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    ztracené heslo?
    ADAMJVizualizace informace
    FATBOZZ --- ---
    Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation, and interactions. It is used by students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists for learning, prototyping, and production. It is created to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a visual context and to serve as a software sketchbook and professional production tool. Processing is an alternative to proprietary software tools in the same domain.
    PSYCHOZ --- ---

    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    vizualizace pro GIT SCM

    ALERT --- ---
    maňovičova nová kniha ke stažení
    [ KHALAVERA @ Nová média > kyberkultura, umění interaktivních médií, digitální média, transhumanismus ]

    Google searches and Amazon recommendations, airline flight paths and traffic lights, email and your phone: our culture runs on software. How does software shape the world?
    JOINATAN --- ---
    ahoj v jakym programku michate obraz? a jesltli nekdo delate v resolume mate nejaky rady ci doporuceni?
    FATBOZZ --- ---
    PSYCHOZ: Když jsme u těch map, měl bych tu lahůdku v podobě ručně kreslených pixelart map - Čína - http://www.edushi.com (doporučuju translator od google )
    - Zdroj :) http://fatbozz.towerofglass.net/v2/katalog-online-map/
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    Oslo in full 3D


    ( bohuzel pouze zatim jen pro windowz - Your operating system is unfortunately not yet supported. We will support Mac in Q1 2009 and Linux in Q2 2009. )
    ALERT --- ---
    ...že se zpravodajské servery docela ‘vyřádili’ ve flashových aplikacích na zobrazovaní průběhu voleb.
    FATBOZZ --- ---
    StatPlanet – Interactive Data Visualization through Maps and Graphs
    ADAMJ --- ---
    ESTEN: To jo, ale tenhle se mi libi, protoze je tomu rapu krasne rozumet.
    ESTEN --- ---
    ADAMJ: s temahle typoklipama se za posledni tak rok roztrh pytel, navic mi prijde, ze cim novejsi, tim min invence...
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    ALERT --- ---
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    The Millennium Simulation

    This N-body simulation used more than 10 billion particles to trace the evolution of the matter distribution in a cubic region of the Universe over 2 billion light-years on a side. The first results, published in the June 2 2005 issue of Nature, shows how comparing such simulated data to large observational surveys can improve our understanding of the physical processes underlying the buildup of real galaxies and black holes.


    Dark Matter Halo Visualization

    High resolution simulations of the formation of individual structures in a cosmological setting are used to improve our understanding of the cooling of gas and the dynamics of galaxies.

    a dalsi...
    PSYCHOZ --- ---
    In the Air

    The project aims to make visible the microscopic and invisible agents of Madrid's air (gases, particles, pollen, diseases, etc) to see how they perform, react and interact with the rest of the city. With 3d modeling tools we will build up the space they generate for an on-line dynamic model, where through data crossing behavior patterns will emerge. The results of these analysis will feed a physical prototype of what we have called a “diffuse façade” a massive indicator of the air´s components through a changing cloud, blurring architecture with the atmosphere it has invaded and mediating with the human bodies it surrounds.

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