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    ztracené heslo?
    KINGFISHERRed hot chili peppers - pleasure spiked with pain ... it's my aeroplane !
    REDENVELOPE --- ---
    jo zlatý časy už maj za sebou...
    ERVIN --- ---
    Mám takovej pocit, že zlatý časy RHCP, tak jak je máme rádi jsou beznadějně fuč. Doufám, že nový album nebude opět dvojcédé...
    ADAMFC --- ---
    ALESH: já byl prvních deset vteřin strašně nadšenej, že je to docela syrovej zvuk - a pak do toho Kiedis začal zpívat v půlce sem to vypnul. Je to jak Stadium Arcadium, kde neni ukňouranej John
    ALESH --- ---
    Je to takovej popik, no.. doufam ze zbytek alba bude naslapanejsi
    ALESH --- ---
    [KROQ Exclusive] World Premiere Of The Red Hot Chili Peppers’ New Single “The Adventures of Rain Dance Maggie” From Their Upcoming Album, ‘I’m With You’
    ADAMFC --- ---
    "it gives me profound pleasure deep in the fiber of my being to announce the august 30 release date of the new red hot chili peppers's record"

    KINGFISHER --- ---
    tyve knírek :D ...
    ZARA --- ---
    surfrider foundation event 2010

    :D pani v letech

    ZARA --- ---
    PEP0: haha
    "I think this is the show they stopped, Flea jumped on Kiedis' back, then they fell into the crowd. Flea asked some chick to suck his cock, took her over his shoulder and Chad spanked her ass.
    After this incident they were accused of sexual harassment or something like that and they had to pay a lot of money! "
    PEP0 --- ---
    hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahahah!!!!! tak to je prdel
    zavratna kombinace mtv, baywatch, playbacku a punkovy mother`s milk ery, to vsechno na plazi - nic pro slaby zaludky!

    absurdni http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t807hvHPdiU&feature=related
    ZARA --- ---
    CRUSHEER: nj ale dalo sa to tak trochu cakat
    WAYGEL --- ---
    John Frusciante - The Past Recedes

    One, Two, Three, Four
    And then the past recedes
    And I won't be involved
    The effort to be free
    Seems pointless from above
    You're looking down at me
    I'd rather stay below
    Than have you staring up at me
    Is nowhere I want to go
    Ay, this business of how long we try to stay alive
    Why to be here you first got to die
    So I gave it a try
    And what do you know
    Time was so long ago
    And things come back you see
    To where they don't belong
    And every drop of sea is the whole ocean
    I lied to the greatest thieves
    About anything and everything
    I'm a figure of forgotten speech
    I'm out of reach
    I can't play it safe
    But I might just in case
    I'm disguised as a reaching hand
    I'm a working man
    I don't understand why clockout
    Comes so slow everytime
    That's one line I stay right behind
    That's one line I stay right behind.
    CRUSHEER --- ---
    Tak uz je to official.
    "John Frusciante has finally confirmed on both his official Blog and MySpace pages that he has quit as lead guitarist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers.


    R.I.P RHCP 1985-2006
    BIGTRAGED --- ---
    Tak co je to kapodastrt sem si musel najit na wiki :P ..... mam na mysli hudbu.
    MAN25 --- ---
    neco - co? obleceni, hudbu, kapodastry ...? :)
    BIGTRAGED --- ---
    Zdravim. Lidičky dokázal by mi někdo poradit, něco v podobném stylu (né prachsprostou kopii) jako mají Redhoti? Díky
    MAN25 --- ---
    WAYGEL --- ---
    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame announced its nominees for the 2010 induction ceremony, including ABBA, Kiss, The Stooges and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

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