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    ztracené heslo?
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    KAMALA: potrebovala by stretnut mna...a zobrat si ma :)
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    KAMALA: co to o nej vypoveda? ze sa zalubila?
    ja samozrejme som si tiez myslel odzaciatku ze je kkt ale nemohli sme vediet :)
    po pravde ojebaval dost dobre tiez som mu chvilami veril ze aj ked je kkt ze ju aspon miluje... som naivny ako amy asi :)
    KAMALA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: alespon nejaky optimista v tom houfu nadavajicich a nedavajicich nadeje .. :D
    Jen se bojim, ze se z toho Blakea zase sesype a zacne fetovat jeste vic. Take to o ni neco vypovida, ze se s nim dala dohromady ... ja si o nem myslim ze je to k****n uz od zacatku..
    SOMHUSTY --- ---

    LILY ALLEN has defended AMY WINEHOUSE's troubled image, insisting there is a "clever and witty" side to the REHAB singer the public fails to see.
    The Smile singer admits her fellow pop star has used drugs in the past - but remains adamant Winehouse's battle with substance abuse hasn't damaged her winning personality.
    Allen says, "I know Amy Winehouse very well and she is very different to what people portray her as being.
    "Yes, she does get out of her mind on drugs sometimes, but she is also a very clever, intelligent, witty, funny person who can hold it together. You just don't see that side. She gets a really hard time."
    And the hitmaker regrets that she and Winehouse are the top two female celebrities targeted by the British media.
    She adds: "I mean, there aren't that many people with whom the press concentrate on their personality so much.
    "I think in the U.K., as far as females go, it's mainly me and her that get that treatment. She gets it more than I do. But I don't see it that much with other people."

    08.12.2008 07:41:54
    SANDIS --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: "ja ju seriozne milujem" dobry :)
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: jasne, chapu. :D tak to zas jo...
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    OREA: chapem ale ja ju seriozne milujem a to co jej a z nej spravil mu nemozem odpustit preto dufam ze ho nikdy nestretnem
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: no tak tohle bych nikomu neprala, ale rozhodne si taky preju, aby se Amy dala dohromady a zas zacala delat to, co umi nejlip...

    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    OREA: dufam ze v tej base zhnije a doboda ho tam nejaky spoluvazen

    snad sa amy pusti konecne znova do hudby a pripravi nam krasny treti album
    ak dodrzi svoju postupnost tak oktober 2009 by to malo vyjst :)
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: TEDA. to je hrozny..
    hlavne at uz se ona zpamatuje, i z toho bastarda...
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    chcel som aj info z dneska
    bastard blake sa konecne prejavil aky naozaj je
    presne ako som si vzdy myslel

    The husband of troubled singer AMY WINEHOUSE is demanding a $1.46 million (GBP1 million) pay-off to keep quiet about their marriage.
    In November (08) Blake Fielder-Civil reportedly vowed to split from the Back to Black hitmaker to help her win her battle against drug addiction.
    But according to a U.K. tabloid, he has now demanded cash from the singer's manager - and threatened to write a tell-all book about his relationship with the star if he isn't paid.
    A source tells Britain's News of the World, "He's so two-faced. He just wants a pay-off. Money's his driving force."
    Fielder-Civil was released from prison in early November (08) after serving almost a year behind bars in relation to an attack on a pub landlord in 2006.
    As part of his early release deal, he agreed to check straight into rehab in Surrey, England, and spend a month undergoing treatment for his drug addiction.
    But he has since failed a drug test and faces staying in custody until 2010.

    07.12.2008 14:26:48
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: tak sem hod naky aktualni info...
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    OREA: kazdy den sledujem news o amy asi na piatich portaloch...

    no tieto nie su az take zle odhliadnuc od toho ze vzdy vyberaju tie najhorsie atd...
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: fakt asi nesledujes zpravy o Amy....

    a propo, nejaktualnejsi foto:
    FRIDAY, DECEMBER 04, 2008

    mozna tam najdes naky peknejsi: http://www.celebrity-gossip.net/celebrities/hollywood/amy-winehouse-escape-from-the-hospital-209512/
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: ja sem nerekla ze umira.. ale ze se ničí.
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    OREA: su stare a aj tie tvoje su stare... netvrdim ze vyzera idealne ale zas tie hystericke reci o tom jak umiera a tak su smiesne...
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: ja ti nepotrebuju dokazovat, ze je na tom Amy spatne...
    Jasne, je lepsi divat se na hezky fotky, kdy byla v pohode, ale to uz neni realita...ale iluze.
    Kazdopadne Vam nehodlam iluze brat,...

    taky bych ji radsi videla zas peknou a zdravou.
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: tak TOHLE sou stary fotky! takhle uz amy bohuzel nevypada...to je minulost.
    SOMHUSTY --- ---
    OREA: pol roka stare video mozem ti nahadzat aj videa kludne :)
    OREA --- ---
    SOMHUSTY: to si nemyslim...
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