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    ztracené heslo?
    VISOPIMUSHry a simulátory s fyzikálním modelem | World of Goo, Phun, Toribash a jiné...
    CARTMAN --- ---
    TOMAS3333: parkrat sem ho zkousel ale moc mi to neslo... spis teda vubec .)
    TOMAS3333 --- ---
    hra tu niekto toribash?
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    PHUN Beta 4.0

    After longer time than usual - here's the latest beta of Phun!

    Removed superfluous full program path in the save dialog.
    Removed dependency on OpenGL? 2.0 for shaders (should fix the "NULL-function in Shader::Shader" reported by agsgymboy etc)
    Set shaders to be on by default where available (hope this won't foul things up anymore)
    New highlight system: a white border around selected objects (no more blinking)
    Objects can now be translucent
    Added a pen tool that attaches to a geometry and draws a line tracing its path.
    Vastly improved text input system with mouse selection and a lot more
    Hinge motors can now be bound to any keyboard key or joystick/gamepad button
    Geometries can have forces added to them controlled by either keyboard or joysticks/gamepads
    Hinges can be set to break if stretched or strained too much
    The plane tool now angles the plane in 15° increments if shift is pressed, so it is now simple to create horizontal planes.
    Rotating with shift pressed will now re-align single boxes or planes to 15° increments
    Added scene meta info: title, author and description
    Added setting (gravity, air friction, camera etc) to scene files
    Upgraded the chain tool to work like the brush tool (ie freehand drawing of chains)
    New box primitive (boxes are no longer box-shaped polygons)
    New scale tool
    Added a mirror command to the popup menu
    Added the cvar Resources.force16BitTextures? for those having texture problems (type "Resources.force16BitTextures? = true" in console)
    Added tooltips for some menu items, such as the tools.
    Holding down the shortcut key for a tool will now only temporarily select it, while quickly pressing it will select it for real.
    Redone the menus quite a bit. They can now be collapsed, renamed (click their titles) and are automaticly saved in the scene and config files.
    You can now have the canera follow a group of objects instead of just one
    You can now move the camera relative to the object (or group of objects) you are following.
    Extended the number of collision groups to five (used to be three).
    Added Phunlets (save a phunlet by right-clicking a group of objects, import a phunlet by right-clicking the background).
    Added the ability to copy- and paste phunlets/objects/thyme-code in Phun (ie: select something, press ctrl-c, and then ctrl-v it where you want a copy or want the code)
    Changed fixate behaviour to always fixate the top two geometries, even if they're already connected (same for hinges and springs)
    Phun now starts the simulation whenever a new scene is loaded (though you can immediatly undo this)
    Added ability to change water and sky color in the right click menu.
    Removed some rather arbitrary limits on position, speed and angular velocity
    Fixates and hinges now have a small plus (+) added to them when attached to the background (thanks for the suggestion, Melchior)
    Fixed GUI mouse input opacity (you can no longer click through a GUI window)
    Fixed a few fixate-related bugs
    Fixed a bug where water particles would sometimes collide with a polygon bounding box.
    Various fixes and tweaks
    ANT_39 --- ---
    CARTMAN: Phun na Fedore normalne rozjedu. Stahnuto odsud, rozbaleno, a v adresari hry spusteno "./phun".
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    Development info about Gish 2

    Here's a video showing what I've been working on the last few months, as you can see Gish's physics have changed quite a bit. We started out with physics similar to Gish 1, but we were running into the same limitations we had with the old model, so we decided to start over. The new model is made up of 128 particles which move independently and have an attraction to each other. The trick has been wrangling the particles to move as one blob, it's getting closer but still needs some work to feel like the original Gish. The cool thing is we can use the particles instead of a hit points, so Gish gets damaged by losing particles. This is good news for anyone who dropped too far in Gish 1 without holding jump and died.


    from: http://crypticsea.blogspot.com
    CARTMAN --- ---
    VISOPIMUS: jo toho sem se bal... sice v min pisou ze staci i directx joy ale asi to nefuguje na mys :(
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    CARTMAN: HM :((( Musis mit XBOX 360 Controller, jinak se to nespusti :( FOK
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    CARTMAN: Zejo :D Uz aby to bylo venku (a na torrentech :D)
    CARTMAN --- ---
    VISOPIMUS: kua tak ted sem anzhavenej jak cep :D za tohle bych asi fakt i zaplatil i za cenu ze by to byla kravovina :D
    CARTMAN --- ---
    jo ja uz vim co tam osali divnyho. nevim jesi to bezi na mysi nebo slovek musi mit nakej ten pitomej gamepad/joy
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    CARTMAN --- ---
    VISOPIMUS: pac tam je .bin a v readme pisou ze ej tam spousteci script... noa le teda nespustil sem ani jedno ani druhy .) mrtvy tady asi sme ale kdyz bude zase naka silenustka tak mame aspon kam psat ;)

    jinak ja dneska v levelu cet o hre GOO! ktera by mela byt simulatorem jakychsi kapalnych ameb. pry docela dobre
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    CARTMAN: no, jelikoz mam jenom herni konzoli a linux nejak nemusim, tak ne :D co ostatní? :)

    A koukejte sem taky neco hodit, jinak to chcipne :)
    CARTMAN --- ---
    zkousel nekdo rozbehnout phun na linuxu?
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    CARTMAN: To jo, cil je dobrej, to souhlasim. na WoG se taky tesim, ale smejdi uz to melo bejt davno venku, ale oni ze neee, ze to musi bejt soucasne pro pc i pro wii..

    MEDIUS: Hezky pekne .) tehotnej chodec :D Ale chybi mu bodec :))) chtelo by to nejak janevim, neco aby nepadal na hubu :D ale ze aspon tech par kroku usel, tak to je hustec...
    MEDIUS --- ---
    Chodec - hned po spuštění ovládejte šipkami, schválně kdo ujde více kroků. Mně se povedly 4.

    CARTMAN --- ---
    VISOPIMUS: ale po shlidnuti world of goo se na to tesim vypada to ze tam bude prave ten "cil" proc tu vez stavit :D

    VISOPIMUS: omfg wtf ja ten phun du stahnout tohle je moc :D
    JOHNY_G --- ---
    Tak to je hodně drsné :-)). Jak dlouho jsi na tom dělal?
    VISOPIMUS --- ---
    Jinak dnesni prirustek z phunu..

    Duchodce na prochazce

    DL: http://milestorm.net/data/phun/duchodce_na_prochazce.phn

    Kdyby mel nekdo napad jak ho prinutit chodit bez choditka, mate moznost :)
    Kliknutím sem můžete změnit nastavení reklam