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    ztracené heslo?
    PALO_FABUSSdílení elektronických akademických zdrojů na téma informační technologie a sociální/humanitní vědy
    TADEAS --- ---
    Elsevier Wants $15 Million Piracy Damages From Sci-Hub and Libgen - TorrentFreak
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    Looking into Pandora's Box: The Content of Sci-Hub and its Usage - F1000Research

    The comparative analysis shows that both the usage and complete corpus is largely made up of recently published articles, with users disproportionately favoring newer articles and 35% of downloaded articles being published after 2013. These results hint that embargo periods before publications become Open Access are frequently circumnavigated using Guerilla Open Access approaches like Sci-Hub. On a journal level, the downloads show a bias towards some scholarly disciplines, especially Chemistry, suggesting increased barriers to access for these. Comparing the use and corpus on a publisher level, it becomes clear that only 11% of publishers are highly requested in comparison to the baseline frequency, while 45% of all publishers are significantly less accessed than expected. Despite this, the oligopoly of publishers is even more remarkable on the level of content consumption, with 80% of all downloads being published through only 9 publishers. All of this suggests that Sci-Hub is used by different populations and for a number of different reasons, and that there is still a lack of access to the published scientific record.
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    eBook Pirates Are Relatively Old and Wealthy, Study Finds - TorrentFreak
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    Scientists in Germany, Peru and Taiwan to lose access to Elsevier journals : Nature News & Comment
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    Who's downloading pirated papers? Everyone | Science | AAAS
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    nevíte někdo, jak se dostat k Radical Philosophy, č. 187? nemůžu najít heslo, sci-hub nepomáhá a v aaaargh zrovna toto číslo není...
    TADEAS --- ---
    Steal This Show S02E08: Pirate Markets & Guerrilla Libraries - TorrentFreak

    In this episode, we meet up with economist and piracy researcher Balázs Bodó to discuss underground pirate markets in Europe and Russia and the “Guerilla Open Access” projects of SciHub, LibGen and Ebooks Farm.

    Balázs delves into the rich history and culture of pirate librarians, and we wonder if peer-to-peer sharing can stay relevant in the age of content over-abundance. Plus: does anyone actually download books any more?

    Balázs Bodó currently works at the Institute for Information Law at the University of Amsterdam. Before moving to the Netherlands, he was deeply involved in the development of the Hungarian internet culture. He was also the project lead for Creative Commons Hungary.
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    TADEAS: a. elbakyan s cislem sest dobiha v nature's top 10 :)

    Nature’s 10 : Nature News & Comment
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    Germany-wide consortium of research libraries announce boycott of Elsevier journals over open access / Boing Boing
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    In survey, most give thumbs-up to pirated papers | Science | AAAS

    In asking “Do you think it is wrong to download pirated papers?” a Science survey of over 11,000 respondents found that 88 percent answered “No.” The accompanying story explains, “A closer look at the survey data indicated that respondents in almost every category embrace the rebellion, even those who have never used Sci-Hub or are 51 and older—84% and 79%, respectively, had no qualms.” It seems fair to assume that a number of these respondents are also authors of works that are illegally posted on Sci-Hub, though that question was not posed in the survey.

    What Do the Authors of Sci-Hub’s Most-Downloaded Articles Think About Sci-Hub? - The Chronicle of Higher Education

    interviews conducted by The Chronicle of Higher Education with highly downloaded Sci-Hub authors reveal a shared comfort level with “pirated” articles being freely available. Professor Jordan Pober of Yale, “says he doesn’t mind that many people download his paper free since he didn’t make money from its publication.” He goes on to clarify, “I’m torn in the sense I think it would be better for the science community if findings were made freely available. But I’m not sure how to sustain functions of society journals.” His co-author Parwiz Abrahimi describes their article’s popularity on Sci-Hub as “an honor.” He further comments that “I never felt people were pirating my work,” acknowledging colleagues in Iran and Afghanistan who rely on Sci-Hub for access.
    PALO_FABUS --- ---
    TADEAS: já ne; řekl bych, že alarmisté mají taky nějaký přehled + něco vždy přinese pěna facebooku :)
    TADEAS --- ---
    PALO_FABUS: super, tos tam protlacil nebo tyhle temata a rusky zdroje nekdo aktivne sleduje?
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    a tady trochu vymluv od IEEE :)

    Sci-Hub’s “Free” Articles Are Anything but Free - IEEE - The Institute
    TADEAS --- ---
    rozhovor s a. elbakyan, scihub zakladatelkou

    Борьба с копирайтом не может не быть политической — Сентябрь

    Google Translate

    What are your future plans?

    A lot of plans. I want to collect a complete collection of scientific articles, add not only modern science, and historical manuscripts, such as alchemy, magic for - everything that science previously believed.

    I also want to do something like that make the Watson the IBM . They have created an analogue of artificial intelligence and incited it to tens of thousands of scientific articles. Analyzing this collection program could open a number of new proteins that can be used in the development of drugs against cancer.

    Collection of the Sci-hub currently has about 60 million scientific articles, they occupy about 50 terabytes. It's a whole bunch of mountain drives, weighing 25 kilograms. It is almost all the publications that have appeared since when articles began to appear in digital form. Of those that were published in major publishing houses, on the Sci-hub collected more than 90%. When the full array of scientific articles, it can be processed by means of artificial intelligence research, and automatically make scientific discoveries. One person alone can not read such a vast array of scientific papers and the car is under power, so a certain automation of the scientific work is possible and it can translate the science to a new level.
    TADEAS --- ---
    TADEAS --- ---
    Pirates in the Library – An Inquiry into the Guerilla Open Access Movement by Balázs Bodó :: SSRN
    TADEAS --- ---
    OTAKAR_KUBIN: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/scimag/
    Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science
    OTAKAR_KUBIN --- ---
    Víte o nějakých funkčních proxy rozcestnících jako býval jxplore?
    Potřebuju se dostat do https://muse.jhu.edu/, kde má sice NKP předplatné, ale jen na časáky a já potřebuju knihu.

    MAFO --- ---
    prosba: neměl byste někdo tuto knihu?

    Lang A (ed) (2012) From Codex to Hypertext: Reading at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century.
    Amherst/Boston: University of Massachusetts Press
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