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    ztracené heslo?
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    TEDDYBEDDY: to je vodcad vsechno, jen poznamky, kdyz je neco cely z fb, tak to davam cely, ty Dzogchen texty to je vsechno pan Jackson Peterson z fb.
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    KOCOURMIKES: dávej odkazy na celý texty
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    When you demand nothing of the world, nor of God, when you want nothing, seek nothing, expect nothing, then the Supreme State will come to you uninvited and unexpected.

    - Nisargadatta Maharaj
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    the confused mind, the creator of the six realms
    TEDDYBEDDY --- ---
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    brani ti videt-citit pravdu to lpeni na egu, myslenkove ztotozneni se s omezenym ja. tu Pravdu, kazdeho okamziku, kazdy den
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    musis stale videt pravdu, citit tu pravdu, zit v te pravde
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    neublizuj nicemu nicim
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    I Wanna Fly - (Los Monjes Budistas)
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    "The soldiers of the six classes" refers to the mental body of the six classes as one's own appearance. This is the motion of war, the disturbance or the war of this misconception. "Going to the peak of Mt. Mehru" refers to the confused mind, the creator of the six realms.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    The Headless Way to Enlightenment


    In my opinion, this approach is worth 30 years of meditation, and is as valuable as the Dzogchen "direct introduction". Below is a complete grouping of videos, texts and links that will make this unique approach fully accessible to everyone.
    Five Star rating!!! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    Directly Pointing Back to Source
    Mingyur Rinpoche:
    There is an oral instruction about the way to look. It is said,
    “It is as though your eyes were looking through the back of your head instead of looking forwards.”
    "It is as though your eyes are looking backwards instead of forwards as they usually do. You are looking out with your eyes but are looking back at the same time. Do not try too hard with this though, otherwise you will really make a big mistake. You just sort of look back at your mind and say, “Who am I? Where am I ?What is this? "
    Tsoknyi Rinpoche wrote regarding Dzogchen recognition of Rigpa:
    "The way to do this is just to turn your attention slightly inward, not to look deeply inside, just to turn your focus from outward to inward in a very light way."
    Lopon Tenzin Namdak:
    "The introduction is very simple: we just look back at ourselves."
    The Headless Seer (Douglas Harding);
    "All one has to do to enter this Fourth Stage of the journey is -however briefly -to turn round the arrow of one’s attention. The Katha Upanishad puts it this way: “God made the senses turn outwards, man therefore looks outwards, not into himself. But occasionally a daring soul, desiring immortality, has looked back and found himself.” In fact the “daring soul” doesn’t lack encouragement. He’s surrounded by countless reminders and opportunities, countless means of reversing the arrow of attention -if only he’s sufficiently inquisitive about his true identity, and if only he’s willing to drop for a moment opinions about himself based on hearsay and memory and imagination and to rely on PRESENT EVIDENCE. Here are three of many means of making the turnabout, for the attentive and honest reader instantly to try out:
    (i) What you are now looking at are these printed words; what you are now looking "out of" is Empty Space at this print. Trading your head for it, you put nothing in its way: you vanish in its favor.
    (ii) What you are now looking out of isn’t two small and tightly fastened
    “windows” called eyes but one immense and wide open “Window” without any edges; in fact you ARE this frameless, glassless “Window”. (Single Eye)
    (iii) To make quite sure of this, you have only to point back to the “Window” and notice what that finger is pointing at -if anything. Please do just that, now ... Contrary, no doubt, to one’s first impression, conscious headlessness or transparency -this seeing into the Nothingness-right-where-one-is -turns out to have several unique virtues. There’s no experience at all like it."

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    ; He is the one who Gods themselves consult (ja nee)
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    pozn. Thich Nat Han: kazdy ukon v kazdodennim zivote kazdy den, kazde gesto, kazdy krok atd. je meditaci, je vyjadrenim. Z kazdodenniho zivota udelat udelat duchovne hlubokou meditace, kazdym ukonem, kazdym gestem.
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    Opravdový zen znamená svobodné myšlení: Hishiryo. ( TRUE ZEN IS FREEDOM OF THINKING: HISHIRYO. )
    31. říjen 2011 v 13:29
    Ryby plavou v tichu. Ptáci létají v tichu. Duchem ZENU je Hishiryo.

    Co je to? To je Vaše místo.

    Přesně s tímto byste měli začít právě teď. Má praxe nemá nic společného s nějakým posláním, netýká se pozice v sedě, ve stoje nebo vleže.

    'Hishiryo' je duchem Zenu, myšlením oproštěným od předsudků, tabu, banalit. Duch, který je schopný pojmout vše, přitom zůstává trpělivý k ostatním ve všech momentech každodenního života. Toto je duch tolerance, duch respektu, duch laskavosti.

    'Shin' znamená srdce v čínštině, ale obecně je tento název používán i pro mysl.

    Po 30 let, během kterých praktikuji zazen, jsem viděl, jak se buddhistická tradice rozvíjí v Evropě, sám jsem byl také jedním z činitelů tohoto procesu "kulturalizace", staral jsem se o rozšíření praxe Zenu v Evropě a po 20 let i v České Republice.

    Je zřejmé, že v naší kultuře jemně a přesně rozlišujeme mezi myšlenkami a emocemi, mezi srdcem a duchem, mezi láskou a myslí. Viděl jsem, jak se zde sama rozvinula hezká psycho-milující-spiritualita, to, čemu dnes říkáme "New Age", určitý druh spirituálního synkretismu v letech 1968 až 1990. A z této doby také pochází nový fenomén, kterému říkáme "Duchovní materialismus". V dnešní době mnoho lidí vnímá myšlenky Buddhismu, po celém světě poslouchají hlas Dalajlámy hlásající nenásilí, soucit a tato slova již zasáhla během 20 let miliony lidských srdcí. Z buddhismu, Zenu se se během těchto let stal předmět výzkumů, předmět znalostí, někdy hračka, někdy marketingový prvek.

    Z mého úhlu pohledu je to známkou velké vitality, duch Zenu a buddhismus obecně prostupuje všechny sféry, všechny vrstvy naší společnosti. Během posledních 50ti let nebyla tradiční náboženství v Evropě schopná dát lidem skutečnou, správnou a přijatelnou odpověď na nové problémy 20. století. To z velké části vysvětluje tento zájem, ale také tuto žádost lidí o spiritualitu na Západě, jinou spiritualitu přicházející z Indie, z Asie. Potřebujeme objevit naše vlastní hodnoty spravedlnosti, legality, tolerance, svobody.

    To, čemu říkám 'Hishiryo', nekonečný duch Zenu, není nic jiného než svobodné myšlení ostatních a sebe samého. To je má praxe po 30 let a duch mého učení. To je duch zenové mistra Dogena, který založil naší Soto-Zenovou školu a který lidem předal tuto svobodu přemýšlet za sebe, vytvořit si svůj vlastní názor, který nezávisí na názorech ostatních lidí nebo na nějakých omezených ideologií, přesně ten samý duch jaký toho času měl Buddha.

    Buddhovo osvícení není nic jiného než první okamžik svobodného myšlení, manifestace našich vlastních životů když opustíme naše omezené myšlení, naše malichernosti, naše tabu, naše předsudky a klišé, naše kategorie, právě v tomto okamžiku se zpět do naší mysli vrátí svobodné myšlení.

    Klíč nebyl nikdy ztracen, vždy byl ve dveřích, jen jím otočte, otevřete. Ale pokud chcete naplnit lahev průzračnou a čerstvou vodou, musíte nejdříve zajistit, že láhev je zcela prázdná.

    Reverend Sei Yu Debailly. Srpen 2011, Plzeň.

    The fishes swim in silent. The birds fly in silent. The spirit of ZEN is '' Hishiryo.
    What is that ? That your place.
    That is what you should start to do right now. My practice has nothing to do with a quest, neither with a sitting, standing or lying posture.
    '' Hishiryo '' is the spirit of Zen, a spirit free from prejudices, taboos, pettiness. A spirit ready to receive all, while remaining patient with others in all situations of everyday life. This is a spirit of tolerance, of respect, of kindness.
    ''Shin'' means heart in Chinese but it used in general to name also the mind.
    Since 30 years that i am practising zazen i saw how the budhism tradition has develop itself in Europe, i have been also one of the actor of this process of '' aculturation '', an actor of the diffusion of the practice of Zen in Europe and in Czech Republik, during 20 years.
    In our culture it is clear that we make a subtil and precise distinction bettwen thoughts and emotions, between heart and spirit, between love and mind. I saw develop itself a kind of nice spycho- lovely- spirituality, what we call today the '' New age- period '' , a kind of spiritual syncretism in the years 1968 to 1990. And since that time a new fenomem has emerged, that we call '' The materialism spiritual ". Nowaday lot of people are sensitiv at the message of the Budhism, the voice of the Dalai- Lama all around the world, with his message of non- violence, of compassion, has touch the heart of millions people during those last 20 years. The budhism, Zen became years after years an object of studies, an object of knowledges, sometime toys, sometime an argument of marketing.
    From my point of view it is the signe of a great vitality, the spirit of Zen and of budhism in general penetrate all the sphere, all the level of our society. During the last 50 years, the traditionnals religions in Europe haven' t been able to give to people the right, correct and acceptable answers at the news problems of the 20 century. It explain for a large part this interest, but also this ask from people in Occident for spirituality, other spirituality coming from India, from Asia. because we do not renonce at our values of justice, of egality, of tolerance, of freedom.
    What i call '' Hishiryo '', the infinit spirit of Zen, this is nothing else than the freedom of thinking for the others and for oneself. This is my practice since 30 years and the spirit of my teaching. This is the spirit of master Zen Dogen who founded our soto- Zen school and who transmitted to people this freedom to think by oneself, to make one opinion by oneself, not base on the opinion of other nor base on some narrow ideologies, but exactly has the Buddha Shakyamuni in his time.
    The enlightment of Boudha is nothing else that the first instant of freedom of thinking , the manifestation of our own lifes when we abandon our narrow- minded, our pettited, our tabous, our prejudices, our cliches, our categories, at this instant our mind recover it entire freedom of thinking.
    The key has never been lost, it has always been at the door, just turn it, open it. But at first if you want to fill correctly a bottle with pure and fresh water you must at first ensure that the bottle is totaly empty.

    Reverend Sei Yu Debailly. August 2011, Plzen.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    KOCOURMIKES: toto si dejte
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    "Since there is only this pure observing, there will be found a lucid clarity without anyone being there who is the observer; only a naked manifest awareness is present. (This awareness) is empty and immaculately pure, not being created by anything whatsoever." Karma Lingpa

    "No matter what circumstances or what worlds we find ourselves in, we are without any expectations or changes. We are just what we are, the Natural State which is like a mirror. It is clear and empty, and yet it reflects everything, all possible existences and all possible lifetimes. But it never changes and it does not depend on anything else."

    Bon Lopon Tenzin Namdak
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    i know that YAHWEH exists from first hand direct experience. i do not believe, anymore anything. i am sure if this only God with angels who is around showed to these sceptic atheist materialist he would leave them totally scared shitless. Dawkins and Harris gonna have suprise time after time death of their physical bodies. this God is creator of Darwinian evolution of prof. Dawkins at least minimally if not CREATOR of whole local singularity of Big Bang. prof. AAA BBB Your faith is much rational. Christian God cannot be safely ignored and this i say as buddhist scholar. Gods technological plan of resurrection of human consciousness energy body is additional and complementary for compensation of shortcomings of this short material life in the form of perfect immaterial Eternal life in heaven like psychedelic adventure of consciousness realms with the Other possibly family friends, and additional justice in the Lake of Fire which is wholly customisable extensible or just only for disposal. Btw, this our natural God is only Consuming fire, Super-Massive-Consciousness and Creative Light - creative/destructive.
    KOCOURMIKES --- ---
    Buddhist View

    "Everything comes from our own mind. Since everything is merely imputed (conceived) and all imputation comes from our mind, everything comes from our mind. All appearances happen by labeling; whatever appears to us happens by labeling. Again, all the appearances of life come from our mind."
    Lama Zopa
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