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    ztracené heslo?
    ADAMJVizualizace informace
    ALERT --- ---

    This is how Sharon describes her work: "My quest is to reveal how everything is interconnected. From the atom to the cell, to the body and beyond into society and the cosmos, there are underlying processes, structures and rhythms that are mirrored all around and permeate reality. I attempt to visualize 'the molecular process of revolution'; how one small thing leads to another and larger patterns emerge. I am interested in the parallels between laws of physics and the movements of people, between a political revolution and a spiritual one. Ultimately I am trying to present a view of reality that reflects our changing times. This work embraces the multiple, the network, the paradoxical and the idea that even the smallest gesture or event has significance, and the power to change everything".
    ALERT --- ---
    by me ani nenapadlo, ze jsem na tomhle blogu http://artificialsymbiont.blogspot.com ,kde mam jenom prezentaci jednoho conceptiku dokazal vytvorit takovou sit :)

    zkuste si udelat svoji ;D http://www.aharef.info/static/htmlgraph/
    MONKOK --- ---
    GFDL Visualizations of Atmospheric Phenomena
    ADAMJ --- ---
    Vizualizace internetovych adres: http://thewholeinternet.wordtothewise.com/
    Je docela zajimavy podivat se, kolik adres je blacklistlejch :-)
    ALERT --- ---

    a plexiglass data sculpture which visualizes 100 years of forward (online) thought. the top 100 terms for the phrase "in the future" on Google News, Google Blog & Google Scholar were categorized using the Dewey Decimal system, sorted by year & mapped onto a grid. holes were drilled into sheets of plexiglass whose sizes correspond to their frequency. for example, "war" is the biggest hole in 1945.
    ADAMJ --- ---
    ALERT: Podle me nevadi, kdyz budeme upozornovat na konkretni clanky ze serveru, ktery jsou v zahlavi. Aspon je mensi sance, ze zajimavy clanky uniknou pozornosti.
    Jinak, dik za dataisnature. Uz jsem to pridal do zahlavi :-).
    ALERT --- ---
    VULKAN: nojo,koukam, ze tu je v headeru.... a co tohle? http://dataisnature.com/
    VULKAN --- ---
    ALERT: Ze stejneho blogu se mi libilo i video od NASA o hurikanech:
    ADAMJ --- ---
    CYBERARCHER: Tenhle napad jsem realizoval uz v roce 2001, ale bohuzel jsem to jenom ukazal svejm kamaradum, z nichz jeden to pouzil na pozvance na svatbu. Nikdy jsem o tom nic nepublikoval. Pouceni pro priste: Publikovat kazdou blbost, ktera cloveka napadne ;-)))
    VULKAN --- ---
    Aktualni tema :) V duchu diskuse:
    Mate nekdo zkusenosti se softy pro visualizaci 3D/4D dat ? Napr. VTK od Kitware (http://www.vtk.org/), nebo IBM Data Explorer/Open Data Explroer (http://www.opendx.org/index2.php) ?
    Vyhledove budeme visualizovat 4D fMRI data a bylo by fajn, kdyby software umel udelat rez a aby si pozorovatel mohl data 'proletnout'.
    Alternativne: visualizujete bezne 3D/4D data ? Mate oblibeny soft (e.g. MATLAB - http://www.mathworks.com, GRASS - http://grass.itc.it/grid3d/, ...) ?
    GUMAGUAR --- ---
    _BENNY --- ---
    ADAMJ: dobrej napad :-)
    ADAMJ --- ---
    Vizualizace doby stravene cestovanim v siti londynskeho metra:
    ADAMJ --- ---
    DASHER -- Vizualni metoda vkladani textu: http://www.inference.phy.cam.ac.uk/dasher/DasherSummary2.html
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam