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    ztracené heslo?
    JEZINKA --- ---
    dost mě rozesmál. chvíli se teda rozjížděl, ale pak dost dobrý. to prostředí to hezky umocňuje.

    Atheist Stand-Up in Church - Part 1 of 2 - YouTube
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    jj, slaby, louisovi se to povedlo vic (previzt standup do sitcomu)
    ZAMOTEK --- ---
    btw. co si myslíte o tomhle? Mně to přijde jen jako carlinovy standupy napsaný jako scénář a nic víc, čili dost slabý.


    ZAMOTEK --- ---
    LOJZEE: jo, Chappelle je fakt hustej, škoda, že nemá nic novýho.
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    ZAMOTEK: jako jo, ale jak si tam dobírá ty lidi z publika... na začátku tam někdo zmínil šikanování, tak přesně na něm je vidět, že na základce někoho šikanoval a teď z toho má živnost a lidi mu za to platěj aby si z nich dělal prdel a shazoval je :-))
    ZAMOTEK --- ---
    a tohle tu nesmí chybět ;)

    Eddie Murphy - Delirious Full Subtitulado - YouTube
    ZAMOTEK --- ---
    mně se poslední dobou zalíbil Jimmy Carr (je trochu sprostší, ale aspoň je mu rozumět víc, než Connollymu)

    Jimmy Carr VS Hecklers - ULTIMATE 10 minute Comedy Compliation! Must see - HecklerBlog - YouTube

    a díky za klub, je tu hodně inspirace ;)
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    Louis CK - One Night Stand deleted scenes part 1 (rus sub) - YouTube

    Louis CK - One Night Stand deleted scenes part 2 (rus sub) - YouTube
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    DANCHEZ: no vono to je stejně vesměs většinou smyšlený.. jako když řikal ten fórek o týpkovi v letadle co se nasral, že vypadl internet.. ve skutečnosti to byl on sám:

    TIME MAGAZINE Interview with Comedian Louis C.K. - YouTube
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    The Best of Ricky Gervais at The Golden Globes (2010-2012) - YouTube
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    me dostava jak zacina ty historky: "prisel jsem jednou do baru, to je jedno kde, protoze to neni pravda,...."
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    22:50+ a hlavně ta banka s penězma a pak ty biliony... to mě úplně složilo pod stůl :DDDD

    Louis C.K. - Live In Houston Stand-Up Comedy - YouTube
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    jj, je nejlepsi
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    nemám ho prostě dost, tenhle týpek je jednoduše king.. bych ho mohl poslouchat celý dny :-))))

    Louis CK - Hilarious - Part 1 - Dead People - YouTube
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    JUDAS: jo sorry, jsem to sem dal a pak jsem to chtěl zkouknout a zjistil, že to je shit.. mazačka.
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---

    Stewart Lee - Princess Diana - YouTube
    LEVOS_BOB --- ---
    JUDAS: zda se ze operace byla uspesna, kazdopadne tech $5 stoji za to!

    Tig Notaro: Cancer-Free | Entertainment | TIME.com
    JUDAS --- ---
    tl; DO read

    Greetings to the people and parts of people that are reading this. Hi. This is Louis. I'm a comedian and you bought a thing from me. Well, I'm writing to tell You that there is a new thing you can buy on my website louisck.com. It's an audio standup set by not me but another comedian named Tig Notaro. Why am I selling someone else's comedy on my website?

    Well, Tig is a friend of mine and she is very funny. I love her voice on stage. One night I was performing at a club in LA called Largo. Tig was there. She was about to go on stage. I hadn't seen Tig in about a year and I said how are you? She replied "well I found out today that I have cancer in both breasts and that it has likely spread to my lymph nodes. My doctor says it looks real bad. ". She wasn't kidding. I said "uh. Jesus. Tig. Well. Do you... Have your family... Helping?". She said "well my mom was with me but a few weeks ago she fell down, hit her head and she died". She still wasn't kidding.

    Now, I'm pretty stupid to begin with, and I sure didn't know what to say now. I opened my mouth and this came out. "jeez, Tig. I. Really value you. Highly.". She said "I value you highly too, Louie.". Then she held up a wad of note-paper in her hand and said "I'm gonna talk about all of it on stage now. It's probably going to be a mess". I said "wow". And with that, she went on stage.

    I stood in the wings behind a leg of curtain, about 8 feet from her, and watched her tell a stunned audience "hi. I have cancer. Just found out today. I'm going to die soon". What followed was one of the greatest standup performances I ever saw. I can't really describe it but I was crying and laughing and listening like never in my life. Here was this small woman standing alone against death and simply reporting where her mind had been and what had happened and employing her gorgeously acute standup voice to her own death.

    The show was an amazing example of what comedy can be. A way to visit your worst fears and laugh at them. Tig took us to a scary place and made us laugh there. Not by distracting us from the terror but by looking right at it and just turning to us and saying "wow. Right?". She proved that everything is funny. And has to be. And she could only do this by giving us her own death as an example. So generous.

    After her set, I asked Mark Flanagan, the owner of Largo (great club, by the way) if he recorded the set. Largo is set up for excellent recordings. He said that he did.

    A few days later, I wrote Tig and asked her if I could release this set on my site. I wanted people to hear what I saw. What we all saw that night. She agreed. The show is on sale for the same 5 dollars I charge for my stuff. I'm only keeping 1. She gets the other 4. Tig has decided to give some of that to cancer research.

    Tig, by the way, has since undergone a double mastectomy. She is doing well. Her doctors say her chances of survival are excellent. So she went there and came back. Her report from the frontlines of life and death are here for you to... Enjoy.

    Please go to my site louisck.com and buy her show. You can buy it here:

    LouisCK.net | Purchase

    Thank you. Have a terrific afternoon.

    Louis C.K.
    DANCHEZ --- ---
    KINGFISHER --- ---
    prostě zabiják :D

    Louis CK - One Night Stand Up Comedy - YouTube
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