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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    "Transcendence can only be reached at maximum volume"

    Spřátelený klub, který vám váš zombie moderátor doporučuje:

    Demonische Agricultuur

    Odkazy na hudbu uveřejněné v tomto klubu od moderátora prosím jinde neuveřejňovat.

    rozbalit záhlaví
    COMATORY --- ---
    COMATORY: Kecám, Evan Miller... sem se splet.
    COMATORY --- ---
    kdysi ty byla kazetka od Evana Parkera. nemáte někdo náhodou ještě něco?
    JONY --- ---
    ohledně metalu a 8 bitů je docela zábava tohle


    klávesové party jsou postavené na 8 bitových motivech z Nintenda :-)
    JONY --- ---
    Wold - Stratification (Profound Lore, 2008)

    Nonetheless, “Stratification” is the Wold clan’s most unconventional recording to date. Even more bizarre and surreal than its predecessors, “Stratification’s” mission statement is pretty much symmetrically crystal clear; to worship and adhere to the wrath of winter.

    Like an unforgiving maelstrom of harsh sonic buzzsaw-like waves, through violent claustrophobic audial flurry, listening to “Stratification” is akin to being caught in an unrelenting crystallizing snow storm while wandering, and totally lost on a desolate and vast glimmering Saskatchewan prairie.

    Blinding and wailing, the uncompromising nature of “Stratification”, presented in a graciously designed 8-panel digipack, is a noise-filled spectrum of terror, all while presenting some of the most artful, elegant, and thought-provoking poetry that Wold have ever crafted; it is through vocalist Fortress Crookedjaw’s lyrics in which gives balance to “Stratification’s” violent yet elegant nature.

    He says: "Stratification is the voice of Wold's domination. We dominate in an authentic way, like hunger and sex. This is our strongest and most strict release. Obey and I feel satisfied as warriors and artists; we are truly triumphant. It is natural. It is right. With this album it seems that Wold have nothing to prove. It's like on LOTMP and even more so with Screech Owl we were still in the process of invading the village; and now that we've established power, we are, through our power and will, able to create a sublime winter world under a blanket of white noise on a frantic sleigh ride.”

    JONY --- ---
    Aluk Todolo "Woodchurch" live at Out.Fest 2008

    TOTAL_MANGEL --- ---
    WELL: díky !!!
    WELL --- ---
    TOTAL_MANGEL: Před tím albem mají jen dvě dema:

    I Am The Sun: http://www.zshare.net/download/87793418bf7d4a/

    Dogs of Doom: http://www.badongo.com/file/8233436
    TOTAL_MANGEL --- ---
    Před nedávnem sem někdo házel Herem-I_Pulsa_Dinura-2008 , nemáte prosím od nich ještě něco??? (nijak toho nemůžu moc vygooglit)

    a doporučil by mi někdo nějakou prasárnu alá Corrupted?
    MATHEW --- ---
    Menace Ruine - In Vulva Infernum [Demo 2008]

    Some cassettes got a cover printed on blue paper instead of red.
    1. Omnia In Nihil 09:33
    2. Permanently Liminal 12:12
    3. In Reverse We Die 07:50
    4. Dark Mother 08:44
    Total playing time 39:00

    JONY --- ---
    prodám 1 lístek na pattona za 500,- (bohužel mne přepadnul bacil) zájemce do pošty
    ZERO --- ---
    PASHWAKA: s lidma trosku smula, ale stalo to za to.
    BUGSLE --- ---
    PASHWAKA: chtel jsem zajit, ale nakonec jsme meli zkousku a vubec potrebuju spat(coz pravda tedka nedava smysl, ale plany byli jiny:)), jeden bych to stejne nezmenil
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    koncert sightings paradni.,
    jen takhle vyprazdnenou sedmicku, sem jeste nezazil...
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    MATHEW: ale neboj., . dneska si na sightings odbudu ten predstatnicovej stresicek a uz me ta drsnacka fazona pak prejde. ,. ale nebyltosnadsrandykopec?
    NOIK --- ---
    asi má pořád na sobě kazalčí voblek:))
    MATHEW --- ---
    PASHWAKA: ježiš marťo ty seš ale nějak nabroušenej!
    ZERO --- ---
    PASHWAKA --- ---
    MATHEW: bratislava nema ani milion obyvatel a v praze uz hral taky kazdej vocas.,
    MATHEW --- ---
    WENCA: ty vole jaký pokusy? já už jsem proslavenej! hrál jsem ve dvou hlavních městech evropy!
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam