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    ztracené heslo?
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    What the most essential experiential insight in the Emptiness teachings?

    You are only the infinite and changeless Emptiness in which the body, mind, egoic self, perceptions and world appears.

    You are the empty host and they are your self-generated guests; much like transparent reflections in a mirror.
    ZAZEN --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: Ahoj. Ano. Buddhismus, je široký kulturní fenomén, který samozřejmě zahrnuje i náboženství. Proto se ta přednáška jmenuje : „Cesta Buddhy není náboženství"
    To nemusí být nutně úplně totéž. Ale o tom právě bude ta přednáška.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Heart or Crown?

    There has arisen an interesting discussion lately; is the Absolute Nature in the crown or the heart? For sure, both heart and crown have unique attributes associated with each. But these discussions really shouldn't be reified into actual anatomical reference points.

    In Taoistic yoga the Tao is realized in association with "Shen" in the skull. In Kashmiri Shaivism the Absolute is Shiva at the crown. In kundalini yoga Shiva is realized when Shakti as kundalini reaches the crown. In Kabbalah Ayin Sof is experienced in the crown and forehead as Keter.

    In many other traditions the Absolute is experienced in the heart. I also teach bringing awareness to the heart especially for Westerners who tend to have "too much head" and not enough heart. But I always teach that the wisdom that releases delusion, is the illumination in the crown and wisdom eye in the forehead. Which is correct?

    There is only the Absolute and it has no location possible because It projects space and time while not being "anywhere" or "any when" Itself. The ultimate location of the Absolute is no "where". The division into "head" and "heart" is a dualistic ontology that can be used for provisional purposes only.

    To bring out the aspect of the Absolute as "unconditional love", we work with the heart chakra. To bring out the wisdom aspect that releases all delusion, we work with the crown and wisdom eye. But in fact the heart and crown are a singular Absolute without the least separation at all times.

    For example; let's say a very powerful military laser beam weapon was aimed at your body without your knowledge. Suddenly it fires and your body is instantly vaporized. In that moment, after your body is obviously absent, where is the crown and where is the heart? Where exactly should you focus your attention now while bodiless?

    In original Dzogchen there is no concept of any location to place attention nor anyone who could place it. That is called a Dharmakaya teaching. Teachings about chakras and "locations" are called Sambhogakaya teachings. Teachings about acquiring virtue, renunciation and improving behaviors and conduct are called "Nirmanakaya" teachings. Dharmakaya teachings are the most direct and accurate.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    If you wish to master the emptiness teachings and to actualize their meaning, read and study:

    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    ZAZEN: ahoj. Buddhismus, Mahayana a SoTo Zen je nabozenstvi, je to religion. Formalne ano. Samozrejme praxe je zivotni praxe. Nedoporucuji psat ze to neni nabozenstvi a lakat na to lidi! Nabozenstvi je slovo ktere ma svoji definici, a vubec tam nemusi byt krestansky Buh, aby to bylo nabozenstvi. Jinak zazen super.
    ZAZEN --- ---
    Dobrý den.
    Dovoluji si Vás srdečně pozvat na veřejnou přednášku s názvem : „Cesta Buddhy není náboženství",
    kterou pořádá skupina žáků mistra Sandó Kaisena 6.2.2017. V zenovám centru Na Třebešíně 1060/10, Praha 10

    V rámci přednášky budou představeny základy zenového buddhismu, zejména jeho praxe v součastném, každodenním životě. A účastníci si budou moci krátce vyskoušet meditaci zazen.
    Která je jádrem zenové praxe.

    Více informací naleznete na našich stránkách : http://www.sotozen.cz/centra/praha/zpravy-praha/#id-284
    nebo na F.B : https://www.facebook.com/events/1845671969037854/
    nebo na tel : 721 640 376
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    IOM_NUKSO --- ---
    When the Retreat is Over -- Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche – Lion's Roar
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Quantum Physics and Prasangika Buddhist View

    "From the 'I' and the aggregates of body/mind, down to the atomic particles, everything is labeled on another label. Something is imputed to one base, which is labeled on another base, and that base is labeled on another base. Everything exists being labeled. Everything is a label, starting with our aggregates of body/mind. So, from the I and the aggregates of body/mind down to the atomic particles, everything is completely empty of existing from its own side. The concrete things that appear to us are hallucinations."
    Lama Zopa

    Quantum Physics professor at Oxford, England, Vlatko Vedral:

    "But Buddhism tells us that we should not confuse the label with the object. More importantly, just because we have a label for something, it does not mean that this something is real. Quantum physics is indeed very much in agreement with Buddhistic emptiness."

    "Discovering a particle means observing certain effects which are accepted as proof of its existence.’ Eddington claims here that a particle is just a set of labels that we use to describe outcomes of our measurements. And that’s it. It all boils down to a relation between our measurements and our labels!"

    Richard Conn Henry, Professor in the Henry A. Rowland Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins:

    "There is another benefit of seeing the world as quantum mechanical: someone who has learned to accept that nothing exists but observations (descriptions) is far ahead of peers who stumble through physics hoping to find out ‘what things are’. "

    "In place of “underlying stuff ” there have been serious attempts to preserve a material world — but they produce no new physics, and serve only to preserve an illusion."
    As Sir Arthur Eddington explained: “It is difficult for the matter-of-fact physicist to accept the view that the substratum of everything is of mental character.”
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Seeing it Clearly is Being It

    If you close your eyes, you can notice an inner space of awareness in which various mental events as thoughts and images appear and disappear. Notice this for a couple of minutes.

    If you then rest in just this awareness of noticing the inner traffic within that space, the mental events will begin to slow down and one's mind will eventually become more still and clear. At this point shift attention from the diminishing mental events and just sense the empty, aware space in which all experience is appearing. That empty, aware space is the Mind of Clear Light; your changeless Buddha Mind that is always perfect.

    It's the mental traffic and perceptions appearing in It as thoughts, that describes a self, a world and the narrative concerning that self; the story of "me". But the aware cognitive space that is hosting all those thought appearances is untouched by all and everything appearing in It.

    So you see, your perfect Buddha Mind, the empty Mind of Clear Light, was never in need of any study, teachings, purification or practices. It never changes, only the visitors change that come and go.

    This is what "instantaneous enlightenment" is pointing to. Don't "think" that more is needed; that would just be the next visiting thought talking.


    It becomes clear that no self of any kind is part of the "empty awareness", it's just a thought/image that appears and disappears harmlessly. The "self" thought is no one itself and no one owns it. It appears as the momentary visitor; "I" and "me" along with "mine".


    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    One can't fully relax without realization of twofold emptiness:

    Mipham Rinpoche composed a brief text called The Beacon of Certainty, in which he states:

    "In order to have perfect certainty in Dzogchen kadag (primordial purity, emptiness), one must have perfect understanding of the view of the Madhyamaka Prasangika. Kadag, or original, primordial purity, is the view of Dzogchen, and in order to perfect that view, one must perfect one’s understanding of the Middle Way Prasangika view. What this implies is that the view of Dzogchen kadag (primordial purity, emptiness) and the view of the Prasangika school are the same."
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The Basic Principles of Dzogchen

    1. Pure Awareness (rigpa) is the single and unique ultimate truth. Everything else is its radiance. You are only that ultimate truth, never a derivative. It is empty of being any material substance, form or shape and has no location in space or time.

    2. All phenomena, all appearances, and all mental/emotional/physical states exist only as radiant projections (tsal) of that awareness (rigpa) and occur only within one's Mind.

    3. There is no objective, independent universe "out there". There is a universal field (dang)of energetic wisdom-information (yeshe) that "informs" and enforms all experience as to how the projections appear.

    4. Your body is an energetic construct as a coherent field of information or wisdom (yeshe) that non-volitionally appears in your Mind.

    5. All appearances, forms, objects, creatures, persons, and individual beings are energetic, mental constructs.

    6. Your actual and only beingness is an aware and knowing empty space of pure awareness that hosts all its projections, like a changeless empty mirror that hosts all reflections inseparably, friction free.

    7. The self-appearances or self-projections never condition the empty mirror of pure awareness from which they arise.

    8. The seeker or practitioner is itself awareness's or rigpa's momentary energetic projection of a secondary self-consciousness. The projection or reflection can never become the projector.

    (During the time that a secondary self-consciousness is being actively projected, the wisdom of the ultimate truth is cognitively absent within that secondary consciousness; which is its basic ignorance)

    9. When the seeker or individual secondary consciousness is no longer being projected actively, only the projector remains, and automatically knows itself as to its own nature as being the changeless ultimate.

    10. By "authentically looking inward" at itself, the projected secondary self-consciousness as the seeker, sees its empty nature and automatically dissolves.

    11. The successful act of "looking inward" can be the result of a "pointing out" through a teacher, a book, a text, a video or audio, or a well placed moment of inner perception upon the empty nature of awareness itself.

    12. When the act of "looking inward" has served its purpose successfully, the projecting of the "self-consciousness as the seeker" ceases and the ultimate truth is known by Itself instantly.

    13. Then a newly "informed" consciousness (Buddha Mind) arises with an altruistic motivation for the benefit of all and acts accordingly: exactly as projected from its vital and living inner core of wisdom, unconditional love and compassion.

    14. The purpose or reason behind this entire cosmic (or comic) cycle of creative activity is
    contained within a very rare and most ancient, unwritten དགོངས་གཏེར་, gong ter teaching known as the "Protocols of Rigpa". The final (unwritten) scroll summarizes and reveals this perfectly in only four words and is fully contained in its title:

    "The Sport of Buddhas".

    Jackson Peterson
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Whatever arises is devoid of self-nature.
    Appearances are auto-liberated into the Sphere of Reality (Dharmadhatu).
    Conceptual creation is auto-liberated into Absolute Gnosis (Mahajnana).
    The non-duality [of these two] is the Dharmakaya.

    For those fortunate to connect with this teaching,
    I have uttered these words of heartfelt instruction.
    Thus, may all sentient beings
    become established in Mahamudra.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Mahamudra is knowing that
    all things are one's own mind.
    Seeing objects as external is just noetic projection.
    The whole of "appearance" is as empty as a dream.

    The mind as such is merely a flow of awareness,
    without self-nature, moving where it will like the wind.
    Empty of an identity, it is like space.
    All phenomena, like space, are the same.

    That which is termed Mahamudra,
    Is not a "thing" that can be pointed to.
    It is the mind's own nature
    that is Mahamudra [i.e., the Absolute State].

    Natural Awareness: Mahamudra texts
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    If you were ever interested in Buddhism please book this site :

    Buddhism - Google+
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    „Dokonce ani nejvyšší pohled nebo dokonalé chování nemůže samo o sobě změnit strukturu mysli. K tomu potřebujeme meditaci.“
    - Hannah Nydahlová
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Když lidé věří v tu
    správnou věc a cvičí zazen, pak chytří a hloupí lidé bez rozdílu
    dosáhnou stavu pravdy.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Dōgen recognized that things we usually separate in our minds are,
    in action, one reality. To express this oneness of subject and object Dōgen says,
    for example:
    If a human being, even for a single moment, manifests the Buddha’s posture
    in the three forms of conduct, while [that person] sits up straight in
    samādhi, the entire world of Dharma assumes the Buddha’s posture and
    the whole of space becomes the state of realization.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    zazen je praxe co delal sam Buddha pred svym osvicenim, on nepraktikoval Vajrayanu pred svym osvicenim v poslednim zivote

    Učil : “Sadnite si do zazenu a realizujte svoju pôvodnú tvár”. Potom dodával: “Poznať cestu dokonalého osvietenia znamená skúmať seba samého, vidieť seba samého rovnako, ako všetko ostatné. Uskutočniť to znamená opustiť telo i myseľ, svoje aj cudzie”. Hlboké Dógenove učenie vychovalo mnoho mníchov. Neskôr napísal Dógen tri slávne vety, v ktorých osvetľuje všetkým mníchom rozdiel medzi skutočnou praxou a iluzórnym hľadaním.
    “Samotná prax je dokonalým osvietením, ktoré je bez konca a prax je bez začiatku. Satori nie je na konci, ale prax a satori tvoria jednotu. Skutočná cesta je bez cieľa a zisku, preto nie je čo hľadať a niet sa čoho zbaviť. Skutočná cesta je cesta bez strachu”.

    - Mistr Dógen
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    I Wanna Fly - (Los Monjes Budistas)

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