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    ztracené heslo?
    GABRI --- ---
    JAMILLOS: Máš pravdu, lepší se to.
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    Hele zas tak hůř nevypadá, řekl bych. Ty první fotky jsou vždycky takový blbý, ale je známý, že během turné většinou hubne, a viděl jsem za těch pár měsíců fotky (zrovna teď nedávno), kde vypadá jako v 90. letech, líp než 06/07, kdy mu to fakt slušelo...

    GABRI --- ---
    Slash streamuje novou desku - každý den 1 song navíc. Kliknout na odkaz a pak bleděmodré okénko vpravo:
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    = aktualizace, novinky, ...
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    GABRI --- ---
    A ještě nějaký fotky z novýho turné.
    Axl vypadá podstatně hůř než na turné před třema rokama, ale to je holt život (a hlavně to není až tak podstatný).
    KILLINEY --- ---
    Setlists / Notes:


    December 11th, 2009 - Taipei, Taiwan @ Taipei City Stadium
    Setlist: Chinese Democracy, Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, If The World, Live And Let Die, Richard Fortus Guitar Solo (James Bond), There Was A Time, Frank Ferrer drum solo, Tommy Stinson bass solo/My Generation (The Who cover with Tommy on lead vocals), I.R.S., Rocket Queen, Dizzy Reed Piano Solo/Street Of Dreams, DJ Ashba Guitar Solo (The Ballad Of Death)/Sweet Child O' Mine, Jam/November Rain, Ron Thal Guitar Solo (Pink Panther), You Could Be Mine, Shackler's Revenge, Knockin' On Heaven's Door
    Encore: This I Love, Jam/Better, Paradise City

    Notes: It starts raining during the show so Axl changes the lyrics of November Rain to acknowledge it. The crowd loves it.


    December 13th, 2009 - Seoul, South Korea @ Olympic Park Gymnastics Arena
    Setlist: Chinese Democracy, Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Shackler's Revenge, There Was A Time, Richard Fortus Guitar Solo (James Bond), Live And Let Die, Frank Drum Solo, Sorry, Rocket Queen, DJ Ashba Guitar Solo (The Ballad Of Death)/Sweet Child O' Mine, Dizzy Reed Piano Solo (Ziggy Stardust)/Street of Dreams, You Could Be Mine, Jam (Black Betty), My Generation, Jam, Someone Saved My life Tonight/November Rain, Walk On The Wild Side, Better, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Ron Thal Guitar Solo (Pink Panther), Paradise City

    Notes: Show in a chilly Seoul. After It's So Easy, Axl greets the crowd with "Seoul! Korea! Very good to be here with you tonight. Thank you for having us!".
    After Mr. Brownstone he asks the crowd if they thought he was going to be there.

    You Could Be Mine features footage of Formula 1 racing on the video screen. The band jams on Lou Reed's song Walk On The Wild Side and Axl also plays Elton John's Someone Saved My life Tonight before November Rain.

    Opening act: GUMX


    December 16th, 2009 - Osaka, Japan @ Kyocera Dome Osaka
    Setlist: Chinese Democracy, Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Shackler's Revenge, If The World, Richard Fortus Guitar Solo (James Bond), Live And Let Die, Sorry, Rocket Queen, Prostitute, Dizzy Reed Piano Solo (Ziggy Stardust)/Street of Dreams, Scraped, Frank Drum Solo/You Could Be Mine, Jam (Waiting On A Friend), Axl Piano Solo (Someone Saved My Life Tonight)/November Rain, I.R.S., DJ Ashba Guitar Solo (The Ballad Of Death)/Sweet Child O' Mine, Catcher In The Rye, Out Ta Get Me, Ron Thal Guitar Solo (Pink Panther), Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Whole Lotta Rosie, This I Love, Nightrain
    Encores: Madagascar, Better, Sonic Reducer (Tommy on lead vocals), Patiece, Don't Cry/Paradise City

    Notes: Longest show on this tour so far, over three hours.
    The band jams on the Rolling Stones' Waiting On A Friend while the piano is brought out for November Rain. It's followed by Axl playing Elton John's Someone Saved My Life Tonight.

    Before Whole Lotta Rosie, Bumblefoot plays some Number Of The Beast riffs.

    Whole Lotta Rosie is played with the piano out. It was brought out for the next song in the set, This I Love, but ended up being used on both songs. "A little impromptu there. I just can't believe I remembered the fucking verses. I think I sang that last time at the Marquee in England."

    Plenty of surprises and first performances in the set.

    Tommy sings a cover of the Dead Boys' Sonic Reducer.

    The band starts playing Don't Cry, Axl sings it but they don't perform the song in full. They then start Paradise City.


    December 19th, 2009 - Tokyo, Japan @ Tokyo Dome
    Setlist: Chinese Democracy, Welcome To The Jungle, It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone, Catcher In The Rye, Sorry, If The World, Richard Fortus Guitar Solo (James Bond), Live And Let Die, Dizzy Reed Piano Solo (Ziggy Stardust)/Street of Dreams, You Could Be Mine, Rocket Queen, My Michelle, DJ Ashba Guitar Solo (The Ballad Of Death)/Sweet Child O' Mine, Shackler's Revenge, I.R.S., Axl Piano Solo/November Rain, Whole Lotta Rosie, Knockin' On Heaven's Door, Scraped, Prostitute, This I Love, Frank Drum Solo (including We Will Rock You jam)/Out Ta Get Me, Ron Thal Guitar Solo (Pink Panther), Don't Cry, Nightrain
    Encore: Madagascar, There Was A Time, My Generation (Tommy on lead vocals), Better, Rhinestone Cowboy/Patience, Nice Boys, Paradise City

    Notes: The longest show in GN'R history.
    The band jams a bit on the Jackson Five's "I Want You Back" before If The World

    "Ever feel like you're in a, perpetually in a bad episode of The Simpsons? [Bumblefoot plays the Simpsons theme song] No see, he had another cartoon, and I was actually in that one. Used to be in the L.A. Weekly. The angriest dog in the world. He was just paralyzed at the end of his chain. That's all the cartoon was!"

    After the song, Axl tells the crowd a story about This I Love: "When we were putting that song together, we had all this other stuff done, before that little wind part. And the wind part was our little joke. So like, we're listening to like "OK is the timing right? Is the modulation on the piano right? There's that stupid wind part!" It was really fun. And after that, I call the next section with the horns… I don't know why, but that's my Deer Hunter section. Mr Pitman, the disco destroyer… Mr Chris Pitman he wrote the Deer Hunter section."

    Before Patience, Axl sings Glen Campbell's Rhinestone Cowboy.

    ONDRUCH --- ---
    GABRI: není to špatné.. čekal jsem to horší.. ale jak tam někdo píše, přijde mi to takové "without excitement".. něco m itam trochu chybí
    GABRI --- ---
    SWEDE: No tak to prr. Deska vyšla před rokem. A už se rozjíždí world tour:

    Upcoming Shows
    Dec 11 2009 8:00P
    Taipei City Stadium Taipei
    Dec 13 2009 8:00P
    Olympic Park Seoul
    Dec 16 2009 8:00P
    Kyocera Dome Osaka Osaka
    Dec 19 2009 8:00P
    Tokyo Dome Tokyo
    Jan 13 2010 8:00P
    MTS Centre Winnipeg
    Jan 16 2010 8:00P
    Pengrowth Saddledome Calgary
    Jan 17 2010 8:00P
    Rexall Place Edmonton
    Jan 19 2010 8:00P
    Credit Union Centre Saskatoon
    Jan 20 2010 8:00P
    Brandt Centre Regina
    Jan 24 2010 8:00P
    Copps Coliseum Hamilton
    Jan 25 2010 8:00P
    John Labatt Centre London
    Jan 27 2010 8:00P
    Centre Bell Montreal
    Jan 28 2010 8:00P
    Air Canada Centre Toronto
    Jan 31 2010 8:00P
    Scotiabank Place Ottawa
    Feb 1 2010 8:00P
    Colisee Pepsi Quebec City
    Feb 3 2010 8:00P
    Moncton Coliseum Moncton
    Feb 4 2010 8:00P
    Metro Centre Halifax
    SWEDE --- ---
    KINGFISHER: typické pro guns n roses poslední dobou. Samé kecy a málo muziky. :-(
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    Guns N Roses Biography HDTV XviD

    Release Type.....: HDTV
    Series...........: Guns N Roses Biography
    Genre............: Biography
    Orig. Air Date...: 03 Oct 2009
    Release Date.....: 03 Oct 2009
    Source...........: 720p HDTV
    Video Format.....: XviD
    Video Resolution.: 624x352
    Video Bitrate....: 925 kbps
    Video Framerate..: 29.970
    Audio Format.....: MP3 VBR
    Audio Bitrate....: 149 kbps average
    Audio Sample Rate: 48 KHz
    Length...........: 44:58.865
    Size.............: 366,794,058
    Packs............: 19*20MB = 349MB

    GABRI --- ---
    17. června budou v Praze hrát Duff McKagan's Loaded jako předkapela Mötley Crüe.
    CUBICULA --- ---
    vas to nezajima ale ja to musim nekomu rict...uz mam vsechny lupeny! korn, slipknot, bizkit, papa roach, disturbed i static x ktery jsou na rock for people

    kunda ja se tak tesim! :)
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    GABRI: aby ne kdyz hraje za GnR :))

    ale jeho vzhled je hroznej :)
    GABRI --- ---
    KUBAN88: Ale vynikající hráč.
    KUBAN88 --- ---
    GABRI: hrozné EMO...:((((
    GABRI --- ---
    DJ Ashba - nový kytarista Guns N' Roses.

    GABRI --- ---
    Axl znovu promluvil: http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/specials/axl-speaks/interview.shtml
    Dlouhé, zajímavé, poučné. Jako vždy.
    GABRI --- ---
    CUBICULA: Díky a stydím se...
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