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    ztracené heslo?
    SANDIS --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: tak tos me uklidnil.. ;) Taky myslim, ze je to nafouknuty...
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    KAMALA: kdyz prezije co? nie je to take hrozne je to len nafuknute bulvarom - teda je pekne ze sa strachujete ale naozaj nie je o co :)
    KAMALA --- ---
    OREA: ufff..... bude zazrak, kdyz tohleto prezije. Vypada to, ze se na ni projevuji klasicke priznaky narkomanie, z nichz jeden je ztrata kontroly nad sebou samym, zanedbavani se... ztrata vlastni tvare. To je fakt smutny. Ty vago Amy vzpamatuj se!!!!!
    Ona je uplne mimo..... ,o(
    Te holce chybi motivace.
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    OREA: uf a co pozeram na commenty riadna primitivita tam vladne...
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    OREA: hluposti - ziadny svrab nema zaujimave ze nova ma taketo info ale ziadny zo zahranicnyuch portalov nie
    a tie dalsie fotky su vyber aj zo starsich atd co som videl naposledy nejake fotky vyzerala celkom dobre...
    OREA --- ---
    SANDIS: taky bych radsi neco veselsiho, za to se ale ovsem budeme muset modlit,,,protoze aktualni Amy vypada takhle..a aktualne asi neproziva sve nejstastnejsi obdobi....
    SANDIS --- ---
    OREA: neco veselejsiho by nebylo? ;( Tohle je dost hrozny...
    OREA --- ---
    http://tn.nova.cz/red/celebrity/amy-winehouse-ma-svrab.html tohle je teda dost hrozny, stejne tak jako dalsi nejposlednejsi zpravy o Amy
    LASICE --- ---
    ok, tak si ji vemte, ja manzelstvi stejnak neuznavam, ja si ji jen obcas pujcim na hrani;)
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    SANDIS: som si isty ze ja viac
    SANDIS --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: ja taky
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    SANDIS: ja ju tak milujem ze by jej to urcite stacilo :)
    SANDIS --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: ale ona je fakt narocna... jakmile nejsi amy, jsi 0! :)
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    LASICE: musim ta sklamat ale jej buduci manzel som ja :)
    LASICE --- ---
    jo, treba me!:D
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    SANDIS: urcite ano, amy si zasluzi niekoho lepsieho
    SANDIS --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: no, myslim, že je to tak lepší... co si budeme povídat :-)
    SOMHUSTY --- ---

    AMY WINEHOUSE has declared her marriage to recently-freed husband BLAKE FIELDER-CIVIL is over after realising their relationship had no future.
    Fielder-Civil was released from prison earlier this month (Nov08) after serving almost a year behind bars in relation to an attack on a pub landlord.
    As part of his early release deal, he checked into a rehabilitation facility in Surrey, south east England - but Winehouse has still yet to visit her husband, fuelling rumours their union is in trouble.
    Fielder-Civil recently spoke out to dismiss the split claims, while Winehouse has remained unusually quiet about the reports.
    However, she has now called time on her 19-month marriage, following reports of Fielder-Civil's close relationship with German model Sophie Schandorff - who has visited him since his jail release.
    According to Britain's News of the World paper, Winehouse says, "It's over. There's no way back for us now. It was never going to last. We were only together for sex.
    "I fancied him like mad, like no one else I've ever known. But it's not enough, is it?"
    A source adds, "It's a watershed for Amy. She's been up and down for weeks but finally accepts the reality.
    "She still loves Blake on many levels but she sees there's no future. She says he wants to be with Sophie - the model who made a play for him during his court appearances, mouthing, 'I love you'.
    "Amy knows he's been in touch with her and it's almost like she thinks they're welcome to each other. But she's so furious she won't let the girl's name even be mentioned around her.
    "Amy said that (sex) was the basis for their relationship. It was built on sex so when he went inside prison there was nothing for them to fall back on. She's not been to see Blake since he came out... Without their rampant sex life they've got nothing..."
    The news comes just one day after it was revealed the singer had paid for Fielder-Civil's drug treatment, much to the dismay of her family.

    23.11.2008 14:22:02
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
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    Together 'Frank' and 'Back To Black' have established Amy Winehouse as one of the most important artists of our time.
    Between them these two albums have sold more than 13 million
    copies worldwide, winning countless awards along the way and
    gaining Amy unparalleled recognition as both a prodigious
    vocal talent and superior songwriter.

    Nov 24 sees the release of both these albums together for the
    first time as a very special digi-pack 4 disc set.The package
    includes the deluxe versions of both albums, which as well as
    containing the original albums in their entirety, also feature
    rare performances, b-sides and unreleased remixes.

    Amy's story so far has been a phenomenal one, this release
    represents an ongoing musical legacy of depth and talent which
    is destined to go from strength to strength.
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