Na podzim 2011 ma vyjit 20 let pripravovana kniha o umirani od lamy Oleho Nydahla, specialistu na phowu. Ole bude v Praze v rijnu. Doporucuji 21. cislo casopisu Buddhismus dnes..,)
Ole doporucuje tento link vsem, kteri neveri na zadnou kontinuitu vedomi po smrti fyzickeho tela, a mysli si, ze vedomi je produktem mozku, na rozdil od nazoru, ze mozek vedomi transformuje (jako prehravac, napr. jako televizor ktery nam pousti transmitovany televizni signal, pricemz ale mozek funguje na holonomnim, holografickem principu - Karl Pribram)
Pim van Lommel | Eindeloos Bewustzijn
For more than twenty years cardiologist Pim van Lommel has studied near-death experiences (NDEs) in patients who survived a cardiac arrest. In 2001, he and his fellow researchers published a study on Near Death Experiences in the renowned medical journal The Lancet. He, then, wrote the Dutch bestseller Endless Consciousness in 2007; over 100.000 copies were sold in the first year.
The NDE is an authentic experience which cannot be attributed to imagination, psychosis or oxygen deprivation. After such an profound experience, patient’s personalities underwent a permanent change. In Van Lommel’s opinion, the current views on the relationship between the brain and consciousness held by most physicians, philosophers and psychologists is too narrow for a proper understanding of the NDE phenomenon. The author provides examples and ways that our consciousness does not always coincide with brain functions; that consciousness can even be experienced separate from the body.