Hitler's holiday camp: how the sprawling resort of Prora met a truly modern fate | Cities | The Guardian
"Instead of treating Prora as a whole, the state sold it off, piece by piece. As a result, “every block has a different investor”. Ironically, investors are attracted by the subsidies the building is given as a heritage monument.
The units in Block 1 have been on sale now since 2016, and they cost between £300,000 and £600,000. Most have now been sold. Show flats are available for viewing: when you’re inside, it’s much like any contemporary luxury apartment, with sleek kitchens and glass balconies. The flats are aimed at the typical German luxury clientele – middle aged, wealthy, seldom from the local area.
Given how similar Prora now seems to many modern resorts, it also makes clear how certain Nazi ideas about mass tourism became “normal”, albeit in a different form."
Muj vlastni nazor po osobni navsteve toho mista: Naprosto typicka socialisticka architektura.