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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    "Transcendence can only be reached at maximum volume"

    Spřátelený klub, který vám váš zombie moderátor doporučuje:

    Demonische Agricultuur

    Odkazy na hudbu uveřejněné v tomto klubu od moderátora prosím jinde neuveřejňovat.

    rozbalit záhlaví
    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    JONY: oh yeah!
    JONY --- ---
    Journey to Ixtlan s/t (Aurora Borealis, 2008)

    Pro mne jeden z největších objevů v tomto roce. Naprosto geniální mix psychedelického rocku a doom metalu.


    JONY --- ---
    ještě jedna vzpomínka na skepticism

    JONY --- ---
    NOIK: ne :-)
    NOIK --- ---
    JONY: a na cluster neupozorníš?:)
    JONY --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    jazkamer včera kupodivu velmi příjemně poslouchatelní :)
    JONY --- ---
    NOIK: imho pokud dnes nedorazí nějaký zájezd dědoušků na cluster, tak to bude s návštěvností ještě horší
    JONY --- ---
    Daniel Menche & Joe Preston "Cerberic Doxology" (2008)

    What might you expect from a match up between Mr. Joe Preston, he of Harvey Milk, Thrones, High On Fire and a million more, and Mr. Daniel Menche serious noise maker in his own right? Well definitely not this, although safe to say we're surprised but most assuredly not disappointed.
    Cerberic Doxology is a single 25 minute piece, for just vocals, a glorious primal, ritual of chants and longform vocal tones, which at first, and only for the briefest of seconds, sounds a bit odd, maybe because we were expecting to be blasted out of our seats, but within moments, the voices grow much less distinct, the sound around them gets hazier and blurrier, the floor drops out and the listener is suddenly suspended in some whirling otherworld, the low voices become fuzzier and buzzier and soon become thick undulating drones, the higher vocals, soar and shimmer, and offer up soft smears of melody. It's like Ligeti or Part filtered through SUNNO))) or Earth, a totally immersive and nearly suffocating soundscape of layered thrum and throb. With headphones, at about the halfway mark we forgot what we were listening to, but it had totally transported us, and we found ourselves gloriously lost in a seemingly endless vocal drone.
    Flip the dualdisc over, and play it in your dvd player, and not only will you be treated to enhanced sound, a super hi fidelity rendering of the music from the flipside, but you'll also get to see the accompanying images, slow shots of deserts and mountains, of wide open skies, smoldering volcanoes, strange stone monoliths, dark clouds, crashing surf, all shot in blacks and greys, and with some subtle yet strange effects, where the image will blur briefly, or the same few seconds will lock into a barely discernible loop, but always returning to it's slow haunting drift.

    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: no moje jediný triko je zatím sunn o))), to taky docela funguje ne?)
    JONY --- ---
    MATHEW: musíš si ještě pořídit triko hellhammer
    NOIK --- ---
    MATHEW --- ---
    NOIK: to vypadá jak já s mlokem, ne?.))
    NOIK --- ---
    mně teda ta gastrula přišla taková nedotažená-moc mě to nebavilo...ale ktl slušně zlá mše a uši sem měl zalehlý ještě pár minut potom:) ..málo lidí mě taky překvapilo teda-uvidíme ještě dneska

    JONY --- ---
    včera pěkná masáž, hlavně v druhé polovině spíše sunn než ktl :-) gastrula velké překvapení (v pozitivním smyslu) a také překvapilo jak bylo málo lidí (inu ktl nejsou amon tobin nebo mogwai či jiná "kvalita" ) :-)
    JONY --- ---
    smolken dává dohromady tribute album army of lovers :-))))
    JONY --- ---
    Nahvalr s/t (Enemies List)

    Black metal by its very nature is fairly isolationist, especially considering that one of the mains strains consists of one man bands holed up in their bedroom / attic / shed / shack / cave, shunning humanity, sunlight, any sort of personal interaction, filtering all of that negative hateful energy into their grim black buzz. Even proper black metal groups, with more than one member, are often quite tribal, kvlt-like you might even say, performing sonic rituals in some dimly lit rehearsal space, channeling all manner of dark energy and creating music both bleak and brutal, evil and cathartic. That sound, created by a group, is still intensely personal and to a certain degree is created more out of a need to create, than a need for adoration or success.
    But what if you turned that whole dynamic completely around. Removed all aspects of kvlt-ishness, of individualism, what if you created a black metal horde open to anyone, anyone with an amp and a guitar, or even just a computer, could record tracks, and contribute to what would eventually be woven into the first open source black metal record.
    And here it is, masterminded by the guys behind gloomy bliss metal duo Have A Nice Life, Nahvalr is indeed, as far as we know the very first "open source" black metal band. Parts and songs were solicited online, contributed via email, handed off in person, donated anonymously, and eventually the HANL guys took all the various tracks and deftly assembled them into this buzzing black behemoth. And there is in fact, plenty of buzz obviously, layer upon layer of crushing downtuned insectoid buzz, but also loads of creepy ambience, weird warbly doomy bits, super lo-fi blasts of near white noise, insane grinding drum machine stutter, haunting black ambience, deep ominous rumbles and softly glowing shimmers, weird chanted vocals, industrial scrape and pound, blown out blissed out blackened drifts of crumbling soft noise, it's all very schizophrenic, but it doesn't at all sound like a hodge podge, it sounds more like a truly expansive sprawling chunk of demented abstract black metal weirdness. Which is precisely what it is. It just so happens that there's way more than 4 or 5 guys "in the band."
    Some songs are so steeped in buzz it sounds like records by Ildjarn, Velvet Cacoon and Wrath Of The Weak all being played simultaneously, other tracks are loosed from their black metal moorings and sound like Skullflower, thick sheets of sound, spaced out noise drenched ur-drones, others are gloomy and darkly melodic, simple guitarlines unfurling over streaks of feedback, howled anguished vocals, and shimmering black drones, while still others are furious dense blasts of raw, noisy black metal, in the red, speaker destroying missives from hell, swirling and roiling and churning maniacally, but often splintering into creepy doomic crawls or fucked up abstract Abruptum like blackened soundscapes.
    The record begins with a sample of conspiracy theorist and radio talk show host Art Bell, talking about digging a hole to hell in Siberia, before launching into blown out super saturated black metal blast, but the source material is so varied, that even the parts that sound like black metal on the surface, have so much going on just below, twisted warbly melodies, keening wails, disembodied voices, textures and layers, so immersive and expansive, headphones are like X-ray goggles, revealing a whole other world hidden to the casual listener. The record then swerves from warped slow motion ambient doom, to soundscapes of high end skree and garbled guitarnoise, to grinding blacknoize fury, to downright gorgeous blissy drones and all the other various sonic stops mentioned above. Not at all typical black metal, instead, more of a weird sound experiment, based around black metal tropes, and created with a core of buzzing blackness, but allowed to sprawl WELL past the usual boundaries that define the genre, creating something extraordinary yet still distinctly black in the process.


    ELECTRICFRET --- ---
    Nová noc netradiční hudební produkce v Brně!
    KAZZZZM #1 / 14.11.2008 / BRNO / KLUB BORO

    JONY --- ---
    5.12. na Chmelnici poměrně zatím utajeně Witchcraft

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