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    ztracené heslo?
    XCHAOSDiskuze o nesmrtelnosti chrousta (centrum pro léčbu memetických poruch a mementálních postižení, trollologie, apod.)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    import random
    sum_strategy_keep = 0
    sum_strategy_change = 0
    sum_strategy_chaos = 0
    attempts = 50
    for attempt in range(1, attempts + 1):
      #game logic
      real_door = random.randint(1, 3)
      #player logic
      guess1_door = random.randint(1, 3)
      #game logic
      if guess1_door == real_door:
        #stupid straighforward code in this branch, sorry :-)
        open_door = random.randint(0, 1)
        if real_door == 1:
          open_door = (2,3)[open_door]
        elif real_door == 2:
          open_door = (1,3)[open_door]
        if real_door == 3:
          open_door = (1,2)[open_door]  
        #deterministic branch:
        open_door = 6 - real_door - guess1_door
      #player logic - 3 strategies
      strategy_keep = (real_door == guess1_door)
      strategy_change = (real_door == 6 - guess1_door - open_door)
      guess2_door = random.randint(0, 1)
      if open_door == 1:
        guess2_door = (2,3)[guess2_door]
      elif open_door == 2:
        guess2_door = (1,3)[guess2_door]
      if open_door == 3:
        guess2_door = (1,2)[guess2_door]  
      strategy_chaos = (real_door == guess2_door)
      #game output:
      print (   "#%02d: real: %d, guess1: %d, open: %d, strategy keep: %d, strategy change: %d, strategy chaos: %d "
              % (attempt, real_door, guess1_door, open_door, strategy_keep, strategy_change, strategy_chaos))
      if strategy_keep:
        sum_strategy_keep += 1
      if strategy_change:
        sum_strategy_change += 1
      if strategy_chaos:
        sum_strategy_chaos += 1
    print "strategy keep: %3.2f" % (float(sum_strategy_keep)/attempt)
    print "strategy change: %3.2f" % (float(sum_strategy_change)/attempt)
    print "strategy chaos: %3.2f" % (float(sum_strategy_chaos)/attempt)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    #01: real: 2, guess1: 1, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #02: real: 1, guess1: 1, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #03: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 1, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #04: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 1, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #05: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #06: real: 3, guess1: 1, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #07: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #08: real: 1, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #09: real: 1, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #10: real: 1, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #11: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #12: real: 2, guess1: 3, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #13: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #14: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #15: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #16: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #17: real: 1, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #18: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #19: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #20: real: 3, guess1: 1, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #21: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #22: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 1, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #23: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #24: real: 1, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #25: real: 2, guess1: 3, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #26: real: 3, guess1: 1, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #27: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #28: real: 3, guess1: 1, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #29: real: 1, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #30: real: 1, guess1: 1, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #31: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #32: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #33: real: 3, guess1: 1, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #34: real: 3, guess1: 1, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #35: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #36: real: 1, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #37: real: 2, guess1: 1, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #38: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #39: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #40: real: 2, guess1: 1, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #41: real: 2, guess1: 1, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #42: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #43: real: 2, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #44: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 1, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 0
    #45: real: 3, guess1: 1, open: 2, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 0
    #46: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #47: real: 3, guess1: 3, open: 2, strategy keep: 1, strategy change: 0, strategy chaos: 1
    #48: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #49: real: 1, guess1: 2, open: 3, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    #50: real: 3, guess1: 2, open: 1, strategy keep: 0, strategy change: 1, strategy chaos: 1
    strategy keep: 0.42
    strategy change: 0.58
    strategy chaos: 0.48
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Themes: Slavoj Žižek and frightful hobgoblin.
    Slavoj Žižek was in his office at the University of Chicago, when he heard a knock on the door. He opened it to see a frightful hobgoblin standing there. The hobgoblin said, "I've come to collect my debt."
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Guy Leschziner: ‘Reality is entirely a construct of our nervous system’ | Neuroscience | The Guardian
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Hmm, nejvyšší čas s tím rychle přestat
    Narrative Device
    Themes:meme infection and internet.
    It was only a meme, but it quickly spread like wildfire across the internet. The image, of a man with a blank look on his face, sitting in a chair with the caption "I'm not a meme," was a popular piece of humor on social media. But for some people, the meme was more than just a funny image. They saw the man in the image as a symbol of the negative effects the internet has on people's mental health. Within hours of the meme going viral, reports started coming in of people who had been diagnosed with depression after seeing the image online. The meme had become a virus, infecting people with depression and making their mental health worse.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    [E2E4 @ Globální ekonomická krize - Koronakrize?]
    It is this real-world feature of inflation that is most important, because it means that inflation signals a change in society’s power structure.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    XCHAOS --- ---
    500M Avira Antivirus Users Introduced to Cryptomining – Krebs on Security
    “Norton should be DETECTING and killing off crypto mining hijacking, not installing their own,” reads a Dec. 28 thread on Norton’s forum titled “Absolutely furious.”

    Avira Joins Norton 360 In Adding a Crypto Miner To Its Products - Slashdot

    Tam je otázka, jestli by se tomu vůbec ještě mělo říkat "antivirus", protože je třeba si uvědomit že zákazníci za ten Norton antivirus ještě navíc _platí_ :-) (předpokládám, že feature jde vypnout, ale už jenom jestli je zapnutá by default, tak je to za hranou...)
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Zapomenutý antisemitismus Henryho Forda je odvrácená tvář amerického snu. Inspiroval i Hitlera | Plus
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Revolutionary Innovation | RIDER Institute | Forgotten Creators
    XCHAOS --- ---
    How to Build a Low-tech Solar Panel? | LOW←TECH MAGAZINE
    Trochu konspirace z oboru solární energetiky: In October 1909, Cove was allegedly kidnapped, and his life was threatened if he did not cease the development of his solar invention.
    XCHAOS --- ---
    KEJML: no ok, Sid Meier připouští, že bug to byl, ale ne podtečení hodnoty, no :-)
    KEJML --- ---
    Civilization Gandhi Nuclear Aggression Bug Is a Myth, Says Sid Meier
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Nuclear Gandhi | Know Your Meme
    Cause of this was a glitch in the artificial intelligence (A.I.) settings for Gandhi's aggression level. Despite starting with the lowest level of aggression to reflect Gandhi's historical legacy of pacifism, as the game progresses towards the Modern Era the Indian civilization would often become more hostile and confrontational towards other leaders as a result of a coding error. At that point in the game Gandhi's already low aggression value would lower into a negative value in the game's code, at which point the error caused Gandhi's aggression to underflow into the highest setting just as the level of military aggression begins to wane across the world in the game, going from 0 to 255
    XCHAOS --- ---
    Jak do toho zamíchal ten tribalismus, to je zajímavé...
    [E2E4 @ viry | epidemie | pandemie (SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19)]
    XCHAOS --- ---
    These Parents Built a School App. Then the City Called the Cops - Slashdot
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