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    MAHISHGame culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    Who plays, how much, and why? Debunking the stereotypical gamer profile
    Dmitri Williams, Nick Yee, Scott E. Caplan
    MBR --- ---
    MOYYO: ja jedu ve ctvrtek
    MOYYO --- ---
    // ot: ste tady nekdo na ty gcdc? :)
    MAHISH --- ---
    MAHISH --- ---
    NFS soundtrack meets WoW characters hehe:)
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    MAHISH: no to si musíš prodloužit registraci

    Free Online access to Cultural Studies journals for two months: Register Today

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    Get acquainted with SAGE's many journals in Cultural Studies now during our free online access period. We are currently offering free full-text access to 13 journals for two months until September 30th, 2008!

    The journals featured below are immediately available to you today through this free trial offer. All you have to do is register here. Once registered, you will have full-text online access to these titles! You can browse abstracts, perform quick or advanced keyword searches, and download full-text articles.
    Body & Society
    Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal
    Cultural Geographies
    Cultural Studies & Critical Methodologies
    European Journal of Cultural Studies
    French Cultural Studies
    International Journal of Cultural Studies
    Journal of Consumer Culture
    Journal of European Studies
    Journal of Visual Culture
    Media, Culture & Society
    Space and Culture
    Theory, Culture & Society

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    Registration only takes a minute, and, once completed, you will have hundreds of articles available to you for free. Act now as this special free access offer ends on September 30th!


    SAGE Marketing
    MAHISH --- ---
    KHALAVERA: mi to píše

    Your online subscription to
    "Space and Culture"
    has EXPIRED as of 1 Jun 2008.

    tak nevím...
    KHALAVERA --- ---
    sage má otevřené do konce září kulturní žurnály a jeden z nich se teď věnuje virtuálním světům

    A new issue of Space and Culture is available online:
    1 August 2008; Vol. 11, No. 3

    The below Table of Contents is available online at: http://sac.sagepub.com/content/vol11/issue3/?etoc

    The Geography of Virtual Worlds: An Introduction
    Eric Gordon
    Space and Culture 2008;11 200-203

    Placeworlds: Using Virtual Worlds to Foster Civic Engagement
    Eric Gordon and Gene Koo
    Space and Culture 2008;11 204-221

    Datascape: A Synthesis of Digital and Embodied Worlds
    Eric Kabisch
    Space and Culture 2008;11 222-238

    The Experience of Embodied Space in Virtual Worlds: An Ethnography of a Second Life Community
    Shaowen Bardzell and William Odom
    Space and Culture 2008;11 239-259

    Spatial Regimes of the Digital Playground: Cultural Functions of Spatial Practices in Computer Games
    Sybille Lammes
    Space and Culture 2008;11 260-272

    The Case for Education in Virtual Worlds
    Rebecca Nesson and Charles Nesson
    Space and Culture 2008;11 273-284
    MAHISH --- ---
    MOYYO: děkuju!
    MOYYO --- ---
    jj, uz sem taky vcera hledal schedule :)
    game devel conf @ leipzig
    MAHISH --- ---
    MOYYO: nemohl by si prosím tě nahodit link? nějak mám problém, že se vždy dostanu na San Franciskou ou jou :) a taky jsem trocha líná osoba'
    MAHISH --- ---
    Top 10 Most Influential AI Games
    MAHISH --- ---
    A ještě jedna nedávno proběhnuvší výstava ve Vídni.

    MAHISH --- ---
    Game Art
    (This is not) A Manifesto
    (This is) A Disclaimer

    by Matteo Bittanti


    Game Aesthetics
    How videogames are transforming contemporary art

    by Domenico Quaranta


    Texty z knihy [ MAHISH @ Game culture, art and studies & ludology... a tak ] ( GameScenes. Art in the Age of Videogames (John & Levi, 2006) ), doporučuju.
    MAHISH --- ---
    Chlapík se jal vytvořit si virtuální knohvnu resp databázi všech možných knih a textů o GameArtu apod:)
    MAHISH --- ---
    Half-Real by Jasper Juul

    The Half-Real of the title refers to the fact that video games are two rather different things at the same time: video games are real in that they are made of real rules that players actually interact with; that winning or losing a game is a real event. However, when winning a game by slaying a dragon, the dragon is not a real dragon, but a fictional one. To play a video game is therefore to interact with real rules while imagining a fictional world and a video game is a set of rules as well a fictional world.
    (Half-Real introduction.)

    Half-Real is an attempt at creating a basic theory of video games: In the book I discuss what video games are and how they relate to non-digital games, how players learn to use a game, how players imagine the world of a game, and why video games are fun.

    Half-real is a book on video game theory, but it is generally readable. As for method, the book is an eclectic mix of theories on games, film and literary theory, computer science, and psychology. The book is based on numerous game examples, with more than 100 screenshots from the past 40 years of video games.

    http://www.half-real.net/ http://www.jesperjuul.net/
    MAHISH --- ---
    Tobias Bernstrup

    ...Tobias Bernstrup's work also explores the point at which the real and the virtual meet, although Bernstrup turn the liminality into a positive possibility to play out fantasy, writing on his website that "the game is the perfect fetish reality".
    In his Live performances and video installations, such as In The Dead Of Night (2000), Friedrich Passage (2001) and Penthouse Idle (2000) Bernstrup splices images of his real-time locality with a parallel virtual world, mapping photographs of himself and his environments onto the matrix of computer game programmes. Bernstrup and his immediate geographical environs are transplanted into a virtual reality world where, as a simulated avatar, he can play out a specific kind of fantasy which retains an umbilical link to the real world. In his performances such as Tobias Bernstrup Tonight Live, this process is reversed. Bernstrup dresses up in elaborate costumes with rubber surfaces so shiny and perfect and make-up so convincingly 'drag' as to mimic computer renderings of his desired image.
    Bernstrup is fascinated with with the fetishistic quality of artificial surfaces, and the soundtracks to his videos are equally airtight and electronic. His work pictures the position of the human subject caught up in and trying to exist by being visible with the enveloping skin of the image world. Bernstrup's work blurs the boundaries of the real and the imaginary by allowing elements of each to seep into the other: as a result of this, his videos have a slighty cut & paste home-made look, but his live performances an unreal, seamless transcendence of real space and time. Givens of real biology or geography are suggested as areas for slippage rather than fixed points in his world in which everything has become surface, none of its aspects wholly traceable back to tangible experince.

    Selected lyrics from the CD Killing Spree, produced by Kunsthalle Nürnberg, 2005.

    Killing Spree
    In this digital wasteland
    Where we were born
    Raised by cable
    And corporate spy ware
    Lived by the console
    We broke free
    With superior knowledge
    We rose against it all

    We are the children running wild
    On a killing spree

    Now we got access
    To your secret code
    We’re in control now
    And we search and destroy
    This is a playground
    Of concrete and steel
    Post industrial landscape
    Let’s make it real

    We are the children running wild
    On a killing spree
    We are the children of our time
    So get down on your knees

    Music & Lyrics T. Bernstrup

    xseed 4000
    modification of computer game, 2004
    Installation with PC computer, projector, speakers and mouse.
    Soundtrack by Tobias Bernstrup

    re-animate me (CD) 2002
    DL: http://www.tonightrecords.com/freemp3tracks.html

    "...In the performance Re-Animate Me (2002), Bernstrup encourages the space of video and stage to collude, refexively extending the experience of both. The opening video game sequence, projected onto the stage backdrop, takes the audience on a flight through a futuristic city, the camera's point of view like a rollercoaster simulation. We swoop up the face of a billboard that advertises 'RealDoll - Silicone and steel, it feels so real', through nooks and gullies into a gothic interior emblazoned with a neon 'Bernstrup', where an Amazonian RealDoll in a red fetish outfit rises out of the floor. The screen then fades to black, the stage lights come up and Bernstrup appears, an automaton programmed to perform for the Stockholm audience..."

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