SGNLR: Dílo se sestává z německých fráze "Ich akzeptiere" (přijímám, souhlasím), (..) přičemž písmena (..) byla seřazena podle abecedy. (viz odkaz ACEEEHIIKPRTZ)
    SGNLR --- ---
    C8400:je v tom nejaka skryta sifra?
    HYNEK --- ---
    I just added new "Jaywalking Frames" to my webshop!🎄https://driesdepoorter.be/shop

    "Jaywalking Frames" is a collection of images of people walking through a red light from all over the world sold for the price of the fine.

    This with the help of open cameras and custom software.

    Jaywalking Frame – Canada – Dries Depoorter

    Jaywalking Frame – USA – Dries Depoorter

    Jaywalking Frame – Russia – Dries Depoorter
    C8400 --- ---
    SGNLR --- ---
    MY PERSONAL PROTEST/ videoperformance
    TLOUDEV --- ---
    HYNEK: tyjo drone defense presne hledam, nejaci curini tu na podzim dronem mapovali urodu a dost zahrad vybrali.
    HYNEK --- ---
    Top veci.

    Tijmen Schep – Technology Critic & Privacy Designer


    DIY Drone Defense – Tijmen Schep

    HYNEK --- ---
    SGNLR --- ---
    asi je ted v mode squatting komodifikovat a psat o nem, ale nesquattovat

    pisou o tom i na Goout https://www.instagram.com/p/CkwAr23L32H/
    SGNLR --- ---
    NTK Gallery

    Master Lock | Flickr

    Airbnb boxes, keys to Airbnb apartments in Prague, chains
    Desk with monitor standing on large lever pliers
    Video with documentation of urban direct action
    On the table board lies the coat of arms of Prague made of epoxide, in which the keys to Prague apartments are encased

    A multimedia installation of locks that, when a code is entered, give out the keys to an adjacent apartment building. The keys are stored in these boxes by owners of short-term Airbnb rentals. So that they don't even have to greet the tourists they rent out their properties to on arrival, thus minimizing their operating costs and maximizing their profits. Thus, houses where locals have lived for generations become illegal hotels. The online platform Airbnb, which is used by landlords for commercial purposes, is a toxic phenomenon in most major European cities. The burden of this traffic is being passed on to the old inhabitants and is one of the reasons for gentrification and displacement of the local population. Our cities are becoming uninhabitable not only for the lower but also for the middle class. The process of transformation of flat-houses into short-term accommodation is taking place on a global scale. Various European cities are trying to regulate the Airbnb project. The biggest players in this field in the Czech Republic are also local oligarchs with billions in profits.. The existence of the social network Airbnb has allowed the richest to become even richer, while the poorer ones have to move out of neighbourhoods where their families have lived for generations. We need to radically demonstrate that housing should not be an object of speculation and investment, but a basic human right. Expropriate the oligarchs!
    SGNLR --- ---
    Karous tne do živýho

    Potřebujete si vyčistit karmu? Pořiďte si korporátní volavku… — ČT art — Česká televize
    HYNEK --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam