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    ztracené heslo?
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Praktikuji Atiyogu (Dzogchen)/Zen. A snazim se ridit klasickou etikou, 8 clenna stezka a 5 zakladnich predpisu, napr. nezvanit se svymi kamarady, nenadavat jim atd.

    Nejvetsi princip, kdyz uz pokracujeme nejakou dobu, je celit primo Realite. (Coz je ta nejvetsi rigpa, atiyoga, mahamamudra, zen atd)
    JUNIPETRUS --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Dódžó Mjó gen dži Praha

    Praha | Zen mistra Sandó Kaisena - Sótó zen ČR

    Pravidelné meditace zazen
    Každé pondělí a čtvrtek od 19:00
    Bořivojova 114, Praha – Žižkov
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Dōgen recognized that things we usually separate in our minds are,
    in action, one reality. To express this oneness of subject and object Dōgen says,
    for example:
    If a human being, even for a single moment, manifests the Buddha’s posture
    in the three forms of conduct, while [that person] sits up straight in
    samādhi, the entire world of Dharma assumes the Buddha’s posture and
    the whole of space becomes the state of realization.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    He is the one who entered Hell to liberate his mother

    Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva (Sanskrit)
    Jizō Bosatsu (Japanese)

    Origin = India / China. Savior from Hell's Torments.

    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    ok chlapce. Longchenpa je vyborny, primo nejlepsi. tak nedavej minuska.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---

    text Eihei Dógena Zenjiho


    Naprosté objasnění smyslu zrození a smrti - smyslu vlastího života. Tak tato otázka je pro všechny buddhisty tou nejdůležitější. Protože buddhové dlí uprostřed zrození a smrti, klam neexistuje. Pochopte prostě, že zrození a smrt jsou samy Nirvánou, kde není žádné zrození-smrt jako předmět nenávisti, ani Nirvána jako předmět touhy. Pak, poprvé, budete osvobozeni od zrození a od smrti. Uvědomte si, že toto je otázka nejvyšší důležitosti.

    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Učil : “Sadnite si do zazenu a realizujte svoju pôvodnú tvár”. Potom dodával: “Poznať cestu dokonalého osvietenia znamená skúmať seba samého, vidieť seba samého rovnako, ako všetko ostatné. Uskutočniť to znamená opustiť telo i myseľ, svoje aj cudzie”. Hlboké Dógenove učenie vychovalo mnoho mníchov. Neskôr napísal Dógen tri slávne vety, v ktorých osvetľuje všetkým mníchom rozdiel medzi skutočnou praxou a iluzórnym hľadaním.
    “Samotná prax je dokonalým osvietením, ktoré je bez konca a prax je bez začiatku. Satori nie je na konci, ale prax a satori tvoria jednotu. Skutočná cesta je bez cieľa a zisku, preto nie je čo hľadať a niet sa čoho zbaviť. Skutočná cesta je cesta bez strachu”.

    - Mistr Dógen
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    "Když lidé věří v tu správnou věc a cvičí zazen, pak chytří a hloupí lidé bez rozdílu
    dosáhnou Stavu Pravdy."
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    kdo dal ty minuska ?
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Longchenpa's work, Jewel Ship, is a guide to the kun byed rgyal po, the fundamentally important Dzogchen text dealing with the state of pure and total presence, which is the actual basis of any individual - the nature of mind.

    "Our experience of life is in large part determined by our conditioned belief system: we believe in certain things, cherish particular hopes, entertain specific fears, and generally point ourselves in some direction based on this focus. The teachings in this text advise us to relax our focus and allow the wider perspective of total openness to flood through us and light our world from within. When we are able to relax like this, the energy we invest in maintaining our usual focus is released, freed into its natural condition. In the process of letting go of a specific focus, however, we tend to let go of one thing, only to replace it with another - something we believe to be more "true" or perhaps more "spiritual"...We usually think of experience in dualistic terms: good or bad, enjoyable or painful, dull or enriching, desirable or awful. Even in a spiritual context experiences are evaluated according to how beneficial, transcendent, calming, or powerful they may be. This text points to experience that is unqualified yet includes and is at the heart of all possible experiences..." Merrill Peterson.

    You Are The Eyes Of The World new Edition by Longchenpa And Translated By Kennard Lipman And Merrill Peterson. Introduction By Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Longchenpa's Jewel Ship: a Guide to the Meaning of Pure and Total Presence, the Creative Energy of the Universe`, presents a method for discovering awareness everywhere, all the time. This book does not discuss how to turn ordinary life off, it does not describe how to create beautiful spiritual experiences, but it does show how to live within the source of all life - the unified field where experience takes place. It includes an introduction by Namkhai Norbu.

    Just as the images on television are nothing more than light, so are our experiences merely the dance of awareness. Often we form attachments to, or feel enslaved by, these experiences. Their power fades as easily as the pictures vanish when the channel is changed, if we penetrate to the heart of reality - the light of the natural mind within everyone.

    You Are The Eyes Of The World new Edition by Longchenpa And Translated By Kennard Lipman And Merrill Peterson. Introduction By Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    "Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world, wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings."

    You Are The Eyes Of The World new Edition by Longchenpa And Translated By Kennard Lipman And Merrill Peterson. Introduction By Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Samantabhadra je symbolem, vyjadrenim Dharmakaye, je to prst ukazujici na Slunce, neni to samo Slunce, to jest, ze ty texty a symboly (obrazky) pouze ukazuji na Dharmakayu, coz je Total Body of Reality, Buddha Total Body of Reality, Buddha Total Basis of Reality of Clear Light of Space-Consciousness, Tathagatovo Skutecno Telo, Telo Nirvany, Stav Pravdy.
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    Dzogchen Practice in Everyday Life
    by HH Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche

    Dzogchen Practice in Everyday Life
    AVIDYAKSAYO --- ---
    To je Dharmakája
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