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    ztracené heslo?
    XCHAOSDiskuze o nesmrtelnosti chrousta (centrum pro léčbu memetických poruch a mementálních postižení, trollologie, apod.)
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    I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
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    During Prohibition, the U.S. government poisoned alcohol, killing as many as 10,000 people.
    a skutečně:
    The little-told story of how the U.S. government poisoned alcohol during Prohibition.
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    Martin Heidegger Talks Philosophy with a Buddhist Monk on German Television (1963) | Open Culture
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    A French Inventor Once Proposed a Giant Mirror to Burn a Message on Mars
    (You gotta wonder how many of these were developed after one too many hours at the neighborhood absinthe bar.)
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    (William Gibson retweeted)
    When Science Fiction Grew Up
    In the summer of 1957,
    just a few weeks before the launch of the first Sputnik
    space satellite, some 23 science fiction magazines
    were operating in the United States. By the end of 1960,
    only six remained. During a period of just 28 months,
    fifteen sci-fi magazines disappeared from the magazine
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    Lennart Poettering: Open Source Community "Quite a Sick Place To Be In" - Slashdot
    hmm, Pulse audio, systemd...
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    American Forces Found 5,000 Chemical Weapons In Iraq—Just Not the Ones the Bush Administration Claimed Were There - Hit & Run : Reason.com
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    Bikers vs. ISIS? Dutch motorcycle gang gets green light to fight Islamic State — RT News
    In other news: motorkáři se rychle stáhli poté, co zjistili, že v Kobani se netočí pivo a že shazování letecké pomoci v podobě sudů na padácích by bylo problematické z náboženských důvodů.

    Američtí dobrovolníci se naopak stáhli poté, co zjistili, že v regionu nefungují splachovací záchody.
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    What's in a kiss? The effect of romantic kissin... [Evol Psychol. 2014] - PubMed - NCBI
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    Paralelní Polis: Anarchokapitalismus podle Ztohoven v praxi | Společnost
    obligatory xkcd:

    (aneb "býval jsem mladistvým anarchokapitalistou" :-)
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    20 years of blogging
    It's hard to accept, when you're expecting accolades, to find that the accolades come in the form of rotten tomatoes, hurled at maximum velocity, at your virtual body parts. But there it is.
    Blogging makes you unemployable. I haven't had a real job since I started blogging. I would love to create a publishing platform for millions of people.
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    Nick Bostrom on artificial intelligence | OUPblog
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    Meet Gavin Andresen, the Most Powerful Person in the World of Bitcoin | MIT Technology Review
    Visa processes almost 480 transactions a second worldwide and can handle up to 47,000 a second at peak times.
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    pro všechny cyklo-hatery....
    Cyclist in Russia narrowly misses being hit by car and lorry - Weird News - News - The Independent
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    How Our Botched Understanding of "Science" Ruins Everything - Slashdot
    "Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry writes at The Week, "If you ask most people what science is, they will give you an answer that looks a lot like Aristotelian 'science' — i.e., the exact opposite of what modern science actually is. Capital-S Science is the pursuit of capital-T Truth. And science is something that cannot possibly be understood by mere mortals. It delivers wonders. It has high priests. It has an ideology that must be obeyed. This leads us astray. ... Countless academic disciplines have been wrecked by professors' urges to look 'more scientific' by, like a cargo cult, adopting the externals of Baconian science (math, impenetrable jargon, peer-reviewed journals) without the substance and hoping it will produce better knowledge. ... This is how you get people asserting that 'science' commands this or that public policy decision, even though with very few exceptions, almost none of the policy options we as a polity have have been tested through experiment (or can be). People think that a study that uses statistical wizardry to show correlations between two things is 'scientific' because it uses high school math and was done by someone in a university building, except that, correctly speaking, it is not. ... This is how you get the phenomenon ... thinking science has made God irrelevant, even though, by definition, religion concerns the ultimate causes of things and, again, by definition, science cannot tell you about them. ... It also means that for all our bleating about 'science' we live in an astonishingly unscientific and anti-scientific society. We have plenty of anti-science people, but most of our 'pro-science' people are really pro-magic (and therefore anti-science). "
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    takhle se dělá business - sežeňte si hodně jednohvězdičkových review a výběrčí "výpalného" dají pokoj :-)
    Small Restaurant Out-Maneuvers Yelp In Reviews War - Slashdot
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