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Date of New Age Why is there a New Age Starting on this Date?
1462 AD Because of the relationship of historical events to ages, age-decans, sub-ages, sub-age-decans and micro-ages [Currently we are in the Virgo Micro-Age of the Sub-Age of Libra]
1898 AD Because the Hindu Age of Iron ended
1904 AD It was revealed to Alistair Crowley by a bodiless Egyptian entity
1905 AD 2160 years since the last change of Age [Aries to Pisces] in 225 BC
1911 AD Because Krishnamurti channeled this date from the Lord Maitreya
1922 AD Because of the Mahdi was born on Earth
1936 AD Because the terrestrial axis began to shift
1950 AD Because the Equinoctial Sun started rising in the Sign of Aquarius
1957 AD Because the Russians launched the Sputnik satellite
1962 AD Because all the Classical planets lined up [in Aquarius] - as Plato said they would; and the Ant-Christ was born
1962 AD Because all the planets in the solar system met up under the constellation Aquarius; there was also a Solar Eclipse and a Lunar Eclipse - it is a concrete fact
1962 AD According to a Peruvian spiritual messenger
1962 AD Because the Anti-Christ was born
1975 AD The Avatar of the New Age appeared
1975 AD Because Nostradamus predicted this
1981 AD Because the first day of Spring had moved 30° from the start of the last sign, which began 2000 years ago
1993 AD Because the Satya Yuga started on the Vernal Equinox
1995 AD Uranus entered Aquarius
1996 AD Uranus entered the Tropical sign of Aquarius - of which it is the ruling planet
1996 AD Aquarius will begin in 2600 AD but Pisces and Aquarius started to overlap
1997 AD Because Nostradamus predicted this
1997 AD Because planetary aspects were aligned like the Star of David
1997 AD Christ's new avatar manifested Himself amongst us
1998 AD Because of the intersection of the Ecliptic with the Galactic Equator
2000 AD Because of the leap year change in the Gregorian calendar
2000 AD An alignment of the Summer Solstice with the centre of the Galaxy, and hence 90° from the Vernal Equinox Point
2000 AD A shift of the grand trine from the Earth to the Air trinity
2000 AD 2150 years since the last change of Age [Aries to Pisces] in 150 BC
2000 AD 2000 years since the last change of Age [Aries to Pisces] in 1 BC
2000 AD A grand planetary alignment of all the Classical planets occurred
2000 AD Because Nostradamus predicted this
2001 AD Because of the principle of the Great Week
2010 AD The Institut Geographique National says so [I can't find why -sorry ]
2012 AD Humanity will experience a Resurrection into Light
2012 AD Because its the end of the year 396 Baktun in the Mayan calendar
2012 AD It's one-twelfth of the Zodiac away from the start of the Age of Pisces.
2012 AD The start of the Age is the Place of Purification as related by the Egyptians in the Book of the Dead; there will be a Great Conjunction for which the Great Pyramid was built as a stellar observatory
2012 AD Because there will be a Winter Solstice alignment of the Sun and the Galactic Equator.
2020 AD The first Jupiter-Saturn union in the Tropical sign of Aquarius since 1404 AD
2020 AD The first Jupiter-Saturn union in the Tropical sign of Aquarius since 1405 AD
2023 AD Because Nostradamus predicted this
2023 AD The Tibetan, Djwhal Khul, channeling via Alice Baily, stated that the Fourth Ray comes into manifestation
2060 AD 2160 years since the last change of Age [Aries to Pisces] in 100 BC, according to Dane Rudhyar
2060 AD The second coming of Christ
2070 AD Exactly half way through the Great Year since the start of the Age of Leo
2080 AD Uranus will re-enter Aquarius
2100 AD 2160 years since the last change of Age [Aries to Pisces] in 60 BC
2100 AD The North Pole will point exactly at Polaris
2160 AD Because Nostradamus predicted this
2160 AD 2160 years since the Birth of Christ
2874 AD Based on a mathematical analysis of the passageways of the Great Pyramid