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    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    JONY --- ---
    Frail - Brilliant Darkness (Rusty Axe, 2008)

    A friend of ours was telling us all about Frail, and the way he described it, we knew it was something we had to hear. Imagine a band that sounded exactly like the Cure, but with harsh black metal vokills!! Listening to it now he wasn't that far off the mark. This is some seriously strange stuff. Not heavy at all really, jangly, poppy, a little gothy and depressive, minor key, the drums simple and solid, soaring synths, guitar and bass locked into moody grooves, a little bit eighties new wave, all the while the vocalist howls his harsh demonic screech over the top, which turns it into something completely, well, fucked up really. But kind of genius. The music at times reminds us of Alcest or Amesoeurs but with all the metal removed, pretty and lilting and melancholy, drifting and jangling beneath those hellish howls. Not sure what else to say, if you're anything like us, you already added this to your cart, and it's going to fast become one of your favorite new records. Definitely an acquired taste, but then all the best tastes are..

    JONY --- ---
    jinak "Faro..." je pro mne asi jedna z desek roku
    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    ANAON "An harar hag ar stered" old tribal-folk demo(n)s by Sorc'henn personel recorded past century with some black legions' Wladd & Vorlock (Vlad Tepes) in their child-room... for heaven sake ! (Ruralfaune)
    LUNDINITE --- ---
    MATT: ja bych se i prihlasila o nahozeni, treba..
    MATT --- ---
    koukal jsem, ze tu nekdo kdysi shanel kapelu Rosetta, tak jsem je stahnul pres noc ze slsku, tak jestli jeste porad shanite, tak mam Rosetta - wake/lift (2007). mam to nekam hodit?
    JONY --- ---
    Cold Cave - The Trees Grew Emotions and Died [12", Dais Records, 2008]

    It’s every so often that one finds a record to be so incredibly infectious that it demands constant repeated listening. The addiction becomes so all encompassing to the point where one may wonder if they can really listen to anything else, and if this is the case should they purchase another copy so in case the record finally wears down they can continue listening. “The Tress Grew Emotions and Died” is exactly that kind of record for me. It has spent the last month and a half on the turntable or right next to it. Typically it goes on first thing in the morning and then gets spun at least twice during the remainder of the day.

    Ironically as much joy as I find in this record “The Trees Grew Emotions and Died” in many ways functions as a comedown. As the needle plays across the grooves the atmosphere gets darker beckoning the listener to finally rest their head for the evening. The title track makes up the first side and appears much more upbeat affair, with its fast 4/4 beat and almost in sync male/female, but like its title implies there is darkness coupled with the joy. On the flips side Cold Cave brings us deeper into complex emotions with the brooding “Our Tears Help the Flowers Grow” where the male and female vocals now oppose one another over deep synthesizer swells. The lyrics are simple as the male voices repeats the simple mantra “I’m not in Love” the female constantly mentions tears. On the closer, “Heaven’s Gate” the male vocalist is not joined by his female counterpart dragging the listener deeper into melancholy with his echoed vocals lamenting the closing of heavens gate. As downhearted as the record is lyrically and even tonally there exists something continually about the record upliftin that allow the listener to remain intact at the end.

    The dark wave dance music is in fact nothing new at all and may at first appear rather overly retro with its 4/4 beats, deep Goth vocals and swelling analogue synthesizers, yet somehow it feels so incredibly fresh. What it all boils down to is simple and great songwriting that never manages to become overly nostalgic but more or less continues carrying on a in a tradition, that some may first interpret as belonging to a specific time and place. The only problem with “The Trees Grew Emotion & Died” is that its short length constantly leaves you wanting more. But then again you simply have to get off your ass and turn it over. 10/10


    Cold Cave - Painted Nails [7", Hospital Productions, 2008]

    i have seen the future, and it's no place for me. this is a special record for hospital. although we have always shared a certain love for trance, power noise, synth pop, and 80's industrial music it is the first time we directly venture into this controversial and rhythmic world. cold cave presents 3 tracks of authentically morose epic anthems with the texture of a shattered champagne glass. imagine a highly damaged downward spiral era demo hitting the raw nerve to heart where all breaths freeze in rapture and all feelings croak in the blood of the beat-less heart.


    aneb něco popu do tohoto klubu
    WENCA --- ---
    HARDCABB: !!!!
    takt to me poser, koncert roku
    HARDCABB --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    Prurient - The Black Post Society (Cold Spring, 2008)


    JONY --- ---
    Slomo - The Bog (Important, 2008)

    The Bog is the 2nd full-length release from Slomo, honing down the ritual clatter of their first album, The Creep (2005), into a more cumbersome and laden affair, ever heading downwards into the Northern Underworld upon slurries of unsignposted mung.

    Core duo Holy McGrail & Howard Marsden once again create a lumpy bed of bass-heavy synthesizer and guitar drones while Arch-drude Julian Cope provides a coda to proceedings with the recital of his poem Land, especially written for this album.

    INK_FLO --- ---
    velice výživný blog, předpokládám, že jsem asi jeden z posledních, který ho objevil :-)....velký plus jsou tam ty best of 2006 a 2007 se stále funkčními download linkami

    MATHEW --- ---
    JONY: jo, jsem taky měl radost když jsem to viděl.)
    JONY --- ---
    prima dälek přijedou zase s destructo swarmbots
    _ELPH_ --- ---
    JONY --- ---
    SEEKER: rozumím, imho ale to, že to byl metalový web ještě nic neznamená resp. ač v dnešní době může metal vypadat jako velmi "otevřený" styl, tak imho naprostá většna metalistů jsou pořád v jádru strašné konzervy, takže dost často nynější nadšené recenze na věci "zvenčí" jsou často tak nějak "amatérsky mimo"...
    BLEESKO --- ---
    tak a je to tu. poslední album raccoo-oo-oon.

    Raccoo-oo-oon - Raccoo-oo-oon [Release The Bats, 2008]

    Playing Time.........: 01:14:04
    Total Size...........: 128.35 MB

    SEEKER --- ---
    JONY: no čet sem právě asi 2-3 mini reviews i z metal zdrojů. a všude byla zmiňovaná ta nekompromisnost. Jen mě to zaujalo, jak je takováhle hudba vnímaná, protože sou fakt mnohem nekompromisnější věci a tady je název asi to jediný zajímavý - jinak je to nudná struktura metalovýho tracku přejetá trochou nějaký dístorze, a přesně, nedrží to nijak pohromadě ani v nějakym zajímavym napětí
    (mě jen zajímá otázka recepce různejch žánrů a v nich různý vnímání škatulek popové/nekompromisní/neposlouchatelné apod.)
    JONY --- ---
    SEEKER: já ti nevím, co si pamatuji, tak jsem si to tenkrát poslechl jednou a dost mne to minulo, přišlo mi to takový dost nekoherentní... ty popisky byly na nějakým metalovým webu? imho bych je moc neřešil.
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