Tak jak to s těmi počítačovci vlastně je ? Pozvánka do klubu - dle Wikipedie:
Larry Ellison (Oracle): He left the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign at the end of his second year, after not taking his final exams because his adoptive mother had just died. After spending a summer in Northern California where he lived with his friend Chuck Weiss, he attended the University of Chicago for one term, where he first encountered computer programming.
Steve Jobs (Apple) ... enrolled in Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Although he dropped out after only one semester, he continued auditing classes at Reed, such as one in calligraphy. "If I had never dropped in on that single course in college, the Mac would have never had multiple typefaces or proportionally spaced fonts," he said.
Steve Wozniak (Apple): By 1975, Wozniak withdrew from the University of California, Berkeley (he would later return to finish his B.S. degree in E.E.C.S., which he received in 1986 enrolled under the alias Rocky Clark) Poznámka: později dostudovat pod pseudonymem, to je zajímavý nápad... kdo by chtěl zůstat nedostudovaný...
Bill Gates (Microsoft): He enrolled at Harvard College in the fall of 1973 intending to get a pre-law degree, but did not have a definite study plan and eventually left without his degree.
Ivo Lukačovič (Seznam): Studoval na ČVUT, ale studium nedokončil.
Na druhou stranu... zakladatelé Yahoo! i Google VŠ dokončili. Vidím zde docela zajímavé paralely - na jednu stranu bezprecedentní decentralizace, umožněná osobními počítači (Apple, Microsoft), na druhou stranu přesun rovnováhy sil zpět k vysokoškolákům v éře Dot Com boomu.
Jak to bude dál ? Podaří se vrátit úder pomocí decentralizovaných síťových aplikací ?
A teď pozor....
Bram Cohen (Bittorrent) - attended the University at Buffalo. He later dropped out of college to work for several dot com companies throughout the mid to late 1990s