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    ztracené heslo?
    PALO_FABUSSdílení elektronických akademických zdrojů na téma informační technologie a sociální/humanitní vědy
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Rasha A. Abdulla, The Internet in the Arab World: Egypt and Beyond
    (Peter Lang, 2007)

    John Amman, Tris Carpenter, and Gina Neff, eds, Surviving the New
    Economy (Paradigm Publishers, 2007)

    Mark Andrejevic, iSpy: Surveillance and Power in the Interactive Era
    (University Press of Kansas, 2007)

    William Aspray and Paul E. Ceruzzi, eds, The Internet and American
    Business (MIT Press, 2008).

    Andrea J. Baker, Double Click: Romance And Commitment Among Online
    Couples (Hampton Press, 2005)

    Antonina D. Bambina, Online Social Support: The Interplay of Social
    Networks and Computer-Mediated Communication (Cambria Press, 2007)

    Megan Boler, Digital Media and Democracy: Tactics in Hard Times (MIT
    Press, 2008).

    Christine L. Borgman, Scholarship in the Digital Age: Information,
    Infrastructure, and the Internet (MIT Press, 2007).

    Axel Bruns, Blogs, Wikipedia, Second Life, and Beyond: From Production
    to Produsage (Peter Lang, 2008)

    Fiona Cameron and Sarah Kenderdine, eds, Theorizing Digital Cultural
    Heritage: A Critical Discourse (MIT Press, 2007)

    Andre H. Caron and Letizia Caronia, Moving Cultures: Moblie
    Communication in Everyday Life (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007)

    Paul E. Ceruzzi, Internet Alley: High Technology in Tysons Corner,
    1945-2005 (MIT Press, 2008)

    Samir Chopra and Scott Dexter, Decoding Liberation: The Promise of Free
    and Open Source Software (Routledge, 2008)

    David Ciccoricco, Reading Network Fiction (University of Alabama Press,

    Mia Consalvo, Cheating: Gaining Advantage in Videogames (MIT Press, 2007)

    Hilde G. Corneliussen and Jill Walker Rettberg, Digital Culture, Play,
    and Identity: A World of Warcraft Reader (MIT Press, 2008)

    Edgar Gomez Cruz, Las Metaforas de Internet (Editorial UOC, 2007 -
    written in Spanish)

    Mark Deuze, Media Work (Polity Press, 2007)

    Daniel Downes, Interactive Realism: The Poetics Of Cyberspace
    (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005)

    Susan Driver, Queer Girls and Popular Culture: Reading, Resisting, and
    Creating Media (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Anthony Dunne, Hertzian Tales: Electronic Products, Aesthetic
    Experience, and Critical Design (MIT Press, 2005)

    David S. Evans, Andrei Hagiu, and Richard Schmalensee, Invisible
    Engines: How Software Platforms Drive Innovation and Transform
    Industries (MIT Press, 2006)

    Herve Fischer and Rhonda Mullins, Digital Shock: Confronting the New
    Reality (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2006)

    Anthony Fung, Global Capital, Local Culture: Transnational Media
    Corporations in China (Peter Lang, 2008)

    Martin Hand, Making Digital Cultures: Access, Interactivity, and
    Authenticity (Ashgate, 2008)

    Kristen Haring, Ham Radio's Technical Culture (MIT Press, 2007)

    Byron Hawk, David M. Rieder, and Ollie Oviedo, eds, Small Tech: The
    Culture of Digital Tools (University of Minnesota Press, 2008)

    N. Katherine Hayles, Electronic Literature: New Horizons for the
    Literary (University of Notre Dame Press, 2008)

    Charlotte Hess and Elinor Ostrom, eds, Understanding Knowledge as a
    Commons: From Theory to Practice (MIT Press, 2007)

    Tim Jordan, Hacking: Digital Media and Technological Determinism
    (Polity, 2008)

    Eduardo Kac, ed, Signs of Life: Bio Art and Beyond (MIT Press, 2007)

    Matthew G. Kirschenbaum, Mechanisms: New Media and the Forensic
    Imagination (MIT Press, 2008)

    Sharon Kleinman, ed, Displacing Place: Mobile Communication in the
    Twenty-First Century (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Stephen Kline, Nick Dyer-Witheford, and Greig De Peuter, Digital Play:
    The Interaction of Technology, Culture, and Marketing (McGill-Queen’s
    University Press, 2003)

    Christophe Lécuyer, Making Silicon Valley: Innovation and the Growth of
    High Tech, 1930-1970 (MIT Press, 2006)

    Rich Ling, New Tech, New Ties: How Mobile Communication Is Reshaping
    Social Cohesion (MIT Press, 2008)

    Eugene Loos, Leslie Haddon, and Enid Mante-Meijer, The Social Dynamics
    of Information and Communication Technology (Ashgate, 2008)

    Geert Lovink, Zero Comments: Blogging and Critical Internet Culture
    (Routledge, 2008)

    Geert Lovink and Trebor Scholz, eds, The Art of Free Cooperation
    (Autonomedia, 2007)

    Annette N. Markham and Nancy K. Baym, eds, Internet Inquiry:
    Conversations About Method (Sage, 2009)

    Sharon R. Mazzarella, ed, 20 Questions About Youth & the Media (Peter
    Lang, 2007)

    Paul D. Miller, ed, Sound Unbound: Sampling Digital Music and Culture
    (MIT Press, 2008)

    Kathryn C. Montgomery, Generation Digital: Politics, Commerce, and
    Childhood in the Age of the Internet (MIT Press, 2007)

    Karen Mossberger, Caroline J. Tolbert, and Ramona S. McNeal, Digital
    Citizenship: The Internet, Society, and Participation (MIT Press, 2008)

    David E. Nye, Technology Matters: Questions to Live By (MIT Press, 2006)

    Lisa Nakamura, Digitizing Race: Visual Cultures of the Internet
    (University of Minnesota, 2008)

    Kate O'Riordan and David J. Phillips, Queer Online: Media Technology and
    Sexuality (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Laikwan Pang, Cultural Control and Globalization in Asia: Copyright,
    Piracy and Cinema (Routledge, 2006)

    Amelia Sanz and Dolores Romero, Literatures in the Digital Era: Theory
    and Praxis (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007)

    Shayla Thiel Stern, Instant Identity: Adolescent Girls and the World of
    Instant Messaging (Peter Lang, 2007)

    Tanja Storsul and Dagny Stuedahl, Ambivalence Towards Convergence:
    Digitalization and Media Change (Nordicom, 2007)

    Melanie Swalwell and Jason Wilson, Pleasures Of Computer Gaming: Essays
    on Cultural History, Theory and Aesthetics (McFarland, 2008)

    May Thorseth and Charles Ess, eds, Technology in a Multicultural and
    Global Society (NTNU University Press, 2005)

    Kim Toffoletti, Cyborgs and Barbie Dolls: Feminism, Popular Culture and
    the Posthuman Body (I. B. Tauris, 2007)

    Sherry Turkle, ed, Evocative Objects: Things We Think With (MIT Press, 2007)

    Joseph Turow, Niche Envy: Marketing Discrimination in the Digital Age
    (MIT Press, 2006)

    Victoria Vesna, ed, Database Aesthetics: Art in the Age of Information
    Overflow (University of Minnesota, 2007)

    Barry Wellman and Caroline Haythornthwaite, eds, The Internet in
    Everyday Life (Blackwell, 2002)

    Zach Whalen and Laurie N. Taylor, eds, Playing the Past: History and
    Nostalgia in Video Games (Vanderbilt University Press, 2008)

    David Wills, Dorsality: Thinking Back through Technology and Politics
    (University of Minnesota Press, 2008)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    nemáte někdo zkušenosti s přístupem k dokumentům, které jsou regionálně omezené, tj. nastavováním proxy? potřeboval bych se dostat k 3. kapitole v této knize:

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Are online databases and journals changing scientists' reading habits?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2008
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    LUKOYE: no to by bylo výborný!
    LUKOYE --- ---
    KHALAVERA: Kdyby do pondělí nikdo nereagoval, tak se na to zkusím podívat v práci. Mohli bychom tam mít přístup.

    Já bych se zeptal, jestli někdo neví jaké databáze mají ve své stáji časopisy Global networks, další je Identities a další Diaspora. Díky za pomoc
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    nemáte někdo pls přístup do Routledge žurnálů, potřeboval bych dva tři články z Information, Communication & Society
    MAFO --- ---
    KHALAVERA: diky!
    ACHERON --- ---
    ACHERON: a dej mi vedet az prijde, byl bych vdecen za scan neb kopii :)
    ACHERON --- ---
    LUKOYE: alibris.com
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    LUKOYE: já ti nevím, jednou jsem takhle vytáhl z knihu jednu celou kapitolu
    LUKOYE --- ---
    KHALAVERA: na google books isou jenom torza knih, ne?
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    LUKOYE: postupně naskrínšotovat z amazonu nebo google books? :)
    LUKOYE --- ---
    Ahoj všem,

    požádal bych vás o radu. Sháním tuto knihu: National unbound transnational projects, postcolonial predicaments and deterritorialized nation states (1994) od tří holek Basch, Click-Schiller, Szanton-Blanc

    Nepředpokládám, že by jí někdo měl, nicméně než si jí koupím za čtyřicet dolarů na Amazonu, rád bych se zeptal, jestli nemáte nějaký trik na to, kde by se dala vyždímat z internetu.

    Databáze, jiné databáze, možná visí na nějakých zaheslovaných stránkách na nějaké katedře v Praze nebo v Brně (v Plzni to nikdo nezná). Ocením jakoukoliv radu.

    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ACHERON: FSS MU taky .)
    ACHERON --- ---
    KHALAVERA: full access do SAGE ma permanentne FSV a da se tam dostat pres jinonickou VPN prej btw
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    ACHERON: nj, ale Capra vypadá být the whole new level of spirituality :))

    a bennett mě taky zaujala, hned jsem ji googlil, ale bohužel nenašel :/
    ACHERON --- ---
    KHALAVERA: myslis Fritjofa Capru? znam jen z doslechu, bohuzel... nicmene spiritualnich sarlatanu je tam vic :)

    me zaujalo tohle:

    Stephanie Bennett for The Disappearance of Silence: A Dialectical
    Exploration of the Interpersonal Implications of Personal Mobile Media
    as Viewed through the Lens of Jacques Ellul's La Technique

    to musi byt dobrej masakr
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam