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    KAJINACocorosie a Antony & The Johnson a The Gossip
    SHIVA42 --- ---
    KAJINA: jasne, banharta mam asi 3 albumy (mozem uploadnut keby bol zaujem)... akurat mi to pride trosku nuda oproti jeho kolegom...ale je to prijemne na domaci poslech, asi tak.
    problem je akurat ze vobec nechapem co chcel povedat tymto

    If I lived in China,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    If I lived in China,
    I'd have some Chinese children

    Well out of my toes,
    My little black baby grows
    And that's my fact

    Well if I lived in China,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    Yeah, if I lived in China,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    Well if I lived in China,
    If I lived in China

    Well out of my ears,
    My little black baby hears
    And that's my fact

    Now if I lived in Russia,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    Yeah, if I lived in Prussia,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    Well if I lived in India,
    They'd still be Chinese children

    And out of my toes,
    My little blue baby grows
    And that's another fact

    Now if I lived in Ireland,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    yeah, if I lived in Ireland,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    Well if I lived in Spain-land,
    They'd still be Chinese children
    And if I lived in Greece-land,
    They'd still be Chinese children

    But out of my thumbs,
    My little red baby runs
    And that's another fact
    An unchanging fact

    Now if I lived in my land, which I do,
    I'd still have Chinese children
    And if I lived in Iceland,
    I'd still have Chinese children
    Well if I lived in Greenland,
    I'd still have Chinese children

    But out of my ears,
    My little gray baby hears
    And that's my fact

    Well if I lived in Thailand,
    I'd have some Chinese children
    And if I lived in Japan
    I'd still have Chinese children
    Well if I lived in this land,
    Or if I lived in that land

    And up from my lungs
    And standing on my tongue
    My little baby sung

    Yeah, if I lived in Brooklyn,
    I'd still have Chinese children
    And if I lived in Oakland,
    I'd still have Chinese children
    If I was an Indian
    Yeah, if I was an Indian

    Whatever I do,
    They're Chinese through and through

    Well I like Chinese children
    I got Chinese children
    KAJINA --- ---
    Jojo toho taky znam .. taky dobrej ..
    KEPASO --- ---
    a Patrica Wolfa nekdo zna? tak napriklad toto je jedna z mych oblybenych http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taAoE7kg0Og . no a potom sem nasel video, kde je spolu s Cocorosie a robi Beautiful Boyz - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taAoE7kg0Og
    KAJINA --- ---
    Zatim moje oblibena, mam celou diskografii, tak zatim zacinam objevovat ..
    KAJINA --- ---
    a Devendra Banharta nekdo zna?
    Sem objevila dneska .. taky super http://youtube.com/watch?v=u0rZI6gEYUc
    KAJINA --- ---
    SHIVA42: presne tak, ty texty me hrozne bavej ..

    KEPASO: mam to podobne, vcera sem to jela celou noc, pekne si u toho brecela, je to lepsi nez portishead :D
    SHIVA42 --- ---
    KAJINA: no aj moja najoblubenejsia je Cripple and the Starfish :))
    a hned po nej Atrocities. hlavne cripple text ma krasny vyznam... ked si to aplikujes nie na telo ale na dusu (napriklad) - asi to tym chcel povedat.
    KEPASO --- ---
    KAJINA: no tak ja ho sjizdim uz nakej ten rok, porad se k nemu vracim, protoze je to proste osobnost, co umi opravdu zpivat a zpiva o skutecnych vecech. byt sou treba moc smutny. ja sem extremni melancholik, tudiz sem schopny jej poslouchat v nejponurejsich dnech :)
    KLAARKA: jojo nahodim, je mozno nejake ftp? nebo mam volit naky web upload?
    SHIVA42: ano tez rikam konecne nekdo. muj hudebni vkus je velmi rozmanity a malokdo jej pochopi. toto je ovsem vec, ktera se hodne lidem libi (i tem, kteri muj vkus casto zavrhuji). skladby maji opravdu moc velke kouzlo. az dokazi cloveku spustit prameny slz.
    THEO_PHIL: mno tak probudil...neprobudil..nevim jak to myslis?

    jinak sem se dostal k nyxu teprve pred tydnem...z toho systemu sem trosku vedle, musim se moc ucit...a kdyz to tu vidim...zasnu jak neskutecny komunitni web mi tolik let unikal...je mi lito, ze asi nikdy neproctu zpetne vse, co bych chtel.

    hola majte sa... :)
    THEO_PHIL --- ---
    KEPASO: Jaj, tady se nekdo probudil!! Doporucuju predelavku Knocking on heaven´s door na OST I´m not there...parada!!
    KAJINA --- ---
    KAJINA --- ---
    SHIVA42: he mam to presne takhle, taky nechapu, kde byl posledni roky :))

    Tohle je moje nejoblibenejsi http://cosmics.cz/MP3/Cripple_and_the_Starfish.mp3

    Hlavne me bavej jeho texty, Hitler in my heart na me sedi uz nekolik dni :)

    As I search for a piece of kindness
    And I find Hitler in my heart

    And he is whispering
    "As sure as love will spring
    From the Well of Blood in Vain, oh Jew!
    The Well of Blood in Vain!"
    La la la la la la

    And I fell into a deeper precipice
    With mouths of rapists
    Jaws dropped down
    Jaws dropped down
    Jaws dropped

    Don't punish me
    For wanting your love inside of me
    Don't punish me
    For wanting your love inside of me

    And I find Hitler in my heart
    From the corpses flowers grow

    And I find Hitler in my heart
    From the corpses flowers grow

    And I find Hitler in my heart
    From the corpses flowers grow
    Flowers grow
    From the corpses flowers grow
    Flowers grow
    SHIVA42 --- ---
    neveriiim... konecne niekto... Antony mi robi spolocnost kazdy den na ceste do work v metru... podzim 07 bude pamatny, lebo som sa k nemu dostala .) aj ked nechapem ze az tak pozde ked tie alba nahral aspon pred 7 rokmi... je genialny, dufam ze ho raz uvidim live
    KLAARKA --- ---
    KEPASO: jé nahoď prosím
    KAJINA --- ---
    KEPASO: no ty jooo na nem si ujizdim uz mesic .. genialni typek :)
    mam taky vsechny alba .. je to jak droga .. :)
    KEPASO --- ---
    resili ste nekdy Antonyho resp. Antony And The Johnsons? Antonymu patri hlas v Beautiful Boyz :). doporucuju poslechnout...muzu nahodit ;)
    KAJINA --- ---
    KLAARKA: Metallic falcons-Desert Doughnuts nemam, tak nahod pls ..
    KLAARKA --- ---
    Protože jsem si první dvě alba stáhla tady, tak zase naoplátku dávám k dispozici The adventures of Ghosthorse and Stillborn:

    Kdybyste měli zájem, můžu hodit i Metallic falcons-Desert Doughnuts
    KAJINA --- ---
    KLAARKA: ty jo zavidim, ja bych sla znovu hned :)
    KLAARKA --- ---
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam