ATOMOUSEK: minimalni sila neni - kdyz ses malej chachar, pouzivas malej luk - to souvisi s tim x+2 - dal je tam nejaky postih za -2, kdyz pouzivas luk o vetsi sile nez je tva (to musi gm korigovat, samozrejme pro culibrka se silou 3 bude vyhodne pouzivat luk se silou 8+2 jen pri postihu -2 na hod... ale takovej elf ten luk nikdy nenapne)
BLOOD_ELF: na to co se cim haze je v Unwired dost solidni tabulka (str105)
coMMon rigger/drone teStS
Jumped-In Rigger Dice Pool:
Initiative as rigger
Attack Sensor + Gunnery
Melee Defense Response + Melee skill
Ranged Defense Response
Full Defense as above + Dodge
Damage Resistance Body + Armor
Infltration Response + Infltration
Maneuvering Response + Vehicle skill
Perception Sensor + Perception
Autonomous Drone Dice Pool:
Initiative Pilot + Response
Attack Pilot + Targeting
Melee Pilot + Defense l
Ranged Defense Response
Full Defense as above + Defense
Damage Resistance Body + Armor
Infltration Pilot + Covert Ops
Maneuvering Pilot + Maneuver Command
Perception Sensor + Clearsight
Remote-Controlled Dice Pool:
Initiative as rigger
Attack Command + Gunnery
Melee Defense Command + Melee skill
Ranged Defense Command
Full Defense as above + Dodge
Damage Resistance Body + Armor
Infltration Command + Infltration
Maneuvering Command + Vehicle skill
Perception Sensor + Perception
Ambidexterous a taseni 2zbrani - proc ne, taky to tak nacvicuju s adeptem (vetsinou v duchu;)
Mob mind - tak bylo by nahovno, zakouzlit neco za complex akci a aby te ten britvak svou druhou akci odkrouh - v tu chvili uz by mel byt proste takovej, rekneme zaseklej, pak ho normalne komandujes a kdyz mu prikazes bez do auta, tak pobezi do auta klidne minutu (musis ho ale mit porad nadohled) a jinak mu muzes zadavat jakoukoli akci, kdyz to nebude umet, tak bude samozrejme jen blbe cumet a na akce typu dej si zbran ke spanku a odstrel se si bude hazet nejaky test (nebo musis zakouzlit Mob control fakt silnej - ale to te sfoukne odliv;)
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