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    ztracené heslo?
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    Je jasne, ze smyslem praxe cesty, smyslem zivota, je byt pripraven na setkani s Absolutnim (Dharmakaya) ve smrti.

    Jdete spolecne na Druhy breh.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---

    The real actual Nirvana is Dharmakaya!

    And Nirvana is realised after death of this physical body.

    It is called Paranirvana – Total Unbinding into Dharmakaya – The Absolute – The Real Body of all Tathagatas (Buddhas) – The Body of Truth.

    Once again, the realization of Nirvana – Paranirvana – is after death:

    It is through unestablished consciousness that one becomes totally unbound. The mechanism is merging into Primary Clear Light of Dharmakaya.

    With the cessation of [the aggregate of] consciousness each is here brought to an end.
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    Of course, we need take that extra step of realizing that the goal of freedom is ultimately empty, for as long as we live we will experience suffering in one form or another.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    tak mi zase dochazi (zvlast kdyz nemuzete praktikovat vajrayanu) ze milovany Tathagata mel uplnou pravdu se svym zakladnim ucenim (palijsky kanon)!

    tohle je ultimatni uceni:

    Proto, mniši, co není vaše (jam na tumhákam), to opusťte (tam padžahatha). Opustíte-li to, bude to na dlouhou dobu k vašemu prospěchu a blahu. A co není vaše? Hmota [tělesnost]... pociťování... vnímání... formace... vědomí - není vaše. Opusťte to. Opustíte-li to, bude to na dlouhou dobu k vašemu prospěchu a blahu.
    Co myslíte, mniši, kdyby někdo v tomto Džétově háji odnášel trávu, dříví, větve a listí, pálil by je nebo s nimi nakládal jak se mu zlíbí, mysleli byste si: ´Ten člověk odnáší nás, pálí nás nebo nakládá jak se mu zlíbí s námi?´" "Ne pane." "A proč?" "Protože to není naše Já ani nic, co by náleželo k našemu Já." "Právě tak, mniši, co není vaše, to opusťte...

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    Buddhism vs. Christianity | Evidence To Believe
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    MICHAL_R --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: ...a řídíš se tím? ;-)
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    muj ucitel Zenu rikaval, ze "neni treba neustale masturbovat mozkem"...
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    some time ago I read the autobiography of a Catholic monk in the 1930s that accidentally stumbled on what I call Mahamudra/Dzogchen type of meditation. It freaked him out so much he left the Church. Why? Because the understanding it imparted to him was contrary to Church doctrine. He realized that, contrary to the idea of the fall of Adam, we are never separated from the Truth, etc.

    After he left the Vatican he made his way to L.A. Since he had experience being a monk he was cast as an extra in "Lost Horizon". Seems like a premonition of things to come for him, doesn't it?

    He didn't say Mahamudra, or Dzogchen, or meditation or Buddhism. It happened in the 1930s after all. He didn't know what to make of it. Calling it those things is my take on it. But reading it from today's perspective was pretty funny .

    The book was called "I Was a Monk" by John Tettemer.
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    If samsara were a place, it might seem selfish for one person to look for an escape, leaving others behind. But when you realize that it's a process, there's nothing selfish about stopping it at all.
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    The Buddha once asked his monks, "Which do you think is greater: the water in the oceans or the tears you've shed while wandering on?" His answer: the tears. Think of that the next time you gaze at the ocean or play in its waves.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    D.: Cannot samsara be got rid of by any means other than making the mind still?

    M.: Absolutely by no other means; neither the Vedas, nor the shastras nor austerities, nor karma, nor vows, nor gifts, nor recital of scriptures of mystic formulae (mantras), nor worship, nor anything else, can undo the samsara. Only stillness of mind can accomplish the end and nothing else.

    D.: The scriptures declare that only Knowledge can do it. How then do you say that stillness of the mind puts an end to samsara?

    M.: What is variously described as Knowledge, Liberation, etc., in the scriptures, is but stillness of mind.

    D.: Has any one said so before?

    M.: Sri Vasishta had said: When by practice the mind stands still, all illusions of samsara disappear, root and branch. Just as when the ocean of milk was churned for its nectar, it was all rough, but became still and clear after the churn (viz., mount Mandara) was taken out, so also the mind becoming still, the samsara falls to eternal rest.
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    When I look inside and see that I'm nothing, that's wisdom. When I look outside and see that I'm everything, that's love. And between these two, my life turns.

    Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

    Once you realize that the world is your own projection, you are free of it. You need not free yourself of a world that does not exist, except in your own imagination.

    Read more at: http://www.azquotes.com/author/17650-Sri_Nisargadatta_Maharaj
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    Ösel (yoga) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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    Om Tat Sat

    Mysl je jasnym svetlem!

    Absolute - ever abide in this Truth
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    Mysl je jasnym svetlem! Tenhle zakladni poznatek o meditaci je vysvobozujici.
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    TEDDYBEDDY: no ale to se vztahuje na zazen, na sezeni v meditaci. bez tuhe meditace (20-40 let praxe) tim neprojdes, bdelost v kazdodennim zivote nema zas takovou silu, ale samozrejme to musis aplikovat i tam.
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