Our primordial condition is fully present in this moment, we have never left that primordial state of the Dharmakaya.
"Until we realize that intrinsic awareness is already present, we must understand that striving to generate that awareness is a wrong path." Rigtsal, Tulku Pema
Just thoughts arise that tell a story to the contrary. Those thoughts are arising in the space of the Dharmakaya, your true and unchanging nature. Thoughts about inherent "self identity", about "reified things and others", and thoughts about good and bad, thoughts about "not knowing rigpa" etc. etc. arise and release naturally in each moment. Realizations and "recognitions" are also just more empty arisings that offer no benefit or harm. You are that in which all arisings are occurring as your own display, and relax as the causes of suffering just arise and release in each moment. That's the meaning of this unique path of Dzogchen as the path of "self-liberation".
"The Three Incisive Precepts, Patrul Rinpoche says,
" Spontaneous arising and release are incessant; Whatever occurs nourishes naked empty presence; Whatever moves is the creativity of sovereign pure being. It is traceless natural purity—amazing! When thought arises, if we recognize its arising without following it, that itself is the crux of liberation, and the thought will not touch the meditation but rather intensify it. As it is said, “The more thoughts, the more dharmakaya.”
"In short, resting completely in whatever arises, there is no need of any antidotal practice. Totally relaxed, gaze into whatever arises, and clear and pure presence (rigpa) will occur naturally. There is no need to ask for confirmation from outside because confirmation will arise confidently from within."
"Once we are accustomed to such an automatic process of release, whatever thoughts of happiness or sorrow arise simply dissolve by themselves, and, unaffected by them, we experience confidence arising automatically."
Rigtsal, Tulku Pema (2013-02-19). The Great Secret of Mind: Special Instructions on the Nonduality of Dzogchen (p. 220). Snow Lion. Kindle Edition.
"On the other hand, intrinsic awareness (rigpa) is the essence of the dharmakaya, forever untouched by the habitual tendencies emanating from nominal delusion. It does not depend as much as a hair’s breadth upon the meritorious two accumulations and traversing the path of liberation. In the knowledge of basic natural perfection, pure presence is reflexively released and thus is a result not generated from a cause.
"That spontaneously arisen pure presence, timelessly free of any blemish, abides in its own space as the buddha-potential of the dharmakaya. We must understand that it always stays in the space of the unconditioned essence."
Rigtsal, Tulku Pema (2013-02-19). The Great Secret of Mind: Special Instructions on the Nonduality of Dzogchen (p. 219). Snow Lion. Kindle Edition.
"Until we realize that intrinsic awareness is already present, we must understand that striving to generate that awareness is a wrong path. If we wonder how effortless self-arising awareness is practiced, look at this: during formal and informal contemplation, no matter what outer object of the five senses arises and no matter what afflictive inner thought arises, at the moment of its arising sustain that space without modification, and it will release itself as it arises, just like a drawing on water. What is self-arising and self-releasing will not abide for a second moment, but will just disappear like a line drawn in water or a snake’s coil unwinding. There is no need of any antidote to the dualistic perception because it releases into the dharmakaya, just as it is."
"Real mind, the nature of mind, mind in its natural aspect, is primordially free of the discursive elaboration of subject and object, of grasper and the grasped. It does not consist of substance or material things. On the contrary, the essence of the nature of mind is uncompounded and immutable. The primal awareness that is the true nature of mind is profound clarity abiding in the Vase Body of Eternal Youth, the dimension of eternal life in pure being and primal awareness."
Rigtsal, Tulku Pema (2013-02-19). The Great Secret of Mind: Special Instructions on the Nonduality of Dzogchen (p. 219). Snow Lion. Kindle Edition.