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    ztracené heslo?
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    GABRI: Já vím, Axl o leckterejch věcech z toho klipu už před čtyřma rokama mluvil, ale nikdo neví, jak to mělo vypadat ve finále. Třeba by tam z toho bylo jenom minimum. Každopádně teď už je na to dost pozdě, třeba už jenom proto, že Bucket, Finck a Brain jsou dávno pryč a kapela je jiná.
    GABRI --- ---
    JAMILLOS: Je to setříhaná (byť možná ne finální) verze oficiální klipu - s Izzym, Larsem Ulrichem a tím debilem Bachem.
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    Vsadím se, že tohle viděl málokdo:

    GUNS N' ROSES "MY MICHELLE" - Director: Mark Racco - YouTube
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    Pozor, nikde není psáno, že to je nějakej oficiální videoklip. Vypadá to jako něco mezi videem a promem, třeba na dvd nebo tak. Každopádně to nevypadá jako nějaká konečná verze, navíc pochybuju, že by první oficiální video od Guns od dob 90. let obsahovalo na konci kousek, kde bejvalej zpěvák SKid Row zpívá melodie od Metalliky...
    GABRI --- ---
    Velmi špatné video. Dobře, že to nepustili ven.
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    New BETTER video leak 2012
    Better video - YouTube
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    EuroMillions lottery winner says he wants to reunite the original line-up of Guns N' Roses | News | NME.COM
    KINGFISHER --- ---


    Guns N' Roses - You could be mine - YouTube
    GABRI --- ---
    TOHLE je pecka:

    Guns N' Roses 14 Years 31st May 2012 02 Arena London UK - YouTube

    Zahráno poprvé po 21 letech
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    KINGFISHER: Ježiš, to jsou zase sračky. Ať už je to s tím trikem jakkoliv, ten zbytek je fakt shit. Axl měl - pane bože!!! - zpoždění, kašle teda na fanoušky, bla bla. Škvár, bulvár.
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    tak to je pecka...

    Guns N' Roses ban fans from wearing Slash t-shirts to their UK gigs | News | NME.COM
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    Červen překypující talentem - Spark magazín
    GABRI --- ---
    Blood In The Water (Unoffical Remix, Sample 1) - YouTube
    GABRI --- ---
    To: Cleveland, Ohio, Guns N' Roses Fans and everyone who's shown support for my decision regarding the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame.

    I seriously didn't plan on or expect the overwhelmingly positive response and public support for my decision regarding the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame. With such a generous outpouring of solidarity from fans, media outlets, writers and other artists, I'm truly humbled, blown away and unbelievably relieved! To be honest, I thought it would go the other way and was just hoping to weather the storm. As I said, I sincerely didn't want to disappoint anyone. It gets old being the outlaw even if "it's only rock and roll".

    It took a lot of focus and soul searching to be sincere and informative while making a genuine effort to be somewhat diplomatic. We made, what I feel, are real efforts to learn about the Hall and the Board, spoke as I said with the president and various members, and though I inducted Elton John and Bernie Taupin in '94 saying something to the effect of "I'm learning what the Hall's about..."

    I still don't exactly know or understand what the Hall is or how or why it makes money, where the money goes, who chooses the voters and why anyone or this board decides who, out of all the artists in the world that have contributed to this genre, officially "rock" enough to be in the Hall?

    This isn't an attack. These are genuine issues I don't have enough verified information on to have more than rough ideas. Certainly not enough information to make any judgments about.

    I would like to apologize to Cleveland, Ohio for not apologizing to them beforehand for not attending [the ceremony] in their city. I think they know how much I genuinely love performing there. Cleveland does in fact Rock!!

    Now that the smoke's cleared a little, any desperate, misguided attacks have been just that, a pathetic stab at gossip, some lame vindictiveness, the usual entitlement crap, he's obsessed, crazy, volatile, a hater. I once bought a homeless woman a slice of pizza who yelled at me she wanted soup. We got her the soup. You can get your own.

    Again: HUGE thanks to the fans and to everyone for the incredible public support. My congratulations to the other artists inducted. And my apologies to the city and people of Cleveland, Ohio. I hope you'll forgive me and we hope to see you again soon!

    Keep Rockin',


    Unlike my open letter to the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, Guns N' Roses Fans and Whom It May Concern this was written for GNR's official website, Facebook account and my personal twitter account and not intended as a press release. If anyone does choose to pick this up as has been done previously I'd appreciate if you'd run in full including this paragraph so as not to give a partial picture, have things taken out of context or to imply or inadvertently give the impression this was intended for other outlets.

    Thanks in advance. Peace-
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    1. 2010 (+09)
    2. 2011
    3. 2012
    4. 2006 (+07)
    5. 2002 (+01)
    KILLINEY --- ---
    Guns n Roses - Better - New Jersey 2006 - YouTube
    KILLINEY --- ---
    GUNS N' ROSES - Madagascar - LIVE @ Budapest, Hungary 31/05/2006 - YouTube
    JAMILLOS --- ---
    Jo. Je to vlastně ironie, dva skuteční zaladatelé Guns - Axl a Izzy - tam nebudou. Ale já jsem za jeho rozhodnutí rád. Stejně jde o hovno, nebejt tý možnosti reunionu, lidi by se o ten ceremoniál ani zdaleka tak nezajímali...
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