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    ztracené heslo?
    JONYamplified worship - maximum volume yields maximum results
    MATHEW --- ---
    dle mýho jsou to celkem kokůtci
    SEEKER --- ---
    ZERO: héj to se možná nechám zlákat... jak tyhle věci poslouchám docela náhodně, tak znám akorát jednu v kruzích mejch androšskejch známejch kultovní kazetu končící samplem "když zabloudíš tak zavolej"... tak že bych konečně tuhle legendární nepoznanou záležitost poznal naživo?!
    ZERO --- ---
    kdo jeste nevidel zive zabloudila tak doporucuju.
    MLOK --- ---
    vau nový amosoeurs sou parádní
    JONY --- ---
    Naše sludge/doom serie po Monarch a Asva pokračuje:

    9.5. v Chapeau Habsyll


    14.5. v Chapeau Grey Daturas


    více informací asap
    INK_FLO --- ---
    JONY: dík!....to předchozí EP znám nazpaměť a s tímhle to bude asi obdobné
    EMEM --- ---
    na strankach stimulu jeste neni ani info...
    MISA_PES --- ---
    BATAILLE: kde seženu listek?
    BATAILLE --- ---
    BARONFRITZ: Sunn O))) + Peter Rehberg zahrajou 4. 6. ve smíchovským Sacre Coeur
    ELECTRICFRET --- ---
    KAZZZZM with MoHa! (Norsko) & Drama Jacqua (CZ) - 7.4.2009 @ TUNER (ex-Boro)

    +++ muzak os +++ moha! +++ drama jacqua [free releases] +++
    +++ last.fm +++ kazzzzmspace +++
    HAPPYDIOT --- ---
    JOHY : dekuju,ale nepouzivam :( :( snad to nekde nekdy bude :D
    JONY --- ---
    HAPPYDIOT --- ---
    JOHY: prosim te,nedalo vy se ten filmecke hodit nekde na Rapid:( bohuzel google mi moc nepomoh:( dekuju:)
    JONY --- ---
    BARONFRITZ: cca před měsícem stimul hledal misto kde ten koncert bude
    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    tak ať si táhnou!
    MISA_PES --- ---
    BARONFRITZ: asi blbe, v breznu maj koncerty v mexiku a japonsku :-(
    BARONFRITZ --- ---
    hele jak to vypadá s těma sunn o))) o kterejch si ptáci na podzim štěbetali?
    MATHEW --- ---
    zas už
    NOIK --- ---
    KTL - IV |Editions Mego 2009| ::

    KTL’s first full length release that is not commissioned work for theatre or film, showcases their approach to composition and structure as a highly active live band. Whereas the ‘Kindertotenlieder’ trilogy of 1, 2 and 3 were blurred washes of fog and noise polished in by ambient shine, IV is a more direct and demanding beast, referencing such diverse projects as; volume era Swans, Mecca period Cabaret Voltaire, phase one Wire, Fushitsusha and This Heat.....
    Developed and composed over the spring and summer of 2008, KTL brought the material to Tokyo the following September and worked with Jim O’Rourke at the desk & controls, IV is a stunning new direction and great addition to both artists' already impressive canon.
    The opening and shortest track, ‘Paraug’ is a dark shadow of previous KTL sounds, with its blowtorch riffs and sub bass rumbles. This leads the way for the album's monster ‘Paratrooper’. Over 21 minutes of driving bass pulse interwoven with razor sharp guitar from O’Malley & synth and organ blasts from Rehberg. Atsuo, from Japanese top-rockers Boris, glues it together with his arhythmic and punishing drumming. ‘Wicked Way’ is a breezy upbeat number, which if we were that way inclined would be the album's single. ‘Benbbet’ on the other hand is whole different ball game: a distant guitar loop is joined by slamming No Step beats and making way for a guitar riff to straddle all valleys and computer bass rattles. Possibly KTL’s most detailed recording. ‘Eternal Winter’ is an exercise in black frozen resonant harmonics, whereas ‘Natural Trouble’ is a slowly evolving twister of a track which is both spontaneous and focused.

    > http://rapidshare.com/files/174635251/KiTvL_-_Fr.rar
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