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    ztracené heslo?
    KILLINEY --- ---
    kde to prodávaj ?
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    jsem si dneska udělal radost...

    GABRI --- ---
    KINGFISHER: Žádná reality show nebude, to už bylo popřeno. Tomuhle jsme přece nikdy nemohli věřit, že by do toho Axl šel.
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    trochu nechápu, proč je v názvu tohohle auditka CHINESE DEMOCRACY .. nejlepší léta jsou už dávno pryč a stejně to album nebude nikdy lepší než co kdy gnr vydali.. budoucnost je k ničemu, minulost je nejlepší..
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    reality show? no tak to teda hodně velkej lol..

    .. trapný, trapný a ještě jednou trapný. ta deska mě vůbec nezajímá..
    GABRI --- ---
    Kytarista GN'R Robin Finck odešel k Nine Inch Nails?

    A pic of guitarist Robin Finck appeared on Nine Inch Nails' official site with the caption "Welcome Back," leaving the impression he has rejoined NIN for their upcoming tour. If this is the case, this wouldn't be the first time Finck had returned to NIN since joining GNR. Finck rejoined his former bandmate Trent Reznor in 1999 for the band's "Fragility" tour - but then returned to GNR afterwards. Reznor tried to lure Finck back again when the band's "With Teeth" album was released in 2005, but Finck turned him down at the time.

    Komentář Axlova blízkého přítele a spolupracovníka Dela Jamese:

    Only Robin knows what the hell he's doing.
    WUXIA --- ---
    Dovolil bych si upřesnit - autor je tupé, odporné, deprivované hovado. Ale co chcete, dyť je to tam na tom streamu jeden vedle druhýho samej debil nebo blbeček.
    GABRI --- ---
    Je to neuvěřitelná snůška blbostí. Axl odsouzen k zapomnění? Cože? Izzy vyhozen z kapely? Cože?? A Axl to komentoval tak, že moc chlastal a fetoval? Cože??? V listopadu vydali singl Madagascar? Cože???? Tam není správně snad ani jediná věta. Ten autor je tupé, tupé hovado.
    WUXIA --- ---
    Blábol je to děsivej, opomíjej tam třeba úplně album Spaghetti Incident, Dizzyho Reeda považujou za člena původní sestavy a podobně. Nesmysl na nesmysl.
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    KILLINEY: proč? třeba s tim izzym mi to přijde docela na místě..
    KILLINEY --- ---
    KINGFISHER: no to je blábol
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    WUXIA --- ---
    Gabri: Prase aby se v tom vyznalo. Nakonec všichni dostanou limonádu od Dr Peppera a půjdou domů.
    GABRI --- ---
    A je po starostech. VR včera vyhodili Weilanda. Duff obnovil Loaded, Slash chystá sólovku, ale VR budou prej pokračovat. No, uvidíme. Mohli by dát znovu nabídku Ianu Astburymu z Cult, to by bylo něco.
    GABRI --- ---
    Guns mají asi po roce a půl nový management! Hlavně nic neuspěchat...

    GABRI --- ---
    Takže Velvet Revolver se nám už asi definitivně rozpadají...

    Očitý svědek koncertu v Glasgow:

    I was right at the front of the glasgow show where Scott Weiland broke the news right before Fall to pieces! He said and i quote "You're witnessing something really special tonight. This is the last ever Velvet Revolver tour"
    Once he said that Slash, Duff, Matt and Dave all looked at each other. They sang fall to pieces then.. Scott goes over to the side of the stage and argues with the sound guy. After a couple of songs he threw his mic down and walked off. After a long wait Duff came out with the band and sang the start of its so easy. Scott shows up about half way through.. sang really half assed then gone again...
    Really doesn't look good. Especially as the band at the start of the evening were late on by half an hour and stood waiting for Scott for about 10 mins on stage. Clearly all very uncomfortably.. Looks like its true guys. Straight from Scotts mouth.

    Matt Sorum k tomu na svém blogu napsal:

    Hey all you great Fans,
    So lastnight was interesting. Had a little band termoil on stage as you probably all could tell. Being in a band is a lot like being in a relationship. Sometimes you just don?t get along. I guess there has been more termoil lately I guess with the cancellations and all. It has been frustrating I am not going to lie. My career and life in Rock n Roll has come with its ups and downs. Unfortunatly some people in this business Don?t relize how great of a life they have. Touring the world, meeting great people and fans all over the world. And just playing music for a living. I feel truly blessed. But sometimes the road can be draining for some, being away from home and family Does grind on you sometimes. With all the travelling And different beds. Personally I Love this Shit and sometimes can?t believe I am so lucky to still be doing what I do for a living. Everybody could see who was unhappy lastnight but all I can say is Let?s keep the Rock alive people!!!! In this life u just pick up and keep moving. And don?t ever let anybody stand in your way.
    The TRUTH Rock On!!!!!!


    A na to Scott Weiland reagoval:

    "Responding to our drummer's [Matt Sorum] rant about why the band is in a state of flux:

    "Well, first of all, the state of my family affairs is really none of his business, since he is too immature to have a real relationship, let alone children. So don't attempt to stand in a man's shoes when you haven't walked his path. Secondly, 'keeping rock 'n' roll alive?' I've made many attempts to remain cordial with the members of VR, but mainly, the likes of you. Funny though ? this is your FIRST band, as opposed to being a hired gun. I've been making records (now on my ninth), which have sold over 35 million copies worldwide and have maintained a level of professionalism regardless of how many drugs I've ingested into my system. I have only cancelled one tour during the entire course of my 16-year run and that was the 'make-up' Australia tour. Now, shall I open that can of worms, Matthew? Release the Kraken? Serve... Volley! You cancelled the Aussie tour in the fall because you went to rehab, but I won't say why? we'll just let Blabbermouth find out for themselves.

    "As for our fans ? I will sweat, bruise, and bleed for you. And will continue to do so until the end of this tour. However, you deserve to hear VELVET REVOLVER playing? not certain individuals singing along to get a muddied up sound. God forbid ? could one imagine if I grabbed a guitar and started soloing along with Slash? That would never happen because I know my place. It's a shame? we were a gang. But ego and jealousy can get the better of anyone. I wish the best and plan to annihilate the stage in the last few shows.

    "On a separate note, we did an STP [STONE TEMPLE PILOTS] photo shoot before this tour and it was fun, inspiring and it gave me that thrill ? that feeling that got my rocks off from the get-go."

    Potvrzuje se, že Weiland je sice skvělej zpěvák, ale lidsky asi dost velká píča. A dyť jim to ten Izzy říkal dobře: Neberte zpěváka, neberte zpěváka, nebo se z toho zblázníte.

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